اسرائيل تصف السودان "بالدولة الارهابية الخطيرة"
Read this story in Englishوصف مسؤول في وزارة الدفاع الاسرائيلية الخميس السودان بانه "دولة ارهابية خطيرة" بدون ان يؤكد قصف مصنع عسكري في الخرطوم اسفر عن سقوط قتيلين واتهم السودان الدولة العبرية به.
واكد عاموس جلعاد لاذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي ان "السودان دولة ارهابية خطيرة. نحتاج الى بعض الوقت لنعرف ماذا حدث بالضبط".
ورفض جنرال الاحتياط هذا الذي يشغل منصبا رفيعا في وزارة الدفاع الرد بشكل مباشر على سؤال عن تورط اسرائيل في هذا الهجوم. واكتفى بالقول ان سلاح "الطيران الاسرائيلي الذي يعد واحدا من الاكثر عراقة في العالم اثبت جدارته عدة مرات في الماضي".
وتابع ان "هناك عدة روايات من الجانب السوداني لذلك ليس هناك سبب للدخول في التفاصيل".
ورأى ان "الرئيس السوداني عمر حسن البشير يعتبر مجرم حرب. السودان كان قاعدة لعمليات بن لادن والنظام تدعمه ايران ويستخدم نقطة عبور لنقل اسلحة الى الارهابيين في حماس والجهاد الاسلامي عن طريق الاراضي المصرية".
واتهم السودان الاربعاء اسرائيل بالوقوف وراء قصف مجمع الصناعات العسكرية في منطقة اليرموك في الخرطوم، في هجوم ادى الى مقتل شخصين، وهدد بالرد في المكان والزمان اللذين يراهما مناسبين.
وقال وزير الثقافة والاعلام السوداني احمد بلال عثمان في مؤتمر صحافي "نعتقد ان اسرائيل قامت بالقصف"، موضحا ان "اربع طائرات شاركت في الهجوم" على مجمع اليرموك للصناعات العسكرية في جنوب الخرطوم.
واضاف "نحتفظ لانفسنا بحق الرد في المكان والموعد اللذين نختارهما".
وقد سمعت سلسلة انفجارات واندلع حريق ليل الثلاثاء الاربعاء في مجمع اليرموك للصناعات العسكرية وفق ما افاد شهود ومركز اعلامي مقرب من الحكومة.
وقال المركز السوداني للخدمات الصحافية المقرب من اجهزة الامن، ان السلطات تمكنت من السيطرة على الحريق الذي اندلع في "مجمع اليرموك للصناعات العسكرية".
واكد ان الادلة التي تشير الى اسرائيل عثر عليها بين بقايا المتفجرات.
Look through what has happened in and around Sudan in the last few years, their wars with South Sudan, their President being charged with war crimes, etc. and then tell us that what the Israeli official said is not true.
Even, and I emphasise EVEN, if Israel has 600 nuclear warheads, she has never threatened to wipe out a UN member state, as your dear friends in Iran threaten day after day.
Words of wisdom... you should not address these retards blinded with hate and envy... Sudan and Iran have been outsourcing terror forever and may end up wiped out off the planet... I hope...
The whole world is now waiting with baited breath for you to show them all your irrefutable evidence.
Once again, FT your one directional line of thought can only spew out anti-Israel rubbish.
Believe it or not (you probably won't anyway) it has been proved dozens of times that Israel is NOT responsible for everything that happens in the Middle East
FT - Firstly even this website states categorically that the Israeli air strikes on Gaza came as RETALIATION to over 60 missiles being fired at civilians in Israel.
Secondly - Everyone is showing the attacks on Khartoum, but NOONE (except you) has proved that it was Israeli Air Raids.
Thirdly - I won't lower myself to your level to answer you stupidity in the last part of your comment.
I think we should be grateful for Israeli raiding khartoum's weapon factory giving the nature of the Sudanese regime.
7aram Israel. They never bombed innocent children numerous times in Lebanon. They did not occupy any neighbouring counties. They never were responsible with their savage allies for the Sabra and Chatilla massacres. Innocent state Israel. They are always the victims even though they have been the killing machine in the middle east for the past six decades
I put 2 comments "all the arguments of M14 about the sunni street being fed up are bullshit". The proof: 38% of those arrested 2 days ago are not even lebanese.(palestinian and syrian). This is the proof that the current unrest is manufactured by a takfiri and not grassroot lebanese "sunni street". Naharnet removed both comments.
Still I dont consider it an achievment to fly an iranian drone. It is a feat for iran. We are just a tool, and i dont like that.
Definitely a terrorist state run by another terrorist on the UN most wanted list... just like ali baba nasrallah and najad...
Brothers of iran eh y r u in lebanon terrorist ta3a farjini marajlak ya devil worshiper
I agree with u here....us and israel are terrorists and promote terror....bass still its not a lebanese war
Guys guys guys c so far this has nothing to do with libnan....we don't have anymore problems with israel so we don't need HA and iran anymore let them go to palestine and fight from there
funny to see M8 supporters defend the sudanese regime... i guess if israel bombed saudi arabia they would defend saudis too, no? you know the ones they call wahabis, same regime as in sudan!! :). only because israel is involved!
double M8 standards as usual! hahaha!
instead of being neutral on this issue as both sides involved are as dangerous, sunni extremists vs sionists... LOL
and they defend sudanese regime forgetting how much they killed christians from the south!
FPMers are laughable and pitiful!
they wont say anything if saudi gets bombed...its not IRAN or a supporter of it plus they are all sunnis and are considered to be dirt to shiats cuz instead of fighting....we like to fix problems like human beings by talking and compromising walaw thats the reason y they think they are better then the rest of the world cuz they use weapons and promote hate w terrorism.....IRANIANS once fell and history shall repeat itself
Put it this way:
Iran regime has killed over 20 000 men and women in their jails.
Syria regime has killed and jailed hundred times more Syrians, Lebanese and palestinians than Israel has ever done
Sudan has killed hundreds of thousands of its population in Darfour, thousands of Christians in South Sudan, backed al Quaeda and Ben Laden.
There is no democracy nor justice neither in Sudan, Syria nor Iran which are all run by tyrant regime bringing harm and misery to their population.
Please explain us your definition for terrorist state.