مدفيديف: دعم فرنسا للائتلاف السوري المعارض "غير مقبول بنظر القانون الدولي"
Read this story in Englishاعلن رئيس الوزراء الروسي ديمتري مدفيديف ان دعم فرنسا للائتلاف السوري المعارض "غير مقبول اطلاقا بنظر القانون الدولي"، متحدثا في مقابلة اجرتها معه وكالة فرانس برس وصحيفة لو فيغارو.
ورأى مدفيديف الذي يصل الى باريس مساء الاثنين في زيارة عمل ان قرار باريس الاعتراف بالائتلاف "ممثلا شرعيا وحيدا للشعب السوري" والدعوة الى رفع الحظر على تسليم اسلحة الى المعارضين لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد قرار "موضع انتقاد".
وقال مدفيديف "اذكر بانه بحسب مبادئ القانون الدولي التي صادقت عليها الامم المتحدة عام 1970، لا يمكن لاي دولة القيام بعمل يهدف الى قلب نظام قائم في بلد ثالث بالقوة".
وكان الرئيس الفرنسي فرنسوا هولاند الذي سيلتقيه مدفيديف خلال زيارته استقبل رئيس الائتلاف السوري المعارض احمد معاذ الخطيب في 17 تشرين الثاني في قصر الاليزيه.
وتابع مدفيديف "ان الرغبة في تغيير نظام بلد ثالث من خلال الاعتراف بقوة سياسية ممثلا وحيدا للسيادة الوطنية لا يبدو لي أمرا حضاريا تماما".
وقال انه "يعود للشعب السوري بما فيه هذه القوى المعارضة ان يقرر مصير الاسد ونظامه. لكن من المستحسن ان تصل هذه القوى (المعارضة) الى السلطة بالسبل القانونية وليس بواسطة اسلحة تسلمها دول اخرى".
واكد ان "روسيا لا تدعم نظام الاسد ولا المعارضة. ان موقفنا محايد" مشددا على ان الحل الوحيد للازمة السورية يكمن في بدء مفاوضات بين اطراف النزاع وتنظيم انتخابات جديدة.
وسئل عن مواصلة روسيا تسليم اسلحة الى سوريا فقال ان "هذا التعاون العسكري كان على الدوام شرعيا" مشيرا الى ان الامم المتحدة لم تفرض حظرا على تسليم الاسلحة الى سوريا.
وقال "كل ما سلمناه هو اسلحة تهدف الى الدفاع عن النفس في مواجهة عدوان خارجي".
amazing! he forgets how much arms they are shipping on a daily basis to the Syrian regime :)
I didn't hear you complain when mubarak was taken out in egypt!! He provided them stability as well. Yet you didn't utter a peep because he was against your HA. But now that the shoes is on the other you are up in arms over how they want to remove the assads, who might have provided stability to syria but also high unemployment, a sectarian community where he placed alwais in all high ranking positions. The one country he didn't provide stability for, and in fact worked overtime to ensure it was not achieved, is Lebanon.
So you support military coups and dictatorships now lol, where is the isla7 and taghyeer in that?
an illegitimate government.. an un-elected government... a murderous government that met peaceful protests with bullets, tanks, and planes.. so Russia thinks that Bashar has the majority and regardless of the crackdown on citizens still sends weapons.. and ALL the other countries think he is a dictator.. who suppresses the people and decided to arm THE PEOPLE.. illegal or not.. power be to them.
Medvedev and all Russian officials can huff and puff till they are red in the face and they can claim all kind of illegalities etc. (as if they even know what legal means given the way they treated their demonstrations lately). The fact of the matter is for the people to win against a ruthless regime armed to the teeth (by none other than Mr. Medvedev's Russia) they need weapons of their own to fend off the brutality of the Ba'th regime of Syria.
Enough bullshit as now is the time for Russian politicians to make up their minds. Assad is a ginger and they know it, either they get on board or they will pay the price of most of the Sunnni world's anger. As simple as that Mr. Medvedev and save us the hollow grandstanding and empty arguments.
The Aoun of Russia...lol... Putin wrote the script, okayed the interview and basically owns you. when you become a man and leave the shadow of your master then maybe people will take you a little more seriously.. until then you are nothing but a patsy..
Let's be honest, shall we???
Russia is supporting a genocidal murderer in Syria in order to keep a warm water naval base on the Mediterranean. And you're just a messenger boy for Putin.
Past Russian vetoes of UN Security Council resolutions have likely led to the deaths of over 25,000 people. Without Russian vetoes, this would have been over long ago.
So my question to you, Roooski....... how do you sleep at night???
Russians have a history of genocide unfortunately--Stalin himself is reportedly responsible for the deaths of at least 19 million people, 7 million of which were in the Ukraine. Some people estimate that he was responsible for 60 million deaths, so either case, 25k means nothing to them.
The only thing they are losing sleep over is their naval base--the deaths of civilians means nothing to them.
You like selective facts FT--so let's clarify your muck.
In the land now known as the US, native americans weren't killed as much as driven from their land and forced on reservations in bad conditions where they later died. In addition, the buffalo which the native americans relied on for food, clothing, and many other things was almost driven to extinction by the settlers. So yes, not a proud period in American history, but at least it is in the history books. Estimates say that there were 4 million or so native americans at the start of the 19th century and the number on reservations was less than a million at the start of the 20th century.
Most of the extinction of the native americans was due to the Spanish though, and not matter what, Stalin killing 60 million in 25 years dwarfs any other killer in the history of the world--even Hitler was responsible for less than 10 million.
FT regarding your previous comment yes both Assads brought stability to Syria since 1970-2010 but at what cost?? How many dead? People living in a police backward state....
Now of course when Junior is gone Syria might have instability and the brothers might come to power but this is how they will learn democracy.
The brothers are more organized as we saw in Egypt but when political parties will form, things will change with time.
That's the process and the Syrians also deserve to get there.
No country deserves to live under a dictator only for 'stability'
"A desire to change the political regime of another state by recognizing a political force as the sole carrier of sovereignty seems to me to be not completely civilized,"
but i guess for russia a gvt bombing civilians despite international laws is civilized? oh! yes i forgot chechnya! you did the same... no wonder you support bashar, he learnt his methods from you...
"From the point of view of international law, this is absolutely unacceptable,"
so are the bombings of civilians too...so are the massacres of one own s citizens too....