جعجع: اغتيال الحسن يقرب "حزب الله" خطوة اضافية من وضع اليد على الدولة

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اعتبر رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن، يقرب "حزب الله" خطوة اضافية من وضع اليد على الدولة.

واوضح جعجع، في لقاء حواري مع صحافيين واعلاميين في معراب ووفق ما نقلته صحيفة "النهار"، ان المعارضة "لا تستهدف الرئيس نجيب ميقاتي لشخصه بل لأنه رئيس حكومة يسيطر عليها فريق تعتبره المعارضة مسؤولا عن اعمال القتل"، ورأى ان اغتيال اللواء الحسن يقرب "حزب الله" خطوة اضافية من وضع اليد على الدولة.

واكد على ان االمعارضة ستمضي في الضغط حتى استقالة ميقاتي "مهما كلف الامر"، مشيراً الى أن هذه الاستقالة هي السبيل الوحيد لاسقاط الحكومة.

وتابع جعجع، قائلاً ان اغتيال الحسن بمعزل عن الحسابات السياسية جعله ثائرا "لأن الفريق الآخر يلجأ الى العنف بين وقت وآخر لفرض امر واقع جديد، فيغير في اللعبة السياسية، ثم يعود الى ترداد شعارات الاستقرار ومنع الفتنة والوحدة الوطنية وعدم الفراغ، مطمئنا الى ان لا شيء سيحصل بل ستعود الحياة الى طبيعتها بعد يومين ثلاثة كأن شيئاً لم يكن".

ولفت، في اللقاء مع الصحافيين وفق ما نقلت "النهار"، الى ان "قررنا ان يكون لنا رد فعل لئلا يستسهل قتلنا وليعرف ان هناك ثمنا لفعلته".

الى ذلك، كشف جعجع ان اطرافا دوليين نصحوا المعارضة بانتظار نتائج التحقيق، فقلنا لهم "اي ضابط او قاض يجرؤ على تحقيق جدي متى تبينت له علاقة لـ"حزب الله" او النظام السوري بآلة القتل؟ اذا اللواء وسام الحسن وقتلوه!".

واغتيل اللواء الحسن بانفجار سيارة مفخخة في 19 الجاري في الاشرفية، ما ادى الى مقتل شخصين وسقوط اكثر من 100 جريح، اضافة الى الاضرار المادية التي لحقت بالمنطقة.

وتطالب قوى 14 آذار بسقوط الحكومة، في حين ينفذ عدداً من شبان هذه القوى اعتصاما امام السراي الحكومي وآخر امام منزل رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي في طرابلس.

التعليقات 36
Thumb ghada12 10:02 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

With all due respect to Geagea, shouldn't he be questioning why the ISF are placing their so called safe houses in a crowded residential Christian area and be pissed off about that? A safe house should be the Residential Palace or a military barack or a private yacht way off the coast! These Christian politicians are forgetting about the people they are supposed to represent. Where is the outrage about that?

Default-user-icon A disgusted citizen (ضيف) 10:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

With the security forces and law enforcement agencies, loaded with members whose allegiances is to their religious and political leaders comes before that to their country and the citizens they swore to protect, those military barracks are rendered unsafe... Even The late general's own unit was compromised and a Judas there sold him out... And let us not forget about the airport and its operators who are members of ali baba nasrallah's terror gang and that of Berri's outlaws and his militia..

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:32 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Your comment demonstrate a total lack of understanding of how security work is carried out. Safe houses would not be safe houses if they were not selected in regular and normal areas. Standard operating procedure for all security agencies.

Thumb ghada12 11:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

what's safe about a safe house that is so unsafe? you mean to tell me that it's easy in lebanon to be incognito in any neighborhood? what kind of security is that that endangers everybody for the sake of playing cat and mouse in an alley?

Missing gcb1 16:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28


"These Christian politicians are forgetting about the people they are supposed to represent". THAT IS THE PROBLEM IN LEBANON! THAT DISGUSTING MENTALITY!

All politicians should be representing ALL Lebanese, not just one segment of the population. Shame on you.

Missing greatpierro 19:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

That is a good point. They should evacuate this place and move for instance next to the train station where there are few inhabitant. The ISF barracks not only is situated next to dense residential area but also is close to a Grand Lycée which house over 3000 students.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Really, if things are as simple as that then why bother assassinating Hasan. Make him resign and appoint someone else. Oh yeah, forgot HA and Aoun were not able to force him out because they needed to back up Miqati's Sunni credentials.
Your silly comments only serve to fool people that are even sillier than you. Like I said before, blogging on this site IS your FULL TIME JOB on behalf of M8.
Get a life, a real one that is.

Thumb ghada12 11:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

I personally blame aoun for every Christian death in Lebanon because he singlehandedly divided the christian community, weakened it,and subjected to massacres, not just once, but twice and for no other purpose than for personal interest. may God never forgive him.

Missing gcb1 16:09 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

FT, don't bother with ghada12, he already seems like some extremist Christian sectarian minded follower.

And by the way, when did the M14 Christian parties call for the abolition of sectarianism? They've always sent mixed signals about their desire for a form of federalism and such, and doesn't Geagea constantly praise the Taef Accord? Even though the Taef continues to haunt the Lebanese people every single day.

Thumb ghada12 10:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

I have nothing against Geagea but representatives by name only are becoming a dime a dozen from all sides. At least with jumblatt he cares about druze's lives and he is willing to put personal ideology and personal pride aside to protect them. I bet he would'nt allow a safe house in his neighborhood.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

I bet he would not know about it and I actuality would have no choice in the matter.

Thumb ghada12 10:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

but he should know about it and right now he should find out every safe house that is located in Christian areas and demand that they are dismantled immediately! and not just Christian areas, all areas of Lebanon where families live.

Thumb lebnanfirst 10:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Geagea's assessment is right on the money. That is the conclusion to be drawn from all the assassinations of M14 figures all along. They could not be silenced or bought so they were physically liquidated. The theory is at some point there will not be any M14ers to stand up to HA, Syria and Iran at which time HA will take full control.
Up till now M14 was counseled to appease instead of confront. Those days are over, this time M14 must stand up and confront HA and force them to choose so that it is plain for all to see the real intents of HA and it's patron Iran.

Thumb ghada12 11:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

lousy lousy neighbors from both sides, that's our main problem

Missing gcb1 16:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Man I'm actually really sick of some people here believing themselves to be top tier investigators. I'm still waiting for one proof that HA is behind any of the assassinations (and please, don't bring up the STL, their evidence was circumstancial and based on telecoms, and we all know who has ample control over the telecom sector in Lebanon)

Missing helicopter 18:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

We have circumstantial evidence and suspects. 4 suspects in the case of Hariri's assassination and one suspect in case of Harb attempted assassination and it was made plain and loud that Hezb members of off limits for any investigations. At best it is contempt of court.... not to mention contempt of all other State institutions.

Missing gcb1 02:30 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29


Circumstantial evidence is not considered legit evidence. Go take a law class before pretending to be some primetime investigator.

Missing peace 11:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

hezbos have already taken over lebanon... nothing new here...

Missing beirutbastard00 11:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Yea if he died of natural causes. He was blown up in the middle of a residential area, I think this should provoke some kind of reaction, no?

Default-user-icon The Observer (ضيف) 12:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

لاحظت "الصنداي تايمز" ان "الامين العام لحزب الله حسن نصر الله الذي اعرب في بداية الازمة السورية علنا عن تأييده لنظام الاسد لم يعد يفعل ذلك في خطاباته الاخيرة". وبحسب التقرير ان "بعض اعضاء "حزب الله" ومنهم رجال دين شيعة يخشون من ان دعم نظام الاسد يمكن ان يجرهم الى صدام مع المسلمين السنة".

اضافت "التلغراف" ان "احداث التفجير واعمال العنف في لبنان زادت من هذا الانقسام داخل "حزب الله" بشأن الموقف من النظام السوري، كما ان الحزب، الذي كان يحظى بشعبية غير مسبوقة في العالم العربي بسبب محاربته اسرائيل، بدأ يخسر هذا التأييد الشعبي نتيجة موقفه الداعم للنظام السوري. وربما يخشى الحزب ايضا من خسارة تأييد اللبنانيين له وفقدانه اصواتا في أي انتخابات".http://www.beirutobserver.com

Thumb jcamerican 14:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Except Joumblatt didn't murder his own sect. And they were not displaced by his actions.

Missing cedar_revolution 15:22 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

and murder the next one in case he expose another assassination plot? Unless he comes from the M8,man,,,he's not safe at all.now,flame?tell me who's stupid??retard!!!

Default-user-icon LebanonForLebanese (ضيف) 15:28 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

I agree with Geagea BUT here's another reality:
- Aoun has a gun pointed to his head
- Jumblat wants to make sure his sect stays alive and so picks the side that he thinks will win
- HA also wants to survive. Let's not forget how chiites were treated before the 80s. (Although I am in now way saying HA represent chiites. Some chiites would prefer having the life they had before than following these guys). But again HA takes orders.

Default-user-icon LebanonForLebanese (ضيف) 15:29 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

So anyone sees the problem here: the outside countries know all this and are either brainwashing them with promises or simply have a gun pointed to them. Either way, it is like a gun.

I don't believe one second that any Lebanese on "either side" thinks is a winner. How can any Lebanese think he or she is on the winning side when the social fabric is falling apart (no price regulations, no retirement plans, no security, no trust). The reality is sad. If the Lebanese don't stick together and always rely on outside forces then this battle will never end. Look at the posts! We're talking like enemies. Isn't this what the outside forces all want. They're counting on us to be this way!

Yes sometimes we read a comment and then reply thinking we're about to take the upper hand. But honestly, did you really take the upperhand?

Missing cedar_revolution 15:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

@aussieleb1983,,,,you forgot to mention,,,good luck living in a country where simple citizen are blown up for reasons they are not involve.colateral damage?

Missing midan 15:48 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

well said the_roar

Missing gcb1 16:12 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Aussie, stop insulting and go read.

Missing shootingstar 17:07 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Why some body like Geagea, a politician and an educator keeps pointing fingers at other people. Why does not he work for his community and try not to install hatred and racism. i never heard him saying that we are all Lebanese and need to live together and love each other. Whats hard about this?

Missing greatpierro 19:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Then to be fair you should also react to Aoun's regular hate mongering. and my I allow my self saying that stupid aounist will always believe aoun. What have we achieved then FT.
Nothing but creating hate among us.

To the risk of repeating myself, we need to elevate this debate and find ways to make peace

Missing greatpierro 19:26 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Since 2005 all leading figures against Syria are being assassinated. It is a systematic plot to weaken Syria's opponent in Lebanon so Syria can keep dominating Lebanon. Indeed Syria has reached its goal, with M14 in disarray, out of the government, and many leading figures abroad.

I do not understand how Aoun can be an ally to Syria which is a TYRANT regime. This regime care less about protecting Christians (what has it done in Achrafieh and Zahlé). All it cares is protecting itself.

I do not understand the Aounist saying that Syria will help bring back the palestinians to Palestine. What has the regime done against Israel but be responsible of the killing of thousands of Palestinians in the camps.

Maybe you Aounist find circumstantial reasons to be an ally of the Syrian regime but this outright wrong. No reason in the world can justify to be an ally to a criminal regime.

Thumb ghada12 19:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 28

Well said. When he dies I would like his brain dissected and I bet tons of plaque will be found.

Missing aussieleb1983 00:19 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

I love how you conveniently missed the above points I made about the current government. I will continue to insult people like you. Anyone who supports a killing machine government deserves to be insulted. You can say what you want about my parents.. but they never turned their back on lebanon and always wanted Lebanon for Lebanon. Can't say the same about your parents. As for being a fully sick Lebo... I have no problem getting along with every other race here and most of my friends are aussie - if you're ashamed to be Lebanese that's your problem.

Missing aussieleb1983 00:25 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Enough - totally agree. I also think it was in ASSad's best interest to get the war outside of Syria and make it a regional conflict. He is praying someone will strike Syria so he can look like the hero and saviour of his people.

Default-user-icon Zoltan Bokassinovitch (ضيف) 00:38 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

STL, FBI, CIA... go home, losers. Dr. Arreet 7akeh has solved the mystery. Who needs to see satellite images that neither the US nor the Europeans want to provide and that would prove that Syria, Hizbullah, Iran and the Wilayat al-Faqihers are behind this and other assassinations when we have Dr. Arreet 7akeh's imagery that sees everything? Thank God March 8 do not have such an imaginative character! Can you fathom what evil deeds they would have used him for? 3ayn al 7asoud toubla bil 3ama! ma7rous inshalla!

Thumb joesikemrex 02:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

Nothing but a propaganda employee, and as usual filling this forum with useless comments.

Missing realist 02:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 29

There is no escape from the suni-she3i grandiose war in the region, 7aje ted7aku 3ala 7alkun, people want revenge and i predict suicide attacks in beirut come 2013 and syrian and arab jihadis in beka3. The western indifference to the turmoil in Syria together with the arrogance and "law kuntu a3lam" calculations of hizbustan the suni fundamentalism is out of the bottle and people will start shooting back. It will be much uglier and much more destructive than the war in the 70's. There will come a time when some M8 idiots on here wished they have never killed moderate civilized people like hariri and hassan.