جعجع: لتعليق كل الإتفاقيات مع سوريا وطرد السفير من بيروت واستقالة الحكومة

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دعا رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية الحكومة الى "الإستقالة فورا"، مطالبا بتعليق كل الإتفاقيات مع سوريا وبطرد السفير السوري علي عبد الكريم علي من بيروت"، داعيا في الوقت عينه الى مشاركة كثيفة في تشييع العميد وسام الحسن يوم غد بأعلام لبانية فقط.

وقال جعجع في مؤتمر صحفي عقده عصر اليوم السبت: " نواجههم بالكلمة، يواجهوننا بالموت، نطالب بالديمقراطية، فيشهرون سلاحهم، كفانا السير وراء الأكفان، كفانا ذرف الدموع على الشهداء، المجرمون هم هم، وأهدافهم لم تتغير، وإن اختلفت الأدوات".

ولفت جعجع الى أن اغتيال الحسن جاء "لسيتكملوا جريمة اغتيال الرئيس رفيق الحريري وكل شهداء ثورة الأرز، و

ليمنعوا التحقيق الدولي والمحكمة الدولية من الوصول الى كشف الحقيقة الكاملة وإدانتهم".

وأضاف: "اغتالوا وسام الحسن، لأنّه أدار جهازا أمنيا لبنانيا فعليا يسعى الى بناء دولة لبنانية قوية، ولأنّه كشف مخطط الفتنة المصدّر بواسطة ميشال سماحة، كما كشف عملاء إسرائيل لدى مدّعي العفّة والطهارة والمقاومة".

وعليه، دعا جعجع "الحكومة الحالية الى الاستقالة فور"ا، معتبرا أن "علّةَ وجودها الوحيدة حصراً، وبادّعاء فرقائِها بالذات، وهي تأمين الاستقرار، قد انتفت كليّا، مع اغتيال اللواء وسام الحسن وكلّ محاولات الاغتيال والأحداث الأمنية التي سبقتها."

كما دعا "بعض من هم أصحاب كرامة وعزّة في هذه الحكومة، وبالأخص وزراء التقدمي الاشتراكي، الى الاستقالة فورا، تحمّلا للمسؤولية، ولعدم الاستمرار في تغطية واقع مجرم سفّاح ، أصاب البارحة مقتلا في البلد، ويهدّد بالأعظم بعد في حال الاستمرار بتغطيته".

وإذ طالب "المجتمع العربي والدولي بتحمّل مسؤولياته تجاه الشعب اللبناني وحقه في السيادة والاستقرارو برفع الغطاء عن هذه الحكومة التي فقدت مبرر وجودها"، شدد جعجع على ضرورة "تعليق كل الاتفاقات الأمنيّة والعسكرية والقضائية مع سوريا، وطرد السفير السوري في لبنان فورا ، والمطالبة بتطبيق القرار 1701 كاملاً عبر نشر قوات دولية على الحدود اللبنانية- السورية".

توجه جعجع الى "أفراد القوات اللبنانية ومناصريها، كما مناصري 14 آذار وشعبه، الى المشاركة الكثيفة، بأعلام لبنانية فقط، في الجنازة الشعبية التي تقام يوم غد الأحد للواء الحسن وشهداء تفجير الأشرفيه".

التعليقات 29
Thumb lebnanfirst 19:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Bashar made the mistake of killing Rafiq Hariri that got him kicked out of Lebanon. He now has repeated the same mistake by killing Wissam Hasan which will be the end of him. This guy never learns from history's lessons. M14 needed a shot of cohesiveness and Bashar unwittingly obliged.
RIP Wissam Hasan.

Thumb lebanon_first 19:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Imbecile. If cabinet resigns and ambassador goes what will be the benefit? just sajjil maw2af? and then what? idiot. Can you do another cabinet? you are not even coming to the national dialogue sessions.
Ever since phoenician times. The solution is not from inside lebanon. It is from Outside. Wait for the criminal assad to die. Then ask for what you want. Smarter that way. Mastoul

Missing postscenium 19:43 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Just wait for the man to die? and call people 'imbeciles' and 'msatil' - meanwhile? W inta/inte shou 3am ta3mil/ta3imle howni? mish tisjil maw'af?
The cabinet resigning is better than sohr el general appearing on TV - which judging from your Frenchie writing i'm sure you support. I just cannot take l wa'eiha witta3ajrof taba3 el general and his likes no more - but that's just me.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

I think the M8 coalition is the number 1 ennemy of Lebanon. But M14 is becoming the number 2 ennemy. Since they are in opposition they have done nothing but try to break everything the government is doing, even at the cost of breaking the country. They should have let the M8 run, prove to M8 how difficult it is to run the country, and then taken their role in 2013. Instead they fomented trouble until they almost ruined the country.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

why are his hands tied? Hariri sent his mostakbal mvt to the talks even though his father was killed. Why is geagea being so extremist, and refuse event to talk with M8? He doesnt have to agree to their weapons, but at least to do discussions and keep the pressure. As for the cabinet to resign, there will be a void. If we kick off the ali character and have a M14 government anti syrian governemnt, what would prevent the syrian army to start bombing beirut? Use your dinausor brain to think instead just to fich khil2ak

Thumb lebnanfirst 04:45 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

"what would prevent the syrian army to start bombing beirut?"
Are you serious with that statement? The Syrian army is having a hard time fighting their own people let alone trying to bomb Beirut. If they were crazy enough to do it, do you think the Sunni world is going to Stan's by as spectators? While a vacuum at this point is not the best that can be had, it is not the worst either as the same government remains as caretaker - which is not really worse than its performance has been - while a technocrat gov is negotiated to handle the election. After the election is a different bowl of wax as the saying goes.

Missing postscenium 19:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Yap Yap Yap... Isn't it about time the army gets mobilized? Or are we all so afraid it gets crushed by "god's" mighty forces? We all know who planned and who executed. What are we going to do about it? Burry a man - natural, block a road - ok whatever helps you vent, and then what? Go back to work and 'move on'? No more yap yap for fuck's sake. Do something about it (and if you can't ask for help). It's bound to blow up at some point - why not take it to them... And if our army sucks that bad, why not ask for help. It's time to crush the party... once and for all.

Thumb lebanon_first 21:27 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Are you going to fight to crush the party? or stay cosily in whatever suburb you live in and watch the fight?
The party of weapons represents the materialization of the frustration of the chiites after 40 years of oppression by the maronites and 20 years of oppression by the sunnite. The party is an unnatural cancer in Lebanon that will wither and die. Fachar that we kill more lebanese to get rid of it. You think the army chiites will fight the party? dont u see the army will divide if we attack now? Impatient arrogant fool. Wait a bit,,, Iran is on the brink of bankrupcy and Syria has all those thoroughly trained ex army soldiers fighting assad. Let us keep lebanon out of it and keep the national dialogue going to offer a face saving way for Hezb when he sees his support crumbling.

Missing postscenium 10:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Impatient arrogant fool? But harsh, yet catchy-sounding I must say... Moving on.I am no fighter (if you must know). I try to contribute in different ways.
40 years of oppression by the Maronite - how many Shiite leaders got blown to pieces in those 40 years? What about the 20 Sunnite years? What about the last 40 martyrs that got sacrificed on Lebanese soil... How many Shiites among those?
So killing Sunnis and Christians is all good but Shiites is a no go. Interesting concept brought about. Sectarian - but so is the nature of our beloved nation as it happens. Let's just state things as they really are.

Missing postscenium 10:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

You are right though that our brainwashing tactics - aka "a tanshi'a l 3askariyyi" seems only to work on Christians and Sunnis - Shiites keeping their own thoughts about life as evidenced by the swift and breezy Beirut run-over by god's men with no intervention from our camo-dressed capped green warriors. Iran will nuke half the world before it reached bankruptcy. As for Syria, it seems like the war is going to go on for a while (about 10 more christian neighborhoods and whatever is left from the M14 leaders)- whatever that corresponds to in units of time ... In the unlikely scenario that Iran is out of the equation and Assad falls, you think el hizb will peacefully give up its weapons? You under-informed ill-witted dumbbell (I tried, still yours sounds catchier)...

Thumb lebanon_first 11:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

First part : The chiites that are causing us problems today were in the past poor peasants living in the south, far from the sunno-christian glitter of the cities. They woke up with israeli bombs, came of age with Berri's pro-chiite south construction crusade, and are now became overbearing and overagressive with HA. They will eventually calm down and join the lebanese mosaic.
Regarding the steps to take now, we cant argue, it depends on what we expect the future to be. I am optimistic by nature, I beleive that the age of information will cause all the dictatorships to eventually fall, and pretty soon... You believe that we cant wait and that we have to join the fight. Maybe you are too young to appreciate the horror of the war.
NB. a dumbbell is a piece of weight training equipment. If you want to jump on the insulting bandwagon do so wisely lest you get out-insulted ;-)

Default-user-icon postscenium (ضيف) 04:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

Too young - true.
I was being civil - well aware of what a dumbbell is :)

Default-user-icon Postscenium (ضيف) 04:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

I admit I'm no good at the insult game.
We agree to disagree...

Missing postscenium 04:24 ,2012 تشرين الأول 22

Indeed, I'm no good at the insults game.
We agree to disagree...

Missing peace 19:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

this gvt gets what it sowed...
- no deployment of the army on the northern frontiers to control smuggling on both sides!
- nothing done to receive the syrian refugees.
- no firm stance against syria each time they bomb lebanon!
- no telecom data for the isf as FPM refuse (why? things to hide maybe...)
- no things done to reform the state even if they shouted that for years when M14 was in control.
- no things done on the social economic scene
all this incompetence will indeed lead to chaos and as usaul they ll blame the others or an international plot to destabilize the country, wait and see!

and M8 supporters continue to claim they are good! lol... all facts go against their arguments....

Default-user-icon Chompa (ضيف) 19:55 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Oh yeah, this will surely happen. Whatever you say, half-boss.

Missing gabby6 21:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

The Hizbcocaine/Syrian/Iran gov't in Lebanon is a disaster. They have ruined everything. All they did was a no smoking law....and Bashar signed a stupid GMO law while he is collapsing. These guys think everything will return to the past when the "future" is destroying them politically. Bashar made a stupid mistake by killing Hassan.

Default-user-icon Knight1 (ضيف) 21:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

lebanon_first u are an ignorant thing

Thumb lebanon_first 22:14 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

exactly: You cannot fight Iran ya 7mar, you have to know that. Hence you cannot fight Hezbollah. You can wait for iran to bankrupt. iran is living on borrowed time. It is bankrupting soon. so stay put until the shit hits the fan. Then we negotiate from a position of force with the party of weapons. Meanwhile we discuss with them to keep the pressure on, and to let them save the face. Because we CANNOT HUMILIATE THEM, or boycott them. It wont work. This is the mistake of geagea. We have to talk to them with respect and accept them as our partners in the country. (personally I prefer partition, but if we are to stay together, we need to talk to them, not boycot them)

Missing maroun 23:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

if we decide not to fight ,it doesn't mean we can't or we are afraid.in war there is no winner .don't forget Hizb cot there ass kicked by a handful of druz in the shouf and were too scared to invade east beirut as they knew what awaits them if they did

Thumb lebanon_first 00:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Yeah sure we fought syrians and palestinians and even Christians until our humiliating defeat in taef where we lost our christian prerogatives. Dumb ass. We should have divided the country. Now we are stuck with medieval jobless compatriots running us due to your adventures. Now we have to play smart. Let the FSA do the job. We don't need to spill more Lebanese blood you brainless kid. You have to learn patience. There will be a time where HA will wither and die.

Thumb lebnanfirst 05:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Their is logic to what you say (please leave name calling out).
Even so, what good would Geahea's attending the dialogue bring? You mention pressure, actually his not attending brings more pressure to bear on HA because by so doing he sends the message that he and his followers are not buying into the charade.
Used to be against partition but in hindsight perhaps it really would not have been that bad to have a federated Lebanon. But it is what it is now and while we are in agreement that we do not want to alienate the Shiites, HA is not all the Shiites even though it appears like this now. Take heart in the news that the Alawites in Syria are now starting to question Bashar's wisdom. The Shiites will do the same vis Nasrallah's wisdom when the time comes as well.

Thumb lebanon_first 10:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

@lebnan first I agree with your approach.
Only there is great power to dialogue. You are discounting this fact. We agree that the Iranian armed component of HA will die. I am talking abt the Lebanese chiite legitimate HA component. We need to talk to them and to listen to their concerns and discuss and negotiate, and things will change. Maybe not immediately. some circumstances need to change first. This is the wisdom of Suleiman's doing long panning dialogue sessions, to give time. We need nisla2ehon when they are ripe. Not marginalize them. This is why we need to dialogue.
Nb. I would not call names my Homonym:-)

Thumb normzz 13:45 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

Ouwette you forget to tell us how you fought and killed christians to. Bashirr rah and well i believe al doctor lehkou ! God help us lebanese from eachother. lebanese sell there souls very cheap . a rab yesouh bas bi kalesneh.

Thumb lebanon_first 22:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 20

Then what?
get Beirut bombarded by the criminal assad? Who would stop him? You think he will hesitate to bomb us if we didnt have a M8 gouvernment?

Missing freeforever 00:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

This is our last chance before its too late to arm ourself. There are thousands of Lebanese around the world who are ready to return for the big battle. M14 must not use nice words anymore, the only language that can work now is guns. Hezbshaytan must be sent back to iran and Assad sent with it.

Default-user-icon GuestABC (ضيف) 04:53 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

You guys are honestly pathetic, a tragic event , which have ammounted to a multitude of tragic events have occurred in OUR Lebanon, you should think to unite and not throw sectarian bullshit comments at eachother like some of your leaders are. Be smart and think out of the Box for once.
For the sake of all the martyrs stop your petty quarrels.

Thumb normzz 13:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

GuestABC "well Said"

Default-user-icon Rory (ضيف) 11:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 21

You guys have short memories? 2008 you promised the USA & Israel to arm you & you will get rid of HA. In less than 3 hours you were running.
HA didn't bother to pursue, instead called the army to protect you.
All those barking , its time to defeat HA. All I will say is go do it.
lol I didnt think so..