جنبلاط امام زواره: لم يفكر احد بأن سلاح المقاومة سيتوجه إلى الداخل
Read this story in Englishشدد رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الاشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط على ان "المعارك السياسية مسموحة، شرط ألّا تتطور إلى استعمال السلاح مهما كبر حجم المعركة"، وفق ما نقله عنه زواره لصحيفة "الجمهورية".
واستذكر جنبلاط امام زواره، يوم أعطى منظومة متطورة من الصواريخ الموجهة مثل "الفوغوت" و"السايغر" وغيرها إلى المقاومة الإسلامية، قائلاً "حينها لم يكن هناك عقل بشري يفكر بأن سلاح هذه المقاومة سيتوجه إلى الداخل".
واكد زواره لـ"الجمهورية" انه عندما يشكون له هيمنة السلاح والانفلاش المذهبي الذي امتدّ إلى قراهم، يدعوهم إلى التروّي وعدم الانجرار وراء العصبيات والغرائز، قائلاً "يا شباب ما بَدنا نعطي النظام السوري في السلم ما عجز عنه من خلال عبواته واستهدافه لنا منذ العام 2005 وما قبل".
ويشيد جنبلاط في حديثه امام زواره برئيس مجلس النواب نبيه برّي، "الذي ما زال يؤدي دوراً أساسياً في تثبيت الاستقرار، والذي فضّل خيار الدولة على الخيار الميليشياوي من خلال اتجاهه بحركة "أمل" نحو السياسة بدلاً من العسكرة".
ولدى سؤال جنبلاط عن أمنه وصحة المعلومات التي تتعلق باستهدافه، يجيب، على ما ينقله الزوار، أن "جميع الأحرار هم اليوم مستهدفون، يريدون تفريغ البلد من زعاماته ليبقى لهم وحدهم، وليحققوا بعدها حلمهم بمنطقتهم المعهودة".
وعن ما يُحكى عن تحالفه من قوى 14 آذار في انتخابات الـ2013، يكتفي جنبلاط بالتأكيد على ان "هناك لقاءات مكثفة مع تيار "المستقبل" الذي ننسّق معه سياسياً وانتخابياً، ولقاءات خجولة نوعاً ما مع حزب "القوات اللبنانية" لنرى إمكان التحالف الانتخابي بيننا، لكن من المبكر الحديث أو الكشف عن الأسماء المرشحة في الوقت الحالي".
وعن السبب الذي يمنع التحالف مع "القوات"، يجيب، وفق ما افاده زواره لـ"الجمهورية"، "لا شيء، ولكن لا نريد أن نستفز الفريق الآخر بشكل يجعله يعتقد وكأننا نسعى إلى عَزله".
ويوضح انه "في قاموسنا السياسي لا مكان لكلمة عزل، ومن هنا أدعوكم إلى الانفتاح على كل الأطراف بمن فيهم الفريق الذي تشتكون منه، ففي النهاية سنجلس جميعنا إلى طاولة واحدة لنقرّر مستقبلنا في بلد لا يمكن فيه أن يتغلّب فريق على آخر".
I am sure that the Oranges must be sooooo frustrated in not being able to discuss this subject on tayyar forum which put an end to the forum after so many years and blablabla! Lack of money? Iranians not funding anymore? Hehehehe!
I believe we are going to see more n more orangina in naharnet!
It wasn't a lack of money, but a lack of message. The posts in the forum weren't going the way the orange masters wanted, and the people running the forum weren't going to succumb to heavy censoring that the FPM leadership wanted, so it was stopped.
I guess people hate it when reality gets in the way of what they are trying to say.
Where do you think you live in Sweden Mr Jumblatt?... "political difference should never escalate into armed clashes, regardless of how great the dispute..." You say... And what was the Lebanese civil war all about...? And didn't you do took up arms over political differences?
Funny how views change over time... Maybe you should practice what you now preach and tell the rest of your political partners to do the same for the sake of what remains of this so called country...
mr joumblat uve been in power more than all the dictators that are falling arround us , so for democracy sake step down and leave behind the feudal system you count on to rule
you and the rest of the lebanese leaders who have blood on their hands should step aside
instead of shouting to help the syrian refugees help the lebanese christian refugees from the jabal first
finally snakes like you should never rule or be part of the political solution cause you are like most lebanese leaders prostitutes ie you work with the biggest bidder
god bless lebanon
democracy in our parties
what is the problem of an alliance between christians and Shiites? That is democracy, where each political group defends the interests of the country according to a specific point of view.
No one thought the Hariri led camp would try and disarm the secret communications network of Hizballah. How stupid of the Lebanese when they are at war with Israel and Israel continues to occupy their land and invade their airspace. THis is exactly why the Lebanese are not respected anywhere in the world let alone in their own country. At least WAlid Jumblatt who was a part of the Hariri Led camp admitted that was the worst thing he agreed to during his tenure with that rogue group.
11 years away from Lebanon and it's bullshit politics and enjoying the Hell out of every second.
you dont see saudi being involved? really? didn't you know hariri IS saudi? and let's not talk about all the back and forth travels each time there is any important decision to take
for joumblatt and the LF being ready to ally together they must be very desperate, they must know they are going to lose
slash i think you are very wrong and you should thank the General. His alliance with hezbollah, and his refusal to betray them is the only reason saudis havent tossed your sick doctor to the bin yet. Had Aoun embraced the wahhabi project for Lebanon, m14 would have never bothered dragging the saggy dead weight with his 6 MPs along, they would have praised aoun and made him king. if he was really obssessed with that as you imagine, and if he was ready to stab in the back, it would have been done a long time ago. oh and about the shiites, you're cute but dont pretend you care, and dont worry they know their interest better than you think
Never trust Nasrallah ya Jumblatt. He is a liar, killer, drug dealer. Now he is calling it a jihad to go to Syria to kill Syrians who did not attack him.
I thought this genius with unbelievable "sensors" knew it all! How disappointed he made me now!