جعجع: هناك اجهزة امنية تسير وفق محور "ايران-سوريا-حزب الله"

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اتهم رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع "أجهزة امنية لبنانية، ومسؤولين في القطاعات الأمنية" بالسير وفق مخططات "إيرانية سورية" بتنفيذ مسند إلى "حزب الله".

ورأى جعجع في حديث الى صحيفة "الوطن" السعودية انه "لو ان قضية الوزير ميشال سماحة التي قادت إلى تصفية رئيس فرع المعلومات اللواء وسام الحسن، وقعت بيد أشخاص آخرين، ربما لتتم التغطية عليها"، ولكان "شهد لبنان خرابا أكبر مما شهده بمقتل الشهيد الحسن".

ولفت جعجع الى ان قيام الحسن بكشف المخطط الاراهابي لسماحة، "وجّه صفعة لأطراف كانت تسعى لأن يكون لبنان مسرحا لإرسال رسائلها الإقليمية والدولية للهروب من الواقع".

واتهم في حديثه الى "الوطن"، "النظام الأسدي بشكل صريح ومباشر في التخطيط إلى جنب إيران بالضلوع وراء تصفية اللواء الحسن، بتنفيذ من قبل "حزب الله".

وتابع جعجع، قائلاً أن الحسن استفز محور "إيران سوريا حزب الله" بإحكام السيطرة والقبضة على التجاوزات الأمنية التي يقوم عليها البعض من المنتمين لتيارات سياسية لبنانية موالية لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد الذي يعيش أيامه الأخيرة".

واغتيل رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن ومرافقه المؤهل أحمد صهيوني في إنفجار سيارة مفخخة هز الأشرفية بعد ظهر الجمعة، وادى الانفجار الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى ما حصيل 3 قتلى واكثر من 100 جريح الى جانب الاضرار المدية الجسيمة التي لحقت بالمنطقة.

وأوقف سماحة آب الفائت اثر مداهمة منزليه في جوار الخنشارة والاشرفية من قبل شعبة المعلومات في قوى الأمن الداخلي.

وقد قام "فرع المعلومات" بالتحقيق مع سماحة الذي اعترف بالتخطيط لتفجيرات خلال إفطارات في شهر رمضان في شمال لبنان، وقبيل زيارة البطريرك الماروني مار بشارة بطرس الراعي الى عكار، بهدف احداث فتنة.

وقد ورد على لسان سماحة أن اللواء علي مملوك (وهو مسؤول أمني سوري) قد طلب القيام بالتفجيرات وسلّمه العبوات، وادعى القضاء في 11 آب الماضي على مملوك سماحة وعقيد في الجيش السوري يدعى عدنان "بجرم تأليف جمعية بقصد ارتكاب الجنايات على الناس والاموال والنيل من سلطة الدولة وهيبتها واثارة الاقتتال الطائفي عبر القيام باعمال ارهابية بواسطة عبوات ناسفة تولى سماحة نقلها وتخزينها بعد ان جهزت من مملوك وعدنان".

التعليقات 61
Missing peace 12:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

this truth won t please the M8 guys... let s see... :)

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 14:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

the truth burns when it approaches the reality...remember imad moughnieh assasination,the same explosives and techniquality,israel or syria or the farsis?same same since iran contra...poor lebanese shia,they are fighting on three fronts now:1)north front: hermel kusair homs2)supposed israeli front(sleeping till time comes)3)and the most dangerous(internal front.....and add to all that the economical front,as iran is just beginning starvation,baril of oil is backing to 80 doll( now 86 from 110)....and fakhamto is driving the storm superbly well...and the guy is waiting by the river....

Thumb geha 16:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

the truth does not sit well with the murderors actually.
we need to free Lebanon from traiotrs.

Thumb bigsami 16:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Low life Farsi BSThrower again defending/worshiping/bending-over to fundamentalist extremist that know nothing more than to hate, lie, fight, intimidate and kill.

Thumb phoenician 12:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

God bless you Hakim.

Missing rudy 13:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

yes he seems to be a sarcastic M14, but what i wonder is why you think its funny FT?

his humor is your serious argument :p

Thumb geha 13:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

m8 are a bunch of traitors sold out to the syro/iranians.
at least m14 are Lebanese.

Thumb jessy70 13:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

why dont you shut your mouth ORANGITTA4EVER.....never talk about HAKIM 3alla Raskoun HAKIM...ma 2eherkoun gheirou.....let your AOUN go back where he was....better for him...jaben harab bil pyjama w tarak jeishou w 3eiltou....bil 2alele HAKIM ma harab law 3am bt2oulo 3anou mejrem....where is the proof????...bas houwe mejrem????????....w m3alemkoun min chou byechkehouwe w sehrou el tefol el aboub..yelle ma bya3ref ye7ke kelemtein 3a ba3ed....

Thumb thepatriot 16:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

ewww... you don't sound like a nobel prize winner orangitta...

Missing greatpierro 12:08 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26


Missing rudy 13:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

well its not squandering when you are using your power to achieve an objective you have.

second, its not like they are doing anything else.

how about you have him as an equal ally, not one who takes what he wants just because if he doesnt get it, he will drag everyone down with him?

and there is no proof that israel will be bombing us everyday. integrate HA weapons in the army and send the army to the south. hell make an army branch called the resistance branch, but that answers to the government, and no one minds.

HA has dozens of options infront of it to make lebanon a better place without having to go down the path of its either me or them who will stay here. and yet they reject every single one and hold on to the most divisive one

Missing chouf1 13:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

FT since when Hezb Iran is super power ,dude I dont like Israel at all but please dont try and tell us a bed time story,regarding Hakim he is the man....

Missing gcb1 22:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

"Hakim" (who's not actually a doctor) is inciting violence right by saying that, and turning a large portion of the Lebanese people against an organization. If he believes that, he should keep it to himself and find other constitutional means to decredit Hezbollah.

As I always say, M14 have some noble goals, but they don't have the right individuals to carry them out.

Thumb anonymouslb 13:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

questions: why is the media systematically linking this assassination to the Samaha case and not to the Damascus assassination that lead to the death of the top syrian security officials?
why is everybody blaming syria or israel? numerous other intelligence agencies operate in lebanon: russian, chinese, french etc

Missing tonyfonda 14:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

yep, it is the Chinese Communist party who perceives the Lebanese ISF as a major threat to their economy

Thumb anonymouslb 15:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Thank you for the constructive answer / debate...

Missing tonyfonda 15:05 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Sorry Che,

not meaning to be rude... but your line of thought is quite "esoteric" to say the least.

All indications lead to hizbullah - no one else has the logistics for a job of this calibre.

Thumb anonymouslb 15:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

I'm not trying to defend anyone here. I'm just saying syria, lebanon, israel, iran, m8 or m14 are not the only actors. What's happening in syria /lebanon is involving much more sides: the US and their arab allies, NATO, the BRICS countries and their allies... superpowers are using syria as a battlefield with proxies, just as they did with Lebanon, for strategic and energetic gains...
Are Hezbollah suspects , of course... but they're definitely not the only ones...

Thumb anonymouslb 15:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

oh and btw it's not che in the pic but castro :) you were not very far off anyway ;)

Thumb makhaleh 17:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

So are u saying it might a different group maybe a secret organization like the illuminati behind these attacks to bring forth the prophecy of a new world order and the massacre of abt 6billion people ??

Missing gcb1 22:33 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25


All indications? What indications? Did you visit the crime scene? Did you check the phone records? Did you investigate every aspect of the crime? It is such blind accusations that will endanger Lebanon.

The stupid are sure, while the knowledgable are uncertain.

Missing beirutbastard00 04:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

It use to b like that. Things have changed over time, we're the only ones holding onto this 60+yr old conflict. It's time to draw borders n move on. Shi3a have the power now to b equal citizens in the sense of state participation, no need for a militia to speak for their rights. Nshallah some kind of weapon faze-out n border demarcation can b agreed on soon.

Missing beirutbastard00 04:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

It wasn't America, Israel, or France cause wissam Hassan was technically helping their cause. If anything, they woulda sponsored him. The Samaha case only hurts Syria and its allies. The Israeli spies he helped foil were mostly caught by hizballah. It doesn't make sense that the any side would kill its own ppl, y would any politician agree to work with a country knowing that very country will blow u up afterwards?? If Israel wants to creat strife they would go after an m8 figure like berri, not some1 in m14, especially after the countless victims n no civil war. Also seeing that m14 are scared of Syria/Iran not the west, saad went to France to hide, shows who is attacking them.

So it only leaves Syria, Iran, n Russia and china to a lesser extent as suspects. Whoever did this did it for Syrias benefit.

Missing rudy 14:04 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

1. let HA be willing to discuss this option in the dialogue table at least. M14 is not the one saying that option is off the table. its HA saying it, and you know that very well

2. That still isnt proof other than its what you THINK will happen. I think it wont happen, what makes your opinion more likely to be true?

3. Since last election. that wasnt ages ago yeh? that was just a few years ago. and following your reasoning, what do you care then if mustaqbal gets weapons? they're not attacking HA, and if there are clashes, the other side is responding with equal force so they must have the weapons too. and besides, thats what M14 has been saying for years. if one side is armed and practices intimidation tactics, the other side will eventually arm themselves to keep the balance of power. isnt that what nasrallah says his weapons are for? to keep the balance of power with israel?


Missing rudy 14:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

not if he gets one first

Default-user-icon Christian E. (ضيف) 14:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Tony, I think you're wrong. It's the French Revolutionist feeling threatened by the Lebanese ISF :)

Missing forces 14:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Flame you seem to be a little confused about the issue at hand. It is not now nor will it ever be the Lebanese people that change to suite a foreign armed entity within it's borders israel,syria or iran.. Therefore it is very rich of you to suggest the burden of peace and stability is on m14 and they must create conditions to appease hezbil irani so they are willing to discuss their weapons.. In this case there will never be a please or thank you. They have al ready discussed the weapons and hizb gave assurances that were never kept. No more chances that was one more chance than they deserved. Stop covering up and making excuses, this is lebanon for the lebanese not for anyone else...

Thumb habib 15:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Orang 4ever alla yehdikon weynawerkon 3anjad bedkon sala ktir ktir ktir heda eza kento 3erfino enkon khatyin bas eza mankon 3erfi mala7 yenfa3 sala la elkon adma salolkon shagli we7di la7tenfa3kin 3ido 7sebetkon ma3 jeneralkon momken se3ta ten gafar znobkon li anno yali bisade2 shaytan wbyemshi ma3o zanbo la yogfar 3ido le7sbet kolla men awal yom eja kharab atall sharad kezeb 3ala nes wekher Shi harab wtarak jaysho bel ma3raki stoshhido nkhattafo maferet ma3o 7amal lmasari wsahab 3ala fransa shbe3 bel mata3em lfaransiyi 3ala hsab lebneniyi wlama reje3 wyarayto ma reje3 khan lebnen mara tenye wbayan 3an 7ai2to bi enno awmi souri wala bihomo lwatan lkorsi bel awwal yali mashefa wala7 bishofa bi 7ayeti bi banemo momken 3emel ta7elof ma3 hezeb erhabi wa koll yali dallo ma3 sorya ?howi yali kan msamma lehezeb erhabi sar adis lhezeb wa saydo ew3oooooo 3ala halkon khalsona ba3den lasad 3amyoktol sha3bo

Default-user-icon Strobo Skowpe (ضيف) 15:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Predictions long time no hear, Dr. Arreet 7akeh!

Thumb habib 15:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Wjeneralik 3an bi defe3 katel atfal bachar mentehek la3rad mejrem l3aser w3an bi defe3 3anno wento mafi 3endkon zaret damir ma3endkon zaret e7ses mabet khafo alla

Thumb joeleb 15:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Ya orangitta, ya orangitta, please think before you talk. "Hizbullah can never commit a crime, it is a holy party of God" you say. Ya orangitta, this is something only a brainwashed fanatic hizbullah member would say. Really, a holy party of God? Wake up!!! They are a holy party of Iran and Syria! They would never commit a crime? let me give you a few examples: Stealing cars, stealing land, beating people up, drugs, threatening people with death...need I say more? It's not that they don't commit crimes, it's that they are above the law so they don't care.

Thumb joeleb 15:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

I was a devoted Aounist, but after Aoun allied with Hizbullah and now defends them to the teeth, the very party that beat us up and jailed up and attacked us before 2005, I stopped being a Aounist? Why? Because I am not a sheep, I don't believe and do as my "leader" tells me to do, one minute Hizbullah is our enemy and the next they are "a holy party of God". I wish the Lebanese would use their brains more rather than allow themselves to be brainwashed.
Aoun will never be president,he gave up his principles for power, and a man without principles doesn't deserve to be president.

Missing jayjay 18:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

there are many like you Joeleb...and thank god for that...

Missing gcb1 22:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25


Before 2008, when did Hezb use its weapons against the Lebanese people and, more specifically, against "Aounists"? No rhetoric, I want you to actually prove and direct to me a clear indication that Hezb committed such acts.

Default-user-icon Chris Awwad (ضيف) 16:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

This guy is the greatest disgrace the world (not Lebanon) has ever seen let alone heard. He is full of evil look slike evil and drips of evil. He has caused much greif for the Christians of Lebanon and continues to dig into their wounds and the bad memories from the war. The people have had enough of this guy thinking he represents the Maronites or Christians because he certainly doesn't or hasn;t done anything to deserve it. He has caused more deaths amongst the Christian Resistance and people more than anybody in Lebanon's history and continues to be used as a tool by his Sunni counterparts in the Mustaqbal & Salafi Party.

Thumb thepatriot 16:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25


Missing constantine 16:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

People still listen to this clown?

Thumb bigsami 16:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Farsi go away. Lebanese don't need your filth!

Thumb bigsami 16:50 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Farsi go away. Lebanese don't need your filth!

Thumb makhaleh 17:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

A holy party that drew weopons on its country and so called people....raided the mustaqbal building....plzzzz what holy party is that...more the drug party and devels advocate

Default-user-icon simon (ضيف) 17:08 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Lebanese People are so blind; you will stay poor all your life. Get a LIFE.... We don't need any army, we don't need any resistence; becuase this country should be like switzerland.... You act like you are a major power with your rockets and strong army..

We just want to Live.... GOT IT....

Thumb makhaleh 17:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Flameshitter don't u ever give up dude innou u keep sticking up for these liers that brainwashed u.....wow give up man no1 cares wat u say and I bet u anything those clowns u support don't really give a damn abt u....the truth is slowly coming out and ur so called party is going down in flames

Thumb makhaleh 17:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Wowowow phoenician u know I always support u just aslong as u don't label all muslims as kouffar cuz we know that HA should be called hizblkouffar and they support the killing of innocents and call them martyrs but true muslims know that its the biggest sin to do that we are not so different then christians just minor differences that's all and HA are discrase to muslims and I personaly call them the devils party

Default-user-icon JC Williams (ضيف) 17:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Geagea has no proof, nothing to back up these accusations, His conspiracy theories are about as plausible as the so called assasination attempt on the wall of his compound. This is actally slander and sedition. In most countries in the world, countries that have functioning governments, he would be sued and probably jailed for incitement. Really, how does he get away with it?

Missing Perestroika 17:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

makhaleh, ALL the Lebanese should be in for a Change!!!!!!!

7eb li badak yeh, ma fi mashkal, bass bala tazalom!
Where is the critical thinking???

Thumb makhaleh 17:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Starsky.....long live the spirit of every fallen lebanese that did watever it takes for this country.....basically march 14....- haven't heard any assassinated member of M8 so screw them all

Missing braveheart 17:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

i love how some people on this site claim to have the right to accuse geagea of murders during the civil war, albeit that "everyone" commited murders during the civil war, but when someone accuses hizballah whic is an iranian tool with an iranian agenda of murder its blasphemy. funny how the guy placing the bomb to kill harb in badaro was caught red handed and identified as a hizballah affiliate and still people denie it... dont know why you guys waste your time and argue with people like them. spit in their faces and they say its raining.

Missing beirutbastard00 18:08 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

It wasn't America, Israel, or France cause wissam Hassan was technically helping their cause. If anything, they woulda sponsored him. The Samaha case only hurts Syria and its allies. The Israeli spies he helped foil were mostly caught by hizballah. It doesn't make sense that the any side would kill its own ppl, y would any politician agree to work with a country knowing that very country will blow u up afterwards?? If Israel wants to creat strife they would go after an m8 figure like berri, not some1 in m14, especially after the countless victims n no civil war. Also seeing that m14 are scared of Syria/Iran not the west, saad went to France to hide, shows who is attacking them.

So it only leaves Syria, Iran, n Russia and china to a lesser extent as suspects. Whoever did this did it for Syrias benefit.

Missing peace 18:13 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

LOL! so funny to see the aounisits of today prompt to forget what their beloved general said yesterday about hezbos!
but see how they lick the hezbi boots now because they have the weapons... so i guess that aoun was wrong before he sold himself to them for a few dollars!

Default-user-icon guest (ضيف) 18:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25


Missing jayjay 18:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

orangita..not sure if you're being sarcastic or actually believe what you are saying...either way.. FUNNYYY

Default-user-icon geb (ضيف) 19:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Aoun, Geagea, Nasrallah, Hariri, Jumblatt, Gemayel, Sinoira, , , , please fill in the gaps I can't remember the rest of them... They are all laughing at you while they sit in their multi-million $ palaces. wake up people. Stop being sheep and falling into their mind control games.

Default-user-icon Fardous Bkhasro (ضيف) 21:21 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

March 14, this great patriot, Dr. Geagea, in unbelievable, and here is why. I swear to God I kept track of everything he has said and done since he blessedly descended on us from heaven way back when. To be honest with you, the number of times he has been correct, in words and actions, has way surpassed the total count of everything he has said and done to date! If this is not a sign of the blessed's superpowers, I really do not know what is! And I believe this explains the droves of loyal followers and worshipers of the doc. May God bless the blessed! And March 14, believe you me, you are blessed, my compatriots. Lucky you, and miserable are the rest of us!

Missing samiam 22:01 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

the problem with your argument is that it is wrong--no way 1.5 lebanese are behind hezb. You can't use that 57 or 58% of VOTERS who you claim voted for M8 are actually HA supporters. That's called jumping to conclusions. Additionally--Hezb is trying to find a raison d'etre. When asked if Hezb would give up its arms if we made a peace treaty with Israel with them giving up Shabaa, they said they were going to fight for the Palestinians and they wouldn't give up their arms.

If that ever gets solved, they will probably use the 'free Tibet' reason. Bottom line--they won't give up their arms any more.

Missing gcb1 22:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25

Does this man realize what he is doing? Even if he believes that this is the case, why would he publicly say it and destabilize the situation? Honestly, why the hell would a Lebanese organization like Hezbollah carry out a plot that would only energize the opposition bloc and increase internal pressure on it?

This man is politicizing the Wissam al-Hassan's death to advance his party interests. They want the government to resign and seek any means to do it, even if that means politicizing someone's death. March 14 has some noble objectives, but the individuals within it are not intellectual enough to carry them out.

Missing cedars 04:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

@gcb1: General Hajj, Wissam Eid and Wissam Al-Hassan were eliminated and punished for protecting Lebanon against destabilizing it.
Hajj was told that Nahr El Bared was a redline by Nasrallah, Eid and Al-Hassan revealed the truth of the plots of the political Lebanese figures.
Our THREE Internal Security guardians were politicized and assassinated. What does it take for your brain to grasp that the killing machine is one and only one and does not differentiate between a Security personnel or political figure? If Israel is committing all these crimes then won't you think it would kill on both sides of the aisle and not just all the anti-syrian outspoken figures.

Missing people-power 08:03 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

gcb.... get a clue dude. Are you for real? That is the lamest excuse ever. No criminal does a crime and thinks that they will get caught. That's like the excuse M8 people used to use about the Hariri murder. They used to say, "look who benefited from Hariri's death; M14 is in power, so M8 couldn't have killed Hariri". That was before the M8 coup, and now HezbIran controls the government.

Let's face it, there hasn't been any repercussions yet for all the killing of M14 members. Threats against Jumblatt keep him in M8 bloc, and whatever "energizing" you are talking about means nothing. Meanwhile the most important security official who has been on the track of the killers has been eliminated. Obviously the benefits to M8 for killing Al-Hasan outweigh the costs of "energizing" M14.

Thumb makhaleh 10:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

HA is not a lebanese organization buddy

Missing gcb1 22:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 25


Your disgusting sectarian extremist rhetoric is shameful and embarrassing. You are a radical religious extremist and you are not much different than those radical Islamists you preach hatred against. Both of you have a closed-minded ignorant mentality. Educate yourself you racist.

Missing beirutbastard00 04:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

It use to b like that. Things have changed over time, we're the only ones holding onto this 60+yr old conflict. It's time to draw borders n move on. Shi3a have the power now to b equal citizens in the sense of state participation, no need for a militia to speak for their rights. Nshallah some kind of weapon faze-out n border demarcation can b agreed on soon.

Missing greatpierro 12:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 26

Israel is not aggressing Jordan, Egypt, or the West Bank. Israel reacts when threatened. Why would it agress Lebanon. Before the Lebanese invited the OLP to south Lebanon in the 70's, there were no aggression from Isrel since 1948. Now Israll has withdraws from the South. Was it not for HA building bunkers and massing weapons against Israel, we would not have had the war in 2006.
Neither Iran, nor Syria and their Khizbullah lackey have no interest what so ever to export back the jews from Palestine. Their goal is to keep their tyrant regime against their people alive. Tyrant regime do not last long without instability around them. Iran is destabilizing Kurdistan, Turkey, Lebanon for the sake of the Islamic revolution. Syria's Assads are doing the same.
To live peacefully, we need to distance ourselves from those regimes and look to our own interest as Lebanese: how to reinforce our nation, government, internal security, develop our society and economy.