احمدي نجاد يتهم الغرب واسرائيل بممارسة "الترهيب" النووي
Read this story in Englishاتهم الرئيس الايراني محمود احمدي نجاد الاربعاء، الدول الغربية واسرائيل ب"ترهيب" بلاده "بواسطة الاسلحة النووية".
وقال احمدي نجاد امام الجمعية العامة للامم المتحدة ان "التهديدات المستمرة التي يلوح بها الصهاينة الجهلة باستخدام القوة العسكرية ضد امتنا العظيمة تؤكد بوضوح هذه الحقيقة المرة".
واكد "ان السباق الى التسلح والترهيب بالاسلحة النووية واسلحة الدمار الشامل هما السائد لدى قوى الاستكبار". وتابع "باتت تجربة اجيال جديدة من الاسلحة الفائقة التطور والكشف عنها عندما تسنح الفرصة الطريق الجديدة لتهديد الدول لاجبارها على الرضوخ للاستكبار".
لكن احمدي نجاد امتنع في خطابه امام الجمعية العامة الذي قاطعته الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل عن الاستفاضة في خطابه الناري المعهود وفضل الخوض في افكار فلسفية مطولة حول السلام والعدل.
وكان الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما اكد صباح الثلاثاء امام الجمعية العامة ان بلاده ستقوم "بما عليها فعله" لمنع ايران من الحصول على سلاح نووي. ويبحث الاوروبيون عقوبات جديدة على ايران فيما هدد مسؤولون اسرائيليون بتوجيه ضربة الى المنشآت النووية الايرانية.
lol momo,
""Now we can sense the sweet scent and the soulful breeze of the spring, a spring that has just begun."
"Their arrival will breathe a new life in the cold and frozen body of the world. He will bless humanity with a spring that puts an end to our winter of ignorance, poverty and war with the tidings of a season of blooming"
Comparing this to the pope's words is insulting. This person is a Lunatic. Please google his most famous quotes if you enjoyed that!
"Long live this spring. Long live this spring. Again and again long live this spring"
lol! message of peace when he wants to destroy the whole middle east to satisfy his greed! so funny mowaten!
No matter if he is just putting an act or if he believes in what he is saying, either way he is dangerous and a nut like him belongs in a psychological ward and not at the head of a great nation like Iran.
My God, he sounds like a Christian!
Seriously, it does seem that the most unlikely theological doctrines have given rise to the most fruitful social doctrines, like Christianity, with all its three persons, two natures, one bread, one body, etc., etc., giving us the idea of universal humanity as opposed to tribalism, and Islam giving us the even more radical notion that religion is not a matter of belief but of action: prayer, study, preaching, alms, pilgrimage. I suppose it remains to recall that Judaism has its one small fruit, out of all its crazy doctrines about cheating the brother out of the father's estate, etc.: the idea that you can talk with God. You need not hide under the bed when God speaks in the storm.
But it is worrisome to hear someone hoping for a clean break with the past. Or am I just invested in the past?
Sorry, the fifth pillar is fasting--I suppose I would combine prayer and study under one heading. I wonder if my routine of going jogging after morning coffee but before eating counts as fasting? If we regard the human body as the temple in which prayers is attempted, we should remember that the human body works best under periods of moderate degree of duress, balanced with plentiful rest.
Why did you censor his speech? He also said about the UN Veto
Barriers to international peace and other things ...
he matured... Last time he said the holocost didnt exist... he is good for entertainment.