تظاهرة جديدة في الهرمل احتجاجا على الفيلم المسيء للنبي محمد

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شارك الاف المتظاهرين من انصار حزب الله وحركة أمل الاحد في تظاهرة في مدينة الهرمل للتنديد بالفيلم المسيء للنبي محمد الذي تم انتاجه في الولايات المتحدة.

وهي خامس وآخر تظاهرة دعا اليها الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله.

وحمل المتظاهرون اعلام حزب الله والحركة واطلقوا هتافات مناهضة لاسرائيل والولايات المتحدة مثل "الموت لاميركا والموت لاسرائيل".

وكان نصرالله دعا في السادس عشر من ايلول الى سلسلة تظاهرات احتجاجا على هذا الفيلم الذي اعتبره "اخطر من حرق المسجد الاقصى" في مطلع السبعينات.

التعليقات 14
Default-user-icon again? (ضيف) 18:49 ,2012 أيلول 23

nice pictures but, which one of the three is the prophet Mohammad?

Thumb lebanon_first 19:16 ,2012 أيلول 23

naharnet uses this picture thing to do propaganda. Their photos of nasrallah are scary. Their photos of aoun make him look ridiculous. As for sinioura, they succeeded to make him look good. In the pics of Saad, he is always well shaved an looking tiptop... This is psychological propaganda, and people fall for it.

Missing galopse 21:12 ,2012 أيلول 23

You talking as if Nasrallah is hiding his blind support for Assad... or that sinioura is hiding his support to Saoudis.

All these politicians need to prove that their first and ONLY priority is Lebanon before they can hope to deserve our respect.

Missing galopse 22:22 ,2012 أيلول 23

I respect your opinion but I have a question (please answer yes or no). Are you 100% sure that Hizbullah won't fight Israel if it goes in war with Iran?

If not, then naharnet is not bringing up some untrue emotions to the table. It's a reality and they have the right to do it. They're not creating an image that hezbollah might fight someone else' war

Missing galopse 07:07 ,2012 أيلول 24

Fair enough :) I agree that we need more constructive discussions for a change

Missing gabby5 19:20 ,2012 أيلول 23

Thang God they will be off the streets and we won't see these three freaks photos.

Thumb Marc 20:45 ,2012 أيلول 23

Any pictures from the event to clear up this?

Missing galopse 21:13 ,2012 أيلول 23

To put and end to this debate, just google the word "SHEEP" and you'll find some pictures

Missing galopse 22:18 ,2012 أيلول 23

Believe or not I agree with you! I hate 8 and 14 equally! I'm for distancing ourselves from Iran/Syria and especially Saudis!!

My problem with all of them is that they're not stating that they'll only fight for Lebanon. If Iran goes in war, hizbullah will probably join, and Saudis (with hariri's family, especially Bahia) support palestinian arms!
They're all bad and we need to be free-minded!

Missing peace 23:19 ,2012 أيلول 23

look at the well organissed hezbi propaganda....

Missing reformist 23:33 ,2012 أيلول 23

No no peace! The very best pictures are the one of Geagea looking so innocent and on his knees before the patriarch or the pope!
How the hell in our century can ex (not to say current) murderers and milicia leaders want to be on the same pictures with the most prominent religious representations we have!
Can someone please explain?!

Default-user-icon Thomas Boulos (ضيف) 00:02 ,2012 أيلول 24

Drugs will fry your brain son, but I'm afraid my warning is too late

Missing gabby5 06:35 ,2012 أيلول 24

Hey Nasrallah......muslims just blew up more churches in Nigeria. Are you going to say anything????? That is a religious symbol too. I will be waiting.

Thumb shab 18:11 ,2012 أيلول 24

Filthy militia sheep supporting dictators and rats