سلسلة انفجارات وحريق في مصنع عسكري في الخرطوم...والسودان تتهم إسرائيل بقصفه
Read this story in Englishسمعت سلسلة انفجارات واندلع حريق ليل الثلاثاء الاربعاء في مصنع عسكري في منطقة اليرموك في العاصمة السودانية الخرطوم، فيما اتهمت السلطات إسرائيل بقصفه.
وقال وزير الاعلام السوداني احمد بلال عثمان في مؤتمر صحافي "نعتقد ان اسرائيل قامت بالقصف".
وأشار المركز السوداني للخدمات الصحافية المقرب من اجهزة الامن، ان السلطات تمكنت من السيطرة على الحريق الذي اندلع في "مجمع اليرموك للصناعات العسكرية".
وذكر صحافي في وكالة فرانس برس ان الحريق بدا تحت السيطرة قرابة الساعة 0.30 تغ بعد اكثر من ثلاث ساعات على اندلاعه.
وقال مصدر في الشرطة ان "الحريق شب في المصنع اثناء اجراء صيانة عادية بواسطة عامل لحام بعد ان تطايرت شرر الماكينة الى اجزاء من المصنع" مؤكدا ان "الشرطة تتابع احصاء الخسائر".
واغلق الشارع الرئيسي الذي يربط وسط الخرطوم بمنطقة الكلاكلات بعد ان تصاعدت السنة اللهب ما اوقف حركة المرور لحوالى الساعتين.
وتحدث شاهد عيان في الحي جنوب الخرطوم عن سماع دوي "انفجارات قوية جدا".
وقال مراسل وكالة فرانس برس الموجود على بعد عدة كيلومترات من المكان انه شاهد حريق او ثلاثة حرائق تندلع في منطقة واسعة مع انبعاث دخان كثيف ووميض ابيض.
وقال شاهد اخر "سمعت انفجارات ورأيت رجال الاطفاء وعسكريين امام الموقع".
من ناحيته، اكد والي الخرطوم عبد الرحمن الخضر رحمن لوسائل الاعلام الرسمية ان انفجارا وقع في منتصف ليل الثلاثاء وتلاه اندلاع حريق مشيرا الى نقل عدد لم يحدده من الاشخاص الى المستشفى بسبب استنشاقهم انبعاثات سامة.
واضاف "ليس لدينا اية معلومات حول ضحايا" موضحا ان "الانفجار وقع في منطقة التخزين، حسب المعلومات الاولية".
وحسب تقرير يعود الى ايلول لمركز الابحاث المستقل "سمول ارمز سورفاي" ومقره سويسرا فان اسلحة وذخائر من صنع صيني بحسب ما يبدو على اغلفتها نقلت الى موقع الصناعات العسكرية ومنه نقلت الى منطقة دارفور الغربية التي تشهد نزاعا مسلحا منذ عشر سنوات.
ولم يتضح بحسب التقرير ما اذا كانت منشأة اليرموك تستخدم كمستودع "ام انهم يعيدون تعليب الاسلحة الصينية الصنع او حتى تجميعها فيها".
Well, once again, you continue with your outlandish claims that everything that happens in the Middle East it is Israel that did it.
Wake up, mate, things happen out there without Israeli intervention.
Well, once again, you continue with your outlandish claims that everything that happens in the Middle East it is Israel that did it.
Wake up, mate, things happen out there without Israeli intervention.
stupid comment of brainless M8... when aoun says that you need investigation before accusing you agree, here because UN says nothing you disagree... what a twisted logic you have...
what s good for you is bad for the others: you sum up all the philosophy of FPM and M8...
oh look at how he gets nervous while i was just talking of your attitude and didn t even comment this news...i didn t say israel didn t do it, i didn t say sudan is lying!
only in your FPM mind you see what you only want to see...if i said the sun rises east you d shout "no it rises west!" only to try to prove you are right!
see how nervous you are as soon a i address your pathetic person!!!! hahahaha!
you are too comic trying to deny you idiotic logic!
as i said and repeat what is good for you is not acceptable from others... LOL!
when M14 accuses syria you say "hey! we need an investigation before jumping to conclusions", but UN takes a little time to assess what sudan says and you cry like a little M8 virgin... soooooo laughable claoun!
hey girlie calm down!
just take time to think about yourself... and see how blinded you are!
LOL and big LOL... funny how you answer me with facts when i didn t even comment this piece of news... didn t even mention israel! didn t even defend them! as you know they are my enemies too in case you still don t know ( oh! yes, you always forget to read this part to accuse me of being an israeli ally because it fits the BS of yours...)
i commented on your stupid attitude that s all... :)
If khartoum wants a resistance, we have one. They can have it. But on condition they dont return it.
philipo it almost feels as if you were offended by claims against israel. are you even lebanese?
U should be since you only read partially, blinded by some sort of ego / megalomania that i still can't figure out. read again ya outlandish enta, FT did not even make a claim.
Here we go again with accusations against the peaceful, friendly and harmless Israel! March 14, you should put an end to such a charade of ridiculous accusations. So get together you example of Middle Eastern warriors and with one voice shout after me: Down with Assad. Down with Iran. Down with Hizbullah. Down with Sudan. Down will all the forces of evil and backwardness and Wilayat al Faqih nonsense and these Persian, Farsi terrorists who are killing innocent people everywhere, especially by sending suicide bombers all over the world. Oh, sorry guys, remove this last phrase as these acts are the specialty of the Sunni crazies, aka the friends of the lovers of life and freedom and democracy. So get together and do the shouting. Go, go, go, go, go warriors of the new Middle East.
Lol THAT you know. In another continent in a place where conflict happens regularly etc.
However come lebanon, where you supposedly live and where you experienced the war and syrian occupation according to your previous posts, you can't point the finger at anyone la2enno khallo el te72i2 yekhoud majra.
only Zionism calls the Israelian occupied forces as IDF (Israelian Deference Forces .. i think FlameTower is Israelian
Hey Sudan you lost 1/3 of your country, and 75% of your oil. Now you are going to retaliate?? Your problem is your alignment with the Iran axis.
lol as much as you want...
now your pathetic person can wait and see then what UN has to say as you say it s been confirmed! after you can shout... see the difference?
you think UN will make a statement on rumours prior to a confirmation?
i m just telling you this so that next time you do not behave like the ones you criticize and look more credible when you speak! ok baby?
as a person who pretends to know everything, and as a believer in Jesus Christ, then you should know to behave better than the ones you fight against! and set the example and give a good image of the ones you defend...
otherwise you appear not credible a second! understand?
oh! and no need to answer and insult me, as i am the evil one who is against M8, you already know how low, delusional, stupid, sold to wahabis and brainless we are..
but it it makes you feel good then be my guest!
Ft Next time you visit a hairdresser ask him to trim your ears as well as your hair .