حرب: تقدمنا بادعاء شخصي على الضابطين السوريين المرتبطين باغتيال النائب جبران تويني

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اعلن النائب بطرس حرب، وبصفته وكيلا لعائلة النائب جبران تويني، انه تم الادعاء على الضابطين السوريين اللذين تبين انهما مرتبطان بملف اغتيال تويني.

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده ظهر اليوم الثلاثاء من مبنى جريدة "النهار" في وسط بيروت، أكد حرب ان الوثيقة التي كشفتها قناة "العربية" والتي تظهر امكان تورط سوريا و"حزب الله" باغتيال تويني، ترتدي طابعاً جدياً لا يمكن تجاهله.

واوضح ان ما تتضمنه الوثيقة هو عدد من المدلولات الواضحة في جريمة اغتيال تويني وهذا ما يستدعي ايداع الوثيقة القضاء اللبناني والقضاء الدولي.

وكشف حرب انه "قدمنا مذكرة باسم ورثة جبران التويني تتضمن ادعاء شخصيا ضد الضباط السوريين الذين وردت اسماءهم في الوثيقة"، مشيراً الى ان "الهدف هو متابعة التحقيق والتأكيد ان قضية التويني وبقية الشهداء ستبقى حية ومعرفة الحقيقة وتوجيه رسالة واضحة للمجرمين ان الاغتيال السياسي مرفوض وانه ستتم مواجهة كل من يحاول اغتيال لبنان".

وكشفت قناة "العربية" مساء السبت عن وثيقة مسربة حصلت عليها من ضمن المئات التي تكشف عنها يوميا، أفادت عن واحدة تعود "إلى الثاني عشر من كانون الأول 2005 وهي مرسلة من رئيس فرع العمليات في المخابرات السورية حسن عبد الرحمن إلى رئيس جهاز الأمن القومي السابق آصف شوكت".

ويقول عبد الرحمن في الوثيقة "إنه وبمساعدة عناصر من مخابرات حزب الله اللبناني تم إنجاز المهمة رقم 213 والتي أوكلت إليهم في العاشر من ديسمبر (كانون الأول) بنتائج ممتازة".

وتقول القناة أنه "بالتزامن مع توقيت رسالة آصف شوكت بتنفيذ المهمة، وفي نفس اليوم الذي أرسلت فيه هذه البرقية إلى القصر الجمهوري السوري، كانت سيارة مفخخة بانتظار النائب اللبناني جبران تويني، وهو في طريقه إلى العمل لتنهي حياته في عملية اغتيال".

وعن نفي "حزب الله" المعلومات التي اتهمته بالضلوع بعملية الاغتيال، طلب حرب خلال مؤتمره، من الحزب ان يسلم المتهمين باغتيال رئيس الحكومة الاسبق رفيق الحريري الى القضاء ولينتظر قول القضاء وان يسلم المطلوب بمحاولة اغتيال تويني الى القضاء وينتظر قوله.

وشدد على "وضع ثقتنا بالقضاء اللبناني للتحقيق بهذه الجريمة رغم الضغوط السياسية التي تمارس عليه"، لافتاً الى انه سيتم التوجه "الى المحكمة الدولية الخاصة بلبنان لنطلب اليها ضم ملف اغتيال التويني الى الملفات التي تنظر فيها وسنتابع ملف التحقيقات امام القضاء اللبناني".

وتابع قائلاً "اذا وافقت المحكمة الدولية على طلبنا فعندها يرفع القضاء اللبناني يده عن القضية ويحولها الى المحكمة الدولية" اما اذا لم توافق "فسنحيلها الى محكمة الراي العام التي ستدينها".

ورأى حرب ان "الحكومة شريكة في تعطيل سير العدالة والقضاء".

وشدد على ان "هدفنا حماية اللبنانيين من انتشار وتفشي السلاح وعدم قتل اللبنانيين ان كان رأيهم مخالفا لرأي السلطة ونثير الملف بشكل موضوعي ومسؤول ونطلب من القضاء التحقيق في معلومات كي يتبين ان كانت صحيحة ام غير صحيحة".

واعلن وزير الدولة محمد فنيش قبيل دخوله إلى جلسة لمجلس الوزراء بعد ظهر امس الإثنين "وثيقة قناة "العربية" بشأن "حزب الله" كاذبة وليس كل ما يعرض وثيقة ومن المضمون تعرفون".

وأصدر "حزب الله" بيانا امس الاثنين قائلا أن هذه المواقف "التي تطلقها قوى الرابع عشر من آذار حول العديد من القضايا تاتي مستندة إلى وثائق ومعطيات مفبركة ليس لها من الصحة أي نصيب، مما يثبت يوما بعد يوم أن من كان ديدنه الغش لا يتقن إلا التزوير".

وتابع البيان "كانت آخر موجة ركبتها جوقة 14 آذار ما ادعت قناة "العربية" السعودية أنه وثائق حصلت عليها من معارضين سوريين تخترع أحداثا وتفبرك اتهامات ليس لها أي صلة بالواقع، ومنها ما يتعلق بحادثة اغتيال النائب الراحل جبران تويني".

التعليقات 29
Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 05:54

MP Nayla Tueni obviously found out how filthy M14 is, so she decided to leave politics altogether and pursue positive careers.

Thumb jadski 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 07:41

What a stupid comment. u talk and comment like you know her personally. her Husband, who was a GREAT politician for lebanon, got murdered because of Politics, not because of M14, m14 wasnt even formed by then. Please keep you stupidity locked up inside u , its better better for the general public.

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:31

@jadski, You talk from hatred and ignorance. Mr. Gebran Tueni was Nayla's father not husband. Mr. Gebran Tueni was a great politician indeed. He was a great individual and was brave and honest. Pierre Gemayel was also a great political figure. But what is left in M14?

Look at M14 now. They stole, they lied, they are paid to insinuate hatred and divide the people.

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:42

M14 supporters reflect the level of M14 politicians. They curse, they are very good at name calling and have absolutely nothing to offer the country. What a shame to call them Lebanese!!!

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:52

FT out of interest, did you disagree with any of Gebran Tueni's politcal stances or views, particularly his fierce and vocal anti-syrian positions?

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 09:29

The ouwet made too many mistakes towards the end of the war just as Aoun did, but who was 'right' at the end of the war. By 'right' I mean that Aoun remained anti-syrian until the end when he ran away whilst Geagea had joined the Syrians in belting him at Baabda. Taef was not good either. Then Aoun came back from his stay in Paris and now we see him on the same team as the SSNP! In an alliance with Hizbullah, and its weapons! Kissing Bashar al Assad on the cheek, the man who without doubt has been the main man behind more assassinations in Lebanon than I can count on both my hands.

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 10:20

FT good to know khayeh

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:04

@slash ya khayyeh you don't understand how much ana kan ouwetti back in the days and it was the hardest thing to accept that in 1989 and 1990 i had no one left to follow and no one left to trust. Yes, the Lebanese Forces sided with the Syrians at the end to root out Aoun, the Ouwet were shelling from my jedou's village, El Louazie Baabda to Kahale, but Im not saying Aoun was better because if he was smart he should have sucked up to the ouwet to have any chance of beating the real enemy, the soureyeen. What is more important is that today Aoun is on the wrong side, he sold out the Christians for a chance of removing his infamous title General and to replace it with President, which will never happen for Aoun or Geagea.

Missing theobserver 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:54

M14 is as it's now, because the syrian killed their ellite leaders and on top of them without any contest Gebran Tueni.

Missing theobserver 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:55

I see Nayla Tueni in the parliamant more than I see the General.

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:55

The SSNP are the worst of the worst. They are thugs and show no respect towards the Lebanese state or its independence. To call oneself a Lebanese and an SSNP is a vast contradiction. I don’t know how people can vote for them? Welcome to Lebanon habibi. Aoun came back after 15 years of Syrian Hegemony obviously the pro-syrian forces would still be intact after years upon years of support and elections ALWAYS in their favour. What troubles me most is the Aounists. The LF and Aoun were so close, the protests ma ba3dna and our ideals were so intact and aligned and allied back in the lates 90s and early 2000s. How could he ally himself with them, with the SSNP and Amal. Even if he hated Geagea and Hariri that much, he shouldn’t have done that. How could Aoun ‘forget’ the atrocities’. How could he forget the men rotting in the filthy prisons. Because he didn’t forget Geagea’s idiocy. Did he forget Hafez Assad? Because he remembers Harb Ilgha2 like it was last Tuesday.

Default-user-icon axan (ضيف) 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 06:44

In the meantime captain lehietalla we will pursue to HELL where you belong!

Thumb thepatriot 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 07:17

I'm sure you meant M8.

Missing un520 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:30

Just for the record, Gebran Tueini was the FATHER of Nayla. He was a remarkable personality, one of the very few who has been able to make lebanese feel united. Obviously he was regarded as a big threat to those that thrived on support from the syrian regime, so he was taken out.

Thumb thepatriot 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:58

FT & captain...so who took him out? m14? LOL It is the syro hezbollah goonies... as always...

Thumb shab 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:30

The assasin was only performing his jihadist duty. Same goes for the 4 fallen saints.

Thumb thepatriot 11 تشرين الأول 2012, 07:46

Yes... the syrian regime... through their Lebanese branch: HEZBOLLAH

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 08:48

He tries very bard to tarnish the other camp so he look's good. He is desperate to become president.

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 10:17

If M14 had Pierre Gemayel, the grandfather, or Pierre Gemayel, the son, or Bachir Gemayel or Kamal Jumblat, then it would count for something. But unfortunately, all these good men are gone.

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 10:15

@canadian_paul, Read the article. It says "ALLEGED Syrian document saying". Just like the STL is a joke. One day they blame Hizbullah and the other day Syria and we know who had access to the "proof" and who could tamper with the "proof".

Soon the truth will be out that it was a neighboring country that did all this blessed by a higher power.

Default-user-icon Ben Dou (ضيف) 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 10:19

Funny how this guy whom is supposed to be a "lawyer" reject the Lebanese legal system for a foreign composed legal system. Harb is sure on whom committed assassinations, then why not present evidence? Harb is hoax lawyer and Lebanon should be happy he is not in high position due to he will not be trustworthy decision maker.

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 10:45

For too long the Syrian Regime, past and present alongside the scum of the Mukhabarat gotten away with murder and crime in Lebanon. For too long have they stepped on us and pretended they 'own us'. For too long have I watched Lebanon stumble and fall at their hands, without them ever being caught for their crimes. I see the smiles in Bashar al Assad and Hafez al Assad and Buthaina Shaabans faces not to mention so many more, and I can only think about the tears and destruction they have caused in my country. GEBRAN PIERRE RAFIK RENEE SAMIR DANY GEORGE RIAD KAMAL BACHIR... we will not forget your souls.

Thumb james 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 12:01

@FT I honestly don't doubt what you said khayeh, whether things are worse or better after Assad only time will tell. Syrian leadership is syrian leadership after all, just like the Americans, the Israelis and the Iranians and the Saudis, no one wants what is good and right for Lebanon, but everyone wants a little piece for themselves. Sadly this is the story of the country that you, FT, myself, and every single other commentor on this site loves so dearly. One day when we forget the past we will build the future Lebanon truly deserves.

Thumb eli-g 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 11:49

@ FT. Its not who will come after the assads that worry the Lebanese at the moment, its how the Lebanese will behave towards the syrians 0nce this is all done.Will they act as equals or will they stay subservient and ander syrians shoes.

Default-user-icon QueenHarb (ضيف) 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 12:25

Isn't Harb the American clown in town?

He's speaking a lot blablabla but has no single proof.

Congratulations to M14 for such a nutcase.

Thumb Captain 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 12:25

LOL. M14 supporters get their kicks by namecalling commentators and thumbing down comments that touches M14. After all, they are March Farteen and mFATFATeen.

On a second note, I personally would like the Lebanese Army to have the weapons and not anyone else. I don't support M8. I don't support nor respect M14. It is funny how when one makes a comment at M14, they directly assume he/she is a supporter of M8.

Hopefully the majority of the Lebanese wake up from this bickering and being pawned around by different countries.

Missing allouchi 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 14:45

captain you sound just like z general...I'll tell him to promote you :)

Missing lebanese@ 09 تشرين الأول 2012, 20:02

yes yes, whenever someone 'byiftass' in Lebanon ; it's either Syria or Hezb

Thumb Abubakr 10 تشرين الأول 2012, 05:39

We need a Lebanese revolution, where the Lebanese meet on the base of love for each and their country, and get this system down once and for all.