رينا شيباني وأختها رومي تتألقان على عرش جمال لبنان لعام 2012
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فازت رينا شيباني بلقب ملكة جمال لبنان لعام 2012.
وحصلت أختها التوأم رومي على لقب الوصيفة الأولى في ظاهرة تحصل للمرة الأولى في تاريخ مسابقة ملكة جمال لبنان.
هذا ونالت كريستال لطفي لقب الوصيفة الثانية وإيلسا ماريا اسطفان الوصيفة الثالثة وجوانا سمعان الوصيفة الرابعة.
وتميز في هذه المسابقة التي تبارز فيها ستة عشر فتاة حضور ملكة جمال العالم السابقة اللبنانية جورجينا رزق.
وترافقت المسابقة مع حملة للمؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال بعنوان "تترجع أيام العز" بسبب التراجع في السنوات السابقة والإنحدار في الإختيار.
يذكر أن ملكة جمال العام السابق التي سلمت تاج الجمال لشيباني هي يارا مخايل الخوري.

Rina is an amazing girl and she will get a good place in miss universe be sure guys

Thats good all our security problems are now sloved.Lebanon has 24/7 electricity, unemployment rate is down .Hasan is coming out of his hole,and now that you have won I can sleep better..

It is very unfair to have 2 candidates competing from the same family, let alone 2 sisters. This is unheard of in any serious pageant. How come both sisters ranked 1st and 2nd. I find it highly suspicious, to say the least.

I think she is a pretty girl, wondering why her face reaction upon being elected was not full of smile, happiness and joy!!!!! whoever is training these girls how to walk, to talk, also should teach how to keep a BIG CHEESE on their face - otherwise, she will get no where in other Major Events in which she will participate.

I agree whyaskwhy it could have been the Maqscum or Hasan making his Friday speach,they are good sorts ..

Overall the Celebration was beautiful and organized. This is the first time i watch a Miss Lebanon pageant where most of the contestants are beautiful, and where the judges ask moderate questions. Thumbs up to Roula Saad for organizing a spectacular show and congrats to Rina who with her beauty and intelligence proved that she deserves the title of Miss Lebanon. Finally, as Lebanese people, in the midst of all the chaos and tension we're going through, we need a beautiful face to show to the rest of the world the beautiful and civilized face of Lebanon.

The Miss is beautiful and has an amazing body... All contestants looked good because they had a good makeup, which was nor "vulgaire" nor too light. They just picked the best for each girl

this twins are albanian, them father are albanian, and surname are shabani, bravo u qofte dhe shpresoj qe ta pranonojne origjinen e tyre,, tung rina dhe romy