جعجع: حزب الله أصبح من "الظالمين" وعناصره تقتل الشعب السوري البريء
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان مقتل القيادي في حزب الله أبو عباس في سوريا يضع الحزب في موقع "الظالمين" ويضع اللبنانيين في "آتون أكبر من الأتون السوري".
وكشف جعجع بعد لقائه سفيرة الولايات المتحدة الأميركية لدى لبنان مورا كونيللي الجمعة أنه "لم يتفاجأ بالانفجار الذي وقع في "النبي شيت" في بعلبك بل من خبر مقتل عناصر من حزب الله في سوريا الذين يُساهمون وللأسف في قتل الشعب السوري البريء".
وكان قد قتل السبت قائد عمليات حزب الله في حمص محمد ناصيف الملقب بـ"أبو عباس" وحضر تشييعه الثلاصاء قادة كبا من حزب الله فيما توعد الجيش السوري الحر الحزب بالمزيد .
واذ حذّر جعجع من انعكاس مقتل أبو عباس وبعض العناصر الحزبية سلبياً على لبنان، أشار الى ان "مقتل هؤلاء في الشام سيكون له تبعات خطيرة جداً وتحديداً على الطائفة الشيعية، ولو أن سياسة أكثريتها حالياً معارضة لسياستنا، الا أنهم يبقون مواطنين لبنانيين أصيلين".
وتابع أن هذا الأمر "تصرف غير حكيم من قيادة حزب الله وليس في مكانه كما أنه لا يأتي في سياق المقاومة والدفاع عن لبنان ويضرب نظرية "المقهورين والمظلومين" بل يضع الحزب في موقع الظالمين كما يتعارض مع سياسة الحكومة بالنأي بالنفس".
وأوضح ان "خبر مقتل عناصر حزب الله في سوريا يضحد بالكامل اتهام فريق 8 آذار لقوى 14 آذار بأنها تساهم في ادخال الذخيرة والسلاح الى سوريا وهذه كانت مجرد عملية اسقاط من قبل هذا الفريق علينا ذات دلالات نفسية".
ولفت إلى أن "حزب الله يزج لبنان منذ زمن في آتون إقليمي أكبر من الآتون السوري على خلفية وجود أجنحته العسكرية والأمنية، علماً ان الجميع يعي ان حزب الله جاهز للتدخل لدى وقوع أي مواجهة عسكرية بين اسرائيل وايران أو أميركا وايران مستقبلاً".
واذ أشاد جعجع بموقف الحكومة التركية بعد سقوط قذيفة على أراضيها من الجانب السوري خلافاً لتصرُف الحكومة اللبنانية بالرغم مما يتعرض له لبنان من اختراقات أمنية لسيادته ولحدوده وأمن مواطنيه، نوّه جعجع بالموقف "الحكيم والمنطقي والسليم لرئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الداعي لنزع السلاح ووضعه بتصرف الدولة اللبنانية".
وكان سليمان قد أعلن الخميس من الأرجنتين أنه سيتم سحب السلاح أكان من حزب الله كحزب أو من السلفيين.
وجدد جعجع التأكيد على وجوب الحفاظ على المواعيد الدستورية ولاسيما احترام إجراء الاستحقاقات الانتخابية في مواعيدها المحددة مضيفا "سنعمل جاهدين للتوصل الى قانون جديد قبل نهاية العام الحالي كي تتمكن وزارة الداخلية والبلديات من القيام بالتحضيرات اللازمة".
واذ لفت الى ان التواصل مستمر مع النائب وليد جنبلاط حول القانون الانتخابي، خَلُصَ رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" الى ان "المناقشات في بكركي تسير على قدم وساق".
Once again the truth as it is from Geagea. He forgot to mention why the rest of Lebanon has to provide electricity to the Shia for them defending ASSad.
And how do you know that Geagea who never said (call it predict) anything that materialized is "once again???" telling a truth? Please enlighten us unless you want to remain the only one who knows what he/she knows. Thanks buddy.
Karim, I disagree with Geagea on many things, but you cannot disagree with this. By Hezbollah operating in Syria is dragging Lebanon even deeper into the events. What is Hezbollah doing there? Arent their weapons aiming at Israel?
Please answer me this question without reverting to your conspiracy of al-Qaeda and Wahhabis. This has nothing to do with the fact that Hezb is siding with a regime that is rightfully accused of crimes agaisnt humanities by neutral sources.
Why are you so filled with hatreds for Sunnis? Why the bashing of Saudi all the time calling them Wahabis etc. and ignoring the dictatorial theocracy that is Iran?
Why are you incensed at the fact that Geagea was able to change and turn the corner when many civil war warlords have not been able to do the same. Is it because Aoun has been, and will continue to be, denied the presidency? Take a deep breath, wake up and shed your hatred.
Ya Karim_m1, your wahabi stuff is becoming boring, you don't have another song? Why don't you follow the example of those martyrs. Make sure you book one way ticket.
It's impressive that you are getting ideas from this post as well as from our dialogue made at this time.
Karim lives in constant denial,how could you do that pal lying to yourself on daily basis u cant have any integrity. I dont mean to insult u but its true.
"HA....it's not part of resistance and defending Lebanon. It also undermines the theory of 'the oppressed and the aggrieved' and turns Hizbullah into tyrants, not to mention that it contradicts with the government's self-dissociation policy,”
Could have not put it any better! Bravo Samir. You pegged the scums to a tee!
Well I think the responsibility comes foremost on the leadership of Lebanon to take a firm stance against hezzbollah, secondly it's not the people who support Hezzbollah and elected them, that you disassociate yourself from hezbollah otherwise you will all have yourselves to blame for the reprecussions to come. It's not about a matter if bashar will fall, everyones knows he will but it is about when and what happends next
Toucan....good point/post. Answer me one simple question? Who or what party in Lebanon can stand up to these tyrants? No one. They are loaded with weapons to the gill no thanks to Iran/Assad. Believe me if the Lebanese could remove this cancerous tumor they would have a long time ago. This group that mock God by calling themselves the people of God are nothing more than a mob working for Iran. Find/name me one incident/story/headline where we hear about any other Lebanese party involved is such disgraceful acts like we see on a regular basis from these scums. So there you go. Don't blame the rest of us for something we unfortunately have no control over. HA in effect performed a blunt coup in 2011 and that's a fact (no matter how they (Berri, Aoun, etc.) try to window dress it! But they will be brought down hard and we can't wait to see that day come!
During the 2006 war over 100000 Lebanese refugees stayed in Syria ,most were Shia but the syrians never asked if they were Shia Sunni or Christian, meanwhile hezzbollah torture the wounded and beat the elderly, rape the women, destroy people's homes. It's good the whole world realize your true colors. This time when the war happens with Israel I don't think the syrians will welcome the Shia again
The death of two or three HA fighters in Syria may not be that relevant. Only when 200 or 300 HA fighters die in the Syria battleground is when it becomes clear that they are intimately involved in the conflict.
Either way, the are on the wrong side of the civilized world and the wrong side of history and their last memory will be one of brutality , tyranny and shame.
Hezbollah USED to have a strong reputation, and I think it was well-deserved. But the conflict in Syria has tarnished it, and its past supporters should only wonder why such happened to this once proud organization.
the day they ll find hard evidence about the presence of hezbos in syria it will be difficult for them in lebanon. so far even if many testimonies of syrians tell it, hezbis and M8 can deny it and serve us their propaganda. but for how long? eventually they ll get caught and then....
Let me start by saying this ((( I hate this fool Geagea ))) but everyone has his day and what he said is well put and educated. tho i support the resistense Geagea has made a valid point. now if only the rest of the fools we call leaders on both sides can talk like this we would be in a much better place.
I am sure another news flash will come out stating that those killed were not HA but rather Iranian, how will Nasrallah pay back to Assad the arms transit to his militia? he will continue to send the brain washed so that he remain in power and the arms/money continue to flow.
Phoenician, You re as bad as Karim and the Hezbollah supporters. Maybe you should leave our country if you re confused about your identity and history, move to Germany and find some neo nazis to join. Learn to evolve your thoughts you inbred.
I am sure that the HA fighters who dies was applying Dr Geagea instructions. HA are saints sent by Allah they never killed any civilians.but they will start killing only when duty call when NIjad asks nicely.