الجيش السوري الحر يتوعد نصرالله "بمفاجآت ستقض مضجعه": الرد سيكون قاسيا ومزلزلا
Read this story in Englishوعدت القيادة المشتركة لـ"الجيش السوري الحر" في الداخل عناصر "حزب الله" المنتشرين في سوريا برد قاس ومزلزل "ردا على تدخلهم في الشأن السوري ومساعدة نظام الرئيس بشار الأسد في قتل الشعب السوري".
كما توعد الجيش الحر في بيان له أمين عام "حزب الله" السيد حسن نصر الله "بمفاجآت ستقض مضجعه".
وكان قد شيع حزب الله الثلاثاء قائد العمليات التنظيمية في سوريا في منطقة سهل البقاع قتل اثناء قيامه "بواجبه الجهادي"، على ما اعلن موقع تابع للحزب الثلاثاء، في حين قالت مصادر في المعارضة السورية انه قتل في سوريا.
وتابع بيان الجيش الحر "نزف للشعب السوري العظيم نبأ مقتل المجرم محمد حسين الحاج ناصيف "شمص" والملقب بـ"أبو عباس" القائد التنظيمي لعمليات ميليشيا "حزب الله" الإرهابية في الداخل السوري".
وأوضح البيان أن "المجرم أبو عباس لقي حتفه في مدينة القصير في ريف مدينة حمص وجرح عدد ممن كانوا معه بعد أن تم استدراجهم إلى كمين".
وأضاف البيان "لن نرحم كل من يقوم أو يساهم بشكل مباشر أو غير مباشر بقتل أو قمع أبناء شعبنا الصامد الثائر من عصابات الأسد وشبيحته ومن الميليشيات الإيرانية من الحرس الثوري و"حزب الله" وجيش المهدي وغيرهم، وإن كل معتد على أرضنا وشعبنا سيحفر قبره بيده، ومن لا يرحم لا ولن يرحم".
وتوجه الجيش الحر بنداء إلى اللبنانيين قائلا: "إننا نهيب بأهلنا وإخواننا اللبنانيين من لون طائفي معين من الذين أضلوا الطريق واستمعوا وصدقوا فجور وفسق الشيطان وكيل الخامنئي في لبنان ونقول لهم عودوا إلى جادة الحق والصواب قبل فوات الأوان ولا تجعلوا من أبنائكم وقودا في حرب أنتم لستم طرفا فيها، ولكم في العلامتين الأمين وفحص الأسوة الحسنة فلا تحرموا أنفسكم من الرئة التي تتنفسون منها ومن معبركم البرى الوحيد في المنطقة".
It just shows the nature of this group, they’re driven by religion dictatorship and hate.
Doesn’t anyone in Lebanon ask questions why this people are coming back in body bags!!!!!!
How hey or where they died!!!!!!
And where is that call aoun and what are his excuses to this????
It’s truly ali baba country tfehh alaincon.
Stargate you are amazing, you supporting a merciless genocide speaks volumes of who you really are....This arrogance of Hizibollah id driving them full speed off the cliff. Is killing Syrian people is part of Hizib Holy war? part of resistance? part of Aoun agreement? it is a shame how arrogant hizib is getting , they think they are invincible, they think they govern Leb and threaten whole region....in reality, when Syrian regime falls ina year or so, they will be a hated entity by all non Shi3a Lebanese, surrounded by countries that hate them and with next war coming to south who is going to rebuild your house? drug money is no more, and Pure money from Iran is worthless every day,
The Syrian People promise the FSA terrorists along with their Saudi & Qatari terrorist counterparts on the ground the response will have you wishing you went to hell instead of Syria to fight the Syrian Government.
I am waiting for Nasrallah or Raad to spin this one--"we weren't interfering, we were observing" or some crap like that.
You do not think it is a big deal that a top leader from hizbocrap was killed in Syria? Who got crushed? The FSA is still alive and well my friend...if the Lebanese are too scared to teach hizbocrap a lesson the FSA will do it for us!
“We call on our Lebanese brothers – who belong to a certain religious community and who have strayed and believed the lies of the devil, Khamenei's agent in Lebanon – to return to the path of right before it's too late and not to let your siblings become the fuel of a war you are not part of,” the FSA added.
Got to love it!
The sacrificing of the Lebanese who were drafted to serve the Iranian Regime continues. Only the Shias of lebanon could stop Hezbollah from ruining their future and from making them hated and rejected by their surroundings.
MESSAGE TO THE CHIITES OF LEBANON. Hezbollah's military arm is leading you to oblivion. It is in a state of war with israel. It will soon be in a state of war with liberated Syria. While all you (chiites) want is to live in peace. Pressure your leaders HA or otherwize to integrate the lebanese system. Chiite business owners, Chiite community leaders, chiite cheikhs, chiite NGOs, chiite academics RISE... Pressure Hezbollah to give up its weapons and to integrate the lebanese mosaic as an equal member. Now is the time to do it with your head up high.
i understand the FSA to respond and deal with hizballah and hizb members only,but i will not understand harming any lebanese becose he is chiite.
Some people are downplaying this, i don't know why. This is very serious. Hezbollah has brought Lebanon into this directly. Let's just hope it is only Lebanese Hezbollah institutions that the FSA targets.
Thank you Hezbolla
Go FSA.....find the big rat hole and put poison in it. The more Hizbcocaine blood spilled the better. Give it to them good.
It is fun to read what all fools above are writing, still the same rhetoric was on before May 2008 and woooups, all of them ran home to mama to hide:) Cool down milk heads, history will judge, and after we can discuss facts:)
As much as Hizballah has to disarm and integrate into Lebanese society, we Lebanese should not be pleased with a statement like this. We don't want or need anyone to interfere in our country any more, whether it be Israel of the FSA
it is idiots like you who will bring death and destruction upon lebanon. Did you ever think...ever that there will be a revolution in Syria? last summer idiots like you used to say Damascus and Aleppo were out of touch.. just imagine a summer from now where things would be? Time is not on the regime's side idiot and with idiots like you the war will be in lebanon in 2014. I hope you wake up from your slumber, we do not need extremists to destroy what is left of lebanese fabric.
karim, propaganda aside, what is the interest of che3as in lebanon to be in direct confrontation with millions of Syrians?? what would potentialy happen to the che3as who work in saudi, uae, qatar, etc.?? you gotta understand that at the end of the day the che3as ma ilun ila the arabs because they are arabs. Iran, who hates arabs just like the jews do, will only lead to the destruction of the arab che3as just like hitler did to the germans. Think with your brain, your masla7a and your history!
No worries, FSA. Dr. Never Wonathing is up to the task. He doesn't even need the warriors of cheikh Saad who, as we all remember (even though some tend to lie to themselves and their mix of clueless and retarded followers), fiercely fought the Syrian occupation.
Wake up guys!! HA is the party of GOD you are only human!! you cant fight supernatural HA fighters
hypocrisy: the rage against individuals of the 7 billion population for insulting the prophet vs no concern for insulting the God of the Bible with their own lies, hate, murder, unrighteousness...
The FSA is milking a dead cow! Finish the Syrian shabiha and regime forces off first and then try hizbollah. I mean if Israel failed why would its proxy succeed?
Great article! When the Lebanese gov. say they are practicing a policy of dissociation, it makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Laugh because obviously, they are lying through there rotten teeth. And to cry, because Hezbollah snipers are actually killing and helping to exterminate innocent men, women and children in Syria on the orders of Iran. You will never witness a more cunning and devious terrorist group such as this. A Hezbollah MP had the audacity to come out today and state that there are no fighters in Syria and the deaths occurred in unknown areas and that others died during an explosion in a training camp in the Bekaa. 19 months and they have been involved all along. The explosion that occurred in the Bekaa was staged by them to draw public sympathy and to divert attention from the critical headlines it has been copping in the media of its bloody participation in Syria and after one of its senior terrorist killed there.
Mr. Racist mowaten, hizbala taba3ak used to make many tactical retreats back in the day including 2006 when israel did enter lebanon, who won at the end?? It is guerilla warfare, and i remember months ago when u were dancing like a monkey thinking that the rebellion was over when bab amr was invaded, the way you think is exactly how the nazis, zionists and all them idiot occupiers think. You too are a racist genocider who wish death tomthe sunis , these are ur true colors dark and evil. Dont worry time is notmon ur side and ur bashar will be lucky at the end to make a tactical retreat lol. Also remember that it took years to defeat israel out of lebanon, time is the rebellion's ally and yes with arrogant idiots like you it might come knocking on our doors.