خطف الصحافي فداء عيتاني في أعزاز بريف حلب و"خلية الأزمة" تجتمع الإثنين
Read this story in Englishأعلن معارضون سوريون عن اعتقال الصحافي اللبناني فداء عيتاني في أعزاز حيث من المفترض أن يتواجد اللبنانيون التسع الذين ما زالوا مخطوفين في سوريا.
وقالت تنسيقية أعزاز في الثورة السورية صباح اليوم السبت احتجاز عيتاني الذي يعمل مع قناة "المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال إنترناشونال" وقنوات أخرى. و
لفتت التنسيقية الى ان "التقارير والفيديوهات لم تثبت تورط عيتاني او عمله مع اي طرف ضد الثورة، ولكن عمله كصحافي لم يعد يلقى الموافقة على بقائه في المناطق الخاضعة لسيطرة الثوار".
ونقلت الـ"LBCI" عن مسؤول الثوار في منطقة اعزاز "ابو ابراهيم" في اتصال معه، تأكيده وجود عيتاني مع الثوار في أعزاز، وقد كان يرافق مجموعة من المقاتلين في حلب.
وأوضح "أبو ابراهيم" أو عمار الدادخي خاطف اللبنانيين في سوريا أن تصوير عيتاني "لكميات كبيرة من العمليات الحربية جعلهم يشككون في أمره، ودفعهم الى نقله الى منطقة اعزاز وتسليمه إليه".
وكشف أن "عيتاني باقٍ في المنطقة لفترة".
من جانبها نقلت قناة "الجديد"عن مصدر مطلع على المفاوضات بشأن احتجاز فداء عيتاني في سوريا أن النائب "عقاب صقر يبذل اقصى جهده في الملف وتوقع اطلاق سراح عيتاني بين اليوم وغدا".
ومساء أبلغ وزير العمل سليم جريصاتي قناة الـ"LBCI" أنه وجه دعوة للجنة الوزارية المكلفة متابعة ملف المخطوفين أو ما يعرف بخلية الأزمة "إلى اجتماع في مكتب وزير الداخلية الإثنين المقبل وبحث ملف الصحافي فداء عيتاني".
يشار إلى أنه في 22 أيار الماضي خطف 11 حاجا لبنانيا في أعزاز لدى عودتهم من زيارة دينية إلى إيران.
وفي 25 آب أفرج عن حسين عمر وأتي عبر تركيا إلى لبنان. وبعد شهر بالتحديد أفرج الخاطفون عن عوض ابراهيم ليبقى مصير التسعة الباقين مجهولا.
ولم تعد مناطق واسعة في شمال وشمال غرب سوريا قرب الحدود التركية خاضعة منذ اشهر لسيطرة نظام دمشق بحسب منظمات غير حكومية ومراسلي وكالات أنباء عالمية كوكالة "فرانس برس".
ويقول ناشطون ومنظمات غير حكومية ان ابو ابراهيم ليس من المعارضة المسلحة بل مهرب سابق يستفيد من الانتفاضة السورية لكسب المال.
more like : "Itani took photos of lots of the massacres and foul play we were committing against the only one and only evil evil regime and his supporters whom are a good majority of the syrian people! which is incompatible with the path of the Syrian revolution and rebels, so we took him in and will free him as soon as we confiscate all his equipment and send a letter of threat to his mom so he wont speak again, oh and in doing so we'll make an example out of him for other journalists on the ground!brilliant!
Shut up already, and one day people will avenge the death of hassan and hariri. Your aoun will be punished for his death threats to hassan.
Realist we should not call for avenging the death of those who were so cowardly assassinated by a hate regime. If we do so we become like those whose behavior we condemn.
We should call for national understanding and this should not come only from our leader but it should come from all of us.
these are your supposition just because you are pro assad. maybe you are right or may be you are wrong.
no one can support this regime as for the past 40 years it has ruled in tyranny over the Syrian people but wrecked havoc in Lebanon, iraq, kurdistan, turkey and gaza. This regime was incapable of going through a pacific transition when people went demonstrating on the street. Now we have a civil war. A la guerre comme à la guerre. Unfortunately no one has the monopoly of death and crime.
Rather than supporting one side or another, we should all call for a pacific solution that brings about a democratic government.
you feed on past hatred, i don't side with assad's regime, nor with any political party in this snake pit of a homeland called Lebanon, I condemn syria's influence on lebanon and i'd let other countries deal with their own scars, but I BLAME LEBANESE MOSTLY FOR THE SYRIAN TRAGEDIES IN THE PAST, and NOT SYRIA ALONE, get this and get this straight, Lebanese taught them how to steal better, manipulate better and worst of all how to sell your brothers better, and don't you speak for the syrian people, trust me while not perfect they were living far better than you ever were in lebanon, here's a short list (below).
The nazi used to call the resistants terrorists. The Israeli used to call HA terrorists when they fought against it in south lebanon. Assad is calling the FSA terrorist in the same manner. It is so convenient to call terrorist your opponent in order to take away the legitimacy of his actions. No one is saying that the FSA are angels nor that among them there are now salafists that are discovering a whole new playground for them.
We should be weary from taking sides but we should support a pacific solution for Syria.
the only difference is that hezbos do not resist anything else than the lebanese laws and constitution...
"resistance" is now a marketing logo to sell their soup to weak minds like yours baby....
Meshaal angered Damascus by praising "the revolution of the Syrian people for freedom and democracy" when he participated in the congress of Turkey's ruling party.
even hamas your beloved ally criticizes the regime you fiercly support, hezbis and FPMers....
list: they had FREE HOSPITALS EVERYWHERE, CHEAPEST MEDICINE, FREE GAS FOR WINTER, FREE EDUCATION, and syria was labeled by "the lonely planet" as number one safest country in the world, were no woman was harrassed and thieves/murderers had their heads chopped off, yes there were areas in syria with great poverty but hey turkey with all their show is no better outside istanbul, and some of this was because of the sanctions imposed on syria, and unlike lebanon "sectarianism" was unheard of in syria, so i suggest you put some cotton in your mouth and blame your fellow man here for all their backstabbing and try to clean your room first before pouring water in your neighbors apartment. I believe in gradual change, have that or start he stone age as is happening now.