جعجع: القاتل متمركز داخل الحكومة وانتهى عصر التسويات ويجب أن تبدأ المواجهة
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع ان المواجهة مع الفريق الآخر "يجب أن تبدأ" مشيرا إلى أن الخطوة الأولى لـ"14 آذار" هي إسقاط الحكومة لأن "مكينة القتل متمركزة" فيها، وموضحا أنه حان الوقت لكي "نقول للقاتل نحن نعرفك" وأن "عصر التسويات انتهى".
وقال جعجع في حديث إلى قناة "المستقبل" مساء الأربعاء "إسقاط الحكومة هو جزء من خطواتنا لأن القاتل متمركز فيها".
وشرح جعجع ان "جوهر الأمر أن فريق 14 آذار يتعرض لعمليات قتل ممنهجة وراءها مجموعات كبيرة ومنظمات مسلحة لديها أجنحة أمنية".
ولم يتردد جعجع في القول أن "هناك أحدا في البلد يتآمر ويغطي على القتلة ولن نضحك على أنفسنا".
وأضاف "قبل خطة العمل نريد أن نقول للمجرمين نحن نعرفكم أصلا" سائلا "ما الذي سيحصل أكثر في لبنان من أن فريقا يقتل آخر؟" ومعلنا أنه " بكل صراحة يجب أن تبدأ المواجهة في مكان ما".
وتابع جعجع سائلا "عن أن حياة سياسية نتكلم وهناك اغتيالات وإذا لم يكن هناك اغتيالات هناك عمل عسكري كالسابع من أيار وإذ لم يكن هناك عملا عسكريا هناك عمل "بارا عسكري" مثل القمصان السود؟".
وردا على الإدعاء على الإعلامي نديم قطيش الذي دعا إلى التوجه إلى السراي سأل "ألم يأتي معلومات منذ شهرين عن اغتيال (المدير العام لقوى الأمن الداخلي اللواء أشرب) ريفي و(اللواء وسام) الحسن؟ هل استدعى القاضي ريفي والحسن لسؤالهما؟ كلا. واليوم يستدعي نديم قطيش".
وإذ رفض جعجع أن "يزايدن أحد علينا في موضوع الإنتخابات ونحن سنذهب إليها ولو تحت القتل" سأل "من أشار لحزب الله أن يرسل طائرة؟ هل حكومته سمحت له؟ وهل طائرة أرسلت على حساب لبنان صورها في إيران أمر يجوز؟ أسال وزير الدفاع هل لدى الجيش اللبناني صورا من طائرة الإستطلاع؟".
وكشف رئيس "القوات" أن "وكل استطلاعات الرأي تعطي الأفضلية لقوى 14 آذار حسب كل قوانين الإنتخاب تقريبا" معتبرا أن الأمر دفع "إلى التسريع بالإغتيالات".
وعن كلام رئيس "جبهة النضال الوطني" النائب وليد جنبلاط سأل عن "أي وحدة وطنية وما زال هناك أفرقاء يؤيدون نظاما أرسل متفجرات والبعض الآخر يرسل جهاديين لمساندته".
وجزم بالقول "انتهى وقت التسويات مع الفريق الآخر وهي غير ممكنة وهل نكافأ الإجرام بالتسوية".
إلا ان جعجع أوضح أنه "نعمل كليا في المجال الإقتصادي للناس" شارحا أن "أي بحث في عيش كريم يستند إلى الإقتصاد وأي بحث عن الإقتصاد يجب أن يستند إلى الإستقرار الذي يفترض بدوره إسقاط الإجرام".
وكشف عن عمل "عمل جدي لأن نتحالف مع الكتل الوسطية وهذا ما دفعهم إلى التسريع بالإغتيالات مكررا القول "تذكروا أن هذا هو الهدف من محاولة اغتيال بطرس حرب".
وحول رفض مفتي الجمهورية اللبنانية الشيخ محمد رشيد قباني إسقاط الحكومة في الشارع رد جعجع بالقول "خطتنا هي المقاطعة السياسية وليست اقتحام السراي".
هذا وختم رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" قائلا ان "جنبلاط لا يريد الإنسحاب من الحكومة خوفا من الفراغ بل خوفا من "البعبع".
21:57 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: جنبلاط لا يريد الإنسحاب من الحكومة خوفا من الفراغ بل خوفا من "البعبع"
21:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لسنا مستعدون للمساومة في قضية المؤسسة اللبنانية للإرسال وإذ الله أراد ستعود إلى دورهل الريادي
21:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لا أترك لبنان في أي ظرف من الظروف ونحن لسنا بصدد التسلح
21:52 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: ما يحصل منذ 2005 حتى الآن أن فريق 8 آذار يحاول تعطيل الحياة السياسية
21:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: عيش اللبنانيين معا ليس له علاقة بما تتصرف به بعض الأحزاب أبدا
21:49 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: خطتنا هي المقاطعة السياسية وليست اقتحام السراي
21:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: هناك عمل جدي لأن نتحالف مع الكتل الوسطية وهذا ما دفعهم إلى التسريع بالإغتيالات وأكرر تذكروا هذا هو الهدف من محاولة اغتيال بطرس حرب
21:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: نعمل كليا في المجال الإقتصادي للناس وأي بحث في عيش كريم يستند إلى الإقتصاد وأي بحث عن الإقتصاد يجب أن يستند إلى الإستقرار الذي يفترض بدوره إسقاط الإجرام
21:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع لبري: هل تستطيع ضمان أي نائب أن يأتي إلى مجلس النواب؟ نصف الدولة مخترقة ولو لم تكن مخترقة لما اغتالوا وسام الحسن
21:31 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: انتهى وقت التسويات مع الفريق الآخر وهي غير ممكنة وهل نكافأ الإجرام بالتسوية؟
21:23 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع عن كلام جنبلاط: أي وحدة وطنية وما زال هناك أفرقاء يؤيدون نظاما أرسل متفجرات والبعض الآخر يرسل جهاديين لمساندته
21:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: الخطورة الكبرى في اغتيال وسام الحسن هو تفريغ الدولة بالكامل
21:20 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لا أفكر في الوقت الحاضر بتأييد الناس وكل استطلاعات الرأي تعطي الأفضلية لقوى 14 آذار حسب كل قوانين الإنتخاب تقريبا
21:18 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لا أعرف متى تسقط الحكومة وسنبقى نعمل لإسقاطها لأن 8 آذار متركزين فيها وهم مسؤولين عم عمليات الإغتيال
21:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: أن نستعمل مصلحة اللبنانيين من أجل استراتيجية إيران ضد إسرائيل أمر لا يجوز؟
21:17 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: أسال وزير الدفاع هل لدى الجيش اللبناني صورا من طائرة الإستطلاع؟
21:16 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: من قال لحزب الله أن يرسل طائرة؟ هل حكومته سمحت له؟ طائرة على حساب لبنان صورها في إيران
21:15 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لا يزايدن أحد علينا في موضوع الإنتخابات ونحن سنذهب إليها ولو تحت القتل
21:11 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: أخالف الرئيس ميقاتي في قوله ان إسقاط الحكومة هي امور شخصية لأن الحكومة تجسد واقع القتل
21:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: عن أي حوار يتكلمون فليقل لي أحد
21:06 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: ألم يأتي معلومات منذ شهرين عن اغتيال ريفي والحسن؟ هل استدعى القاضي ريفي والحسن لسؤالهما؟ كلا. واليوم يستدعي وسام الحسن
21:04 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: كل عمليات التحريض على وسام الحسن لم يستدع أحد إلى التحقيق بل فقط نديم قطيش
21:00 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: الكل يعلم ألا نية ولا خطة لاقتحام السرايا وطلبنا سحب الشباب بسرعة
20:59 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: أي صناديق اقتراع في ظل القتل؟ يجب أن نحسن الوضع الحالي لتسير الإنتخابات
20:58 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: استعمال وسيلة القتل لن تنفع فعن أن حياة سياسية نتكلم وهناك اغتيالات وإذا لم يكن هناك اغتيالات هناك عمل عسكري كالسابع من أيار وإذ لم يكن هناك عملا عسكريا هناك عمل "بارا عسكري" مثل القمصان السود
20:54 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: نحن نقول ما هي خطتنا أقله لكن هم يستمرون وكأن شيئا لم يحصل
20:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: بكل صراحة يجب أن تبدأ المواجهة في مكان ما
20:47 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: السارق لا يتوقف إلا إذا وجهنا الضوء عليه وهذا ما نفعله
20:46 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: محاولة اغتيال بطرس حرب أتت لضرب 14 آذار في البترون لأن ما من أحد قادر على أن يأخذ مكانه
20:44 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: ما الذي سيحصل أكثر في لبنان من أن فريقا يقتل آخر؟
20:42 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: قبل خطة العمل نريد أن نقول للمجرمين نحن نعرفكم أصلا
20:41 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: هناك أحد في البلد يتآمر ويغطي على القتلة ولن نضحك على أنفسنا
20:40 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: جوهر الأمر أن فريق 14 آذار يتعرض لعمليات قتل ممنهجة وراءها مجموعات كبيرة ومنظمات مسلحة لديها أجنحة أمنية
20:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: كيف يؤيدون نظاما "يدعس" على حقوق الإنسان ويتكلمون عن أن داتا الإتصالات تخرق حقوق الإنسان
20:39 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: قبل أن يستلموا السلطة اعترضوا على فرع المعلومات وداتا الإتصالات لأنه الفرع الوحيد الذي ليس تحت سيطرتهم
20:37 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: كنا نجرب بناء دولة توقف القتل فبدأوا بالإغتيالات سريعا والآن في هذه الحكومة مكينة القتل تمركزت فيها
20:36 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: إسقاط الحكومة هو جزء من خطواتنا لأن القاتل متمركز فيها. بأي صفة نفسر من 2004 حتى الآن اغتيالات تطال فريق 14 آذار فقط
20:35 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
جعجع: لكي تستمر المؤسسات يجب وقف مكينة القتل وهذا ما تريده 14 آذار
20:34 ,2012 تشرين الأول 31
رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في مقابلة مع قناة "المستقبل": من لا يفهم علينا لا يريد أن يفهم لأننا بكل بساطة نريد أن نوقف آلة القتل التي تدار علينا فعمليات الإغتيال أصبحت أمورا لا نتوقف عندها لدى البعض وأتأسف أن بعض المسؤولين يدعون للحوار وكأن شيئا لم يحصل
The Hezz are mass murderers, thieves, and assasins of politicians.....what about them? Geagea went to jail and came out a better man......it is the turn of Nassy and his gang to go to jail and learn.
karroume, aoun and hizballah caused way more death then geagea.. so before you spew your hatred think. and just because you hate one man does not mean you ally urself with murderes and militias. get some principles man. don't follow men follow principles. i was against geagea once, now i am for him.
Kaa Kaa spilling out full blast from the sewers! Your boys (scums HA) are angels....right? They are nothing but evil!
Let us not forget what truly happened friends.
Aoun was disarming the Christian Lebanese militias,the only militias resisting the Syrian Baath Army. While Geagea fought to keep Lebanon from being handed over to Syria. Was it Geagea or Aoun's Baath buddies that bombed Lebanese schools, hospitals and homes?
Aoun and the Syrian army were bombing christian villages together, and the Syrian controlled Lebanese government jailed Geagea while they let their buddy Aoun leave for France.
Your side Karim killed THOUSANDS also, are still killing and never spent one day in jail......... how fair is that?
gabby7 (or whatever number), how about you Hezz ya nawa3em to relax a bit? you have totally lost it, my friend. Should we throw Hezz in jail and see if they come out better men? It seems that Geagea is a much, much, much better man. Not only that, he apparently came out a much, much, much better predictor, too! No? But then one should not take Geagea as a model because he is a one of a kind.
And why gabby7 should Nassy go to jail? What crime was he involved with? Name a specific one.
mowaten thats the most narrow minded analysis i have heard in my life.\
basically all your post is nothing other than your opinion. dont forget that no one killed or tortured more lebanese than your sponsor assad
dont worry, im not after your money :) its a saying. which means that your opinion is as valuable as mine, as FT's, as slash's, as arzak's etc etc. so dont try to take the moral high ground and think that just because you think its right.
Bottom line is that you hate his guts..but it doesnt make him any less of what he is and represents. it only shows that your arguments and posts are only based on what you think and believe, not the truth
3a faw2a, wein saro those files. 3a ases when he comes to power, he will expose every one of them bla bla blaaaaaaaa
well there you go again with the what if. maybe he would have maybe he wouldnt. thats the whole point, that the guy has changed and hasnt done anything to prove otherwise. if anything he has gone through the greatest length of all politicians in lebanon to show he regrets the war and its consequences.
Geagea has had a political speech since he came out, and he does attack hizballah in his politics? is that forbidden? are they above being criticized? many times have hizbullah officials come out and called him an israeli agent blablabla. is that not provocation? are these accusations based on any proof or just the mentality of if you're not with us you're with the enemy?
and finally, bi kaffe enno HA had surrounded lebanese people and thretened them with death if they dont back down. what does that say about the "glorious" resistance?
You forgot to say that they are kidnappers, drug dealers, responsible of terrorist acts (indiscriminate murder of innocents), war criminals (they hide their weapons and missile launching pads in civilians houses), support tyrant regimes, and confiscate and build property of Christians.
what a program. Now I understand why the simple sunnis living in Beirut are such a threat to FPMers
go tell that to samer hanna and the hundreds of soldiers killed in naher el nared after ur master drew a red line. go tell that to all the security forces that get beat up by ur militia thugs for doing their jobs. go tell the 1200 that died in the july war that your master started, "we are sorry for your loss". go ask aoun to appologise for the thousands who died and the hundreds of thousands that left the country. go tell bashar your friend to appologise for the 30 yrs of rape, murder and domination in lebanon. after you are done you can post here and be respected.
well looking at the situation, anyone with a sense of reasoning can see that given where the country is now, politically, socially, economically and the security situation, there is no realistic chance that everything will suddenly work out and we will live happily ever after as lebanese. i say keep M8..and eventually the truth will be obvious even to those who who are still slightly behind on the evolutionary path of our race. and let history be the judge
and syria lebnan dont forget. "syria is the example of democracy in the middle east" according to some buffoons
i'll give you a couple of hours to research that. try tayyar.org you might find some article there that says he did i'm sure
bernard the hypocrit...Assad, Hizb, Aoun, Berri and all their cronies are killers and still practicing what they do best, spreading terror in Lebanon...
as geagea put it, there is no doubt that some elements of m8 group coached by some ones from their two regional sponsors bear responsibility for most of the assassination attempts perpetrated against m14 and only m14 group leaders since 2004.
this has been happening as a retaliation and terror strategy against the political and successful "gains" the m14 group scored against syria ,iran and their "proxies" in lebanon since 2004 ie the withdrawal of the syrian army from Lebanon, the international tribunal for hariri assassination, the dismantling of the old pro syrian security apparatus, the gradual uncovering of its network operators, the gradual and constant pressure build up on hezballah to surrender its weapons to the lebanese authorities...
since the m14 group has been so far and cleverly avoiding open military confrontation with the other group and keeping its attacks confined to political warfare; this situation is leaving the m8 group who is running out of convincing and peaceful dissuasion power with no other alternatives but to plan for more terror attacks.
faced with this unsettling prospect, geagea and the the m14 group failed so far to prepare for a defensive strategy to protect them from the deadly counter attacks of the syrian regime, iran and their Lebanese proxies; and short of stockpiling weapons and missiles and despite all the political gains they scored against the m8 group and their sponsors, they are still reacting inefficiently to the security blows they kept receiving since 2004 .
after the latest assassination that happened in ashrafieh the m14 leaders should put more pressure on the officials of the same government institutions they claim they are its first line of defenders like the military, the interior security the judicial and the executive and entice them to fully assume their responsibilities and start taking their jobs seriously and for once start demanding from the authorities to go after the several political figures that were attacking openly with life threatening insinuations the late general hassan and investigate the motives behind their virulent verbal attacks to find whether they have any connections to the perpetrated crime.
The ASSestance....your post(s) are so reflective of your regressed background which is filled with anger, hatred and bitterness. The same ethics/values that are the pillars of your beloved leaders. Evil is all that comes to mind!
This man is inciting hatred and is politically immature.
He claims to believe in the state and yet is so quick to accuse who is behind al-Hasan's assassination even if no investigation has been finalized.
As I've said before, M14 has some noble goals, but they don't have the individuals to effectively carry them out.
Yup, those people are also just serving their political interests. Which is why speculation on baseless assumptions and that only incite hatred should be frowned upon.
Is it such a ridiculous thing to blame the Israelis for some of the things we do indeed blame them for? We are talking about an entity that was able to literally create their country on top of inhabited land; about an entity that continuously grows larger till this day, with the go-ahead from the international community; about an entity that strikes wherever it sees fit (sudan a week ago, syria a few years ago, lebanon for 20+ years including the shepherd they last kidnapped, possibly iran in the next year, etc.). Why is it so hard to believe that Israel, knowing what theyve already done, has actually been responsible for many of the Lebanese events?
Here is a man who went through the wringer during his lifetime and came out a better man than when he entered prison. Some people, notably M8 partisans, just cannot and do not want to admit it. While their general Aoun was sipping cognac and smoking cigars in France, Geagea was reading books and bettering himself in a cell underground. During that time Nasrallah was busy trying to figure out how to usurp the Lebanese state and make Lebanon an appendage of Iran.
Both of those M8 figures (leaders is too kind a word) are now frantically trying to figure out how to stall the inevitable that will result from the Syrian debacle ending with Bashar deposed.
He laughs best he who laughs last.
true, like brainwashed people like mowaten, who somehow in his twisted mind reverses all realities to fit his fantasies, the syrian army mbahdal la allah and somehow the rebels are the ones who are losing. Even bab amr which was 'liberated' is being shelled every day !! lol.. the day that bashar gets wacked mowaten will think he will come back from heaven to rule lebanon lol.
Nobody wants to forget or forgive. It isn't our or your responsibility to do so. Only Allah can. But at least, Geagea gave up killing whe the civil war ended. Hizballah and its local allies keep doing so and he's right, this government is represents only the assassins of Colonel al Hassan and what appears to be the killers of Lebanese figures aspiring for independence from Syria and true democracy. Geagea will never be president, nor does he ambition to become so, he speaks the truth.
lebnanfirst, maybe he did become a better man while behind bars. Of course, he wasn't much to begin with. Maybe if he went back to prison he could become human. Anyone in a coalition with this man is noe serious about good governance in Lebanon.
March 14, my only hope for a united Lebanon, time for settlements with half the Lebanese, give or take a few, is over. Sharpen the blades, lovers of life! Time has run out on the 50+% non-Lebanese Lebanese, imports from who knows where. I, like you, have had enough with the unbearable situation. Saad al-Haribi Telteyn al-Marajil and Dr. Arreet 7akeh are the saviors. Believe me, God's with them and so are the Free Pales-Syrian Army, all of Lebanon First. Down with Wilayat al-Faqih nonsense and evil doers like Suleiman Franjiyeh and Michel Aoun who was dead wrong to fight the Syrian occupation without prior approval by the master timing guru, Dr. Arreet 7akeh who, as the fable goes (I don't believe it especially that it's not documented), collaborated with the occupation and now, 22 years late, knows the timing's right to fight. God bless such leaders. God bless your fighting spirit! Get ready to sharpen the blades, and go, go, go, go, go warriors. Save Lebanon!
I just LOVE FT comments about Gaagaa and Saudi Arabia. Since BEFORE Geagaa left the jail who has been paying the salaries for the traitors you call your leaders? Since when you pathetic buffoon have you been using Iranian/Syrian funding to destroy this country and fuel regional chaos? Maybe M14 takes funding from external powers but name me ONE individual they are suspected of killing, remind me of the last time M14 wanted to declare sharia law in the country, remind me of the last time M14 took guns and stood on the streets beating and killing other Lebanese because of their political beliefs.
It's no longer a fight between two parties or two ideologies, it's a fight between right and wrong, it's a fight between a group of people that wants to live in peace and have the right to express their opinion without having to worry about the next time they step in their car, and another group that will only use blood to accomplish their demands.
Well said and smack on formerlebaniz. Don't let these few M8 HA conditioned sheep on this forum bother you. They don't know better and very limited upstairs. They were taught from childhood not to dare think for themselves but let the almighty Khomeini do that for them.
M14 are idiots, they need to get arms and trainning and kil wa7ad ysaker his region and 7aje maskhara.
I would really REALLY feel bad for anyone that would listen to you and say "hmmm" this guy makes sense. Seriously can you even convince your self with this bullshit?
If Hizbullah decides "fuck it" I'll take over the country entirely, the country will be shunned out from the International community, they would have crippling sanctions (and sanctions would work far more on Lebanon than Iran), This would give every excuse in the world for Israel to come in and blow Lebanon back to the stone age (where you would strive). No idiot with 2 functional braincells would do this. It's like asking "hmmm if you think Syria was controlling lebanon why haven't they just said fuck it and I'll declare Lebanon as a Syrian state".
Regarding your M8 comments them not storming the serail, and using their firepower internally, what did you forget the May 2008? or that doesn't count?
M8/Syria are the prime suspect of any M14 politician/supporter, it's pretty simple equation really don't eliminate your oppononent but keep them weak.
Tell me you paid mouth piece what is your M8 group plan for this country? Tell me what is your agenda for us? To keep Lebanon a fighting ground for your regional problems? What do you want? For god’s sake tell me what do you want? I don't support M14 because of their ideologies or how "smart" they are, but I support them because I support freedom of speech and true independence of this country. Tell me WHY do you support M8 Aoun, Hizbullah or any of the garbage you call leaders.
Nwver betray the army is an M14 belief (not your Hezb who killed officcers and downed Helicopters "not mine"). And who are your brothers in arms.... let me guess: Qods brigade who is responsible for exporting Iran's Islamic revolution and establish welayat al-Faqih instead of the Lebanese State that every decent Lebanese dreams of? And Bachar Forces who use their Lebanese Cronies to practice terror and destruction In Lebanon? or SNP and few Dozen organizations whose sole mission is to destroy Lebanon. Tcharafna feek and in such brothers of yours.
Geagea is the only person not afraid to say the truth. Miqati is an opportunist and Jumblatt is too afraid to speak against Hezbollah.
Everybody knows who is behind all the killings in Lebanon. This is no secret. The same people who were indicted for killing Rafik Hariri, based on evidence uncovered by Wissam Eid and Wissam al-Hasan, who were all killed by car bombs.
It takes a sick and evil mind to kill your political opponents. The type of mindset to do this will not settle for one murder, but they will continue with more murders because they have justified it in their sick mind. Hezbollah has been indicted (based on evidence) for killing Rafik, and evidence also links them to the murder of Hawi, and the attempts against Murr and Chidiac.
Are we supposed to believe they weren't involved in the other murders?
Add to that the following:
- Abandoned his Principles Medal, rank of Grand Lier
for allying with HA, formerly his bitter enemy, hoping to get the presidency
- Cannot be Trusted Medal, rank First Order
Will sell his principles, pride and everything else to become president
- Syrian Boot Licker Medal, rank Lowest Possible
Truth is like beauty these days in Lebanon - in the eyes of the beholder.
Truth is, one can accumulate all the medals in the world and still be a traitor to his principles...
did you forget arzak. they pulled him away and kidnapped him to france while he was kicking and screaming and saying nooo i want to stay here and fight. LOL
Why does Hezbollah object to the release of phone records? Is "protection of privacy" more important than stopping the killing machine? And now Charbel won't release the name of the person who made death threats against M14 leaders..... why? Why was Hezbollah against the STL before it was even started?
Why can't the 4 saints be questioned? Why can't Harb's attempted murderer be questioned? Why all the secrecy at explosion sites in Dahiye (car bomb factories)?
Naharnet, I love you guys. Why are you so friggin late publishing my comments? They are not rude, my friends. Can you please make an effort? I want to continue loving you free of charge, believe you me! You used to be friendlier in the not so distant past.
Words of Wisdom and facts stated by GeaGea, Who is benefiting from assassinating our best men in uniform? Eid-Hajj-Hassan
Regardless of the continued politicized assassinations, Three sharp and distinguished military individuals were eliminated by SSNP so that the country remains weak under the Syrian hegemony.
@bernard: How about your master Frangieh? do you remember when he entered the church in miziara before burning it down and shot everyone then ran away to Syria to hide from the Lebanese authorities and Hafez Assad protected him against the Leb Authorities.
Going through the comments, it is interesting to see how low level they are.
I honestly congratulate m8 guys especially for reaching an even lower level every day.
these guys cannot afford to comment on the substance especially when they are faced with truth, so they start lashing low level comments.
same like aoun.....
he breads them?
He breeds them... it is more like he clones them... and they follow like sheep... no brain, no headache...
My dear if you are a good Christian you need to forgive. You should not forget, we should all not forget but remember that fighting, aggression, does not lead us to nowhere. Look for instance at the French and the Germans after 3 major wars (1870, 1914 and 1940) they made peace and forgave each others.
If we Lebanese do not sit together, forgive each others, and make sure that we do remember everything that happened then we can give a chance for us and our children to live in peace in this country.
thank you mowaten.
where is the appology from every one else on the war. Geagea declared his
stla2a hayde mowaten. i know you will say that it was for show, or for support and empathy. however, he has not done anything to show and even hint that he is still acting like a warlord. (whatever you will say it is he is actually doing is still your opinion)
so that counts as the ONLY apology for the war in Lebanon. by anyone
Now we are getting somewhere. so you are not only to be judged by god. and i assume this applies to everyone? :)
second, it still is the most any person who participated in the war has done. even if it is just saying you're sorry.
you want to go back to crimes in war and killing? didnt hezb and amal kill each other in war of the camps? i havent heard either one apologize. i havent heard the ssnp say a word. if anything they take pride in their terrorist acts of the war. (your allies)
min ba3ed beddak?
well they never dissociated themselves from the regime that attacked christians, killed and tortured young men and women for over 2 decades and occupied lebanon with his military, consequently crushing free speech, the economy, along with any chance the lebanese communitites that fought in the war had to reconcile.
So honestly if he is to ally himself with karame or frangieh, then he would lose my support in a second. same applies to aoun, he joined the side he was fighting up to a month before he arrived to lebanon.
Now on the other hand, democracy is just that, no one has to like anyone. if you are an LF member who wants to support aoun, then you can be an FPM member, you always have that choice. your political affiliation is not what you are born with.
Geagea is no more responsible of the killing that the others leaders and followers. Every body had his share of the killings and tragedy of Lebanon. Geagea made an apology. It may not be enough for you. But no one else apologized. Instead of criticizing Geagea, you should say well we need more apology from him and from all the other leaders. We also need that all the lebanese who participated in the civil war apologize for the act.
We should make a collective act of remembrance, apology and forgiveness. That is the way out of civil war and the way to construct a nation.
In South Africa this was done at the end of Apartheid. The whites and blacks did apologize and now there is forgiveness.
Geagea position is right and wrong in my opinion
Right, because he expresses the fact that it has not been possible to reach agreement with M8 so far and the elimination of M14 leading figures is continuing
Wrong, because we need endlessly to extend a peaceful arm to the opposing party to reach a peaceful solution. Boycott, weapons, fighting, insulting, only leads to more divisions and fighting.
Reading all the comments, every body could be right and wrong. Well actually rather wrong because the only right thing to do is to overcome our divisions, bad war memories, forgive and create a common understanding of what we want from Lebanon.
This has proven difficult for the Lebanese to do; the endless national dialogue has made little progress so far. The main reason is that we Lebanese have alligiance to foreign countries rather than to our country. And those foreign countries are only doing their interest.
When will we wake up?
For the delirious Orange Orangutans on this website, A very important fact that you should consider about your manic General.
When the Syrians attacked the Presidential Palace, he vowed to die fighting. He left his troops on the battlefield and ran like the coward he was and still is to the French Embassy, Now, there is nothing wrong in fleeing after he knew the battle was lost, but, my disgust at this filthy excuse for a human let alone General, was the fact that he would not give the order for his troops to surrender. They were all slaughtered and buried on the football field at the Palace.
Is it such a ridiculous thing to blame the Israelis for some of the things we do indeed blame them for? We are talking about an entity that was able to literally create their country on top of inhabited land; about an entity that continuously grows larger till this day, with the go-ahead from the international community; about an entity that strikes wherever it sees fit (sudan a week ago, syria a few years ago, lebanon for 20+ years including the shepherd they last kidnapped, possibly iran in the next year, etc.). Why is it so hard to believe that Israel, knowing what theyve already done, has actually been responsible for many of the Lebanese events?
It is not that I see Syria as an ally. Read any of my comments on any article. I never said that. But I will tell you that I do find it hard to believe that Wisam was killed by Syria. What did Syria gain out of killing him after Samaha was already being prosecuted?
And FYI, I do not believe Syria is as innocent as some of the most outspoken M8 supporters would have you believe. They are playing the game of politics in the region. Sadly Lebanon is apart of the game. Syria, however, is not the only player; the players include Syria, Iran, Saudi (and the rest of the relevant Gulf nations), US, and of course Israel
the truth hurts ,thats why there are so many haters.brainless twits,sheep who follow there masters blindly.
guys as simple as it can get, once the lebanese forces were the strongest part in Lebanon, Lebanon was know as Paris of the middle east.
When M8 and Hizb Allah (which I personally dont think they deserve the name)became the strongest party, Lebanon became look at as a Terrorist counrty which most foriegn people are afraid to visit.
Thank you :)
You do the math and see who better. Iam digusted by people that follow a group knowing that they look after other country's interests over the interest of Lebanon and its wellfare.
assuming Israel did all the killing of all Maech 14 leaders.Does that benefit the March 14 camp or 8? Obviously it benefit march 8.So Israel is doing the dirty work for march 8.Therefore March 8 camp is in bed with Israel.Blaming the Israelis bi kil ma hab wa dab is for the birds.
Its obvious that one side is gettibg mudered and the other is benefitting. Clear as day light who is doing the killing without having to have evidence.
Guys take it easy. I'm against all killings, I swear on my grandmother's discolored cookbook. You know that nobody except Rafic Syria and his Syria's Rafics (Jumblatt and predominantly non-Christian folks) liked the Syrians. Believe me, belated lovers of Rafic Syria (talking about wrong timing in everything), those who hated Syria also despised Syria's Rafics who have since claimed to have converted without sufficient repentance (but you folks are very forgiving, God bless you). Whoever killed Rafic did a masterful job. Just think about it. In one shot they saved Lebanon of a hated and a despised: the Syrian occupation and their best Rafic! I am sure you will agree with me that whoever did this deserves not only praise and thanks, but the medal of honor of the highest degree. Be safe, March 14.
àlso FT there is enough proof and statements now to show that aoun's masquerade was just that
Idiots that 3am yitzako on us like mowaten and the rest think people are on their level of intellect and brainwashing. There is no solution to leb but a civil war, soon ya mowaten people will resort to arms to protect themselves. You are too arrogant to see the future and too stupid to learn from history even as it is in the making next door in syria. The game is over, and your monopoly over weapons and jihadis is also over, the storm from syria will destroy you. Go read the quran and bible anf learn what happened to arrogants like pharoah and see what will happen to bashar and nasrala taba3ak.
Hizbala w inta sade` killed hasan who caught the israeli networks spying on hizbala lol, which means in plain english and arabic, the real important enemy is the sunis not the jews, what more evidence do people want?? how long did fayez karam stay in jail lol?
FT M14 may hate but their hate has not driven them to murder like your M8 do.
If you really believe that Israel is behind the murders, I don't think it is worth my time to indulge you in conversation and try to convince you of the obvious, especially when every man and his dog know that HA and Syria are behind the killings.
FT, you are saying that M8 criticized Hassan for mis-managing Roumieh security. But this was not his responsibility. His job was chief of intelligence and not prison guard.
Common give us a break. 1) he is not the head of the ISF but the head of intelligence 2) he does not appoint guards for prisons 3) If Rifi is responsible as head of ISF, then Mikati, Suleiman are also responsible.
One needs to be rational and fair. It is not because Rifi and Hassan are with M14 that we should accuse them of anything.
We need not to be partisans about everything and anything.