المحكمة العسكرية تأمر بإخلاء سبيل بيار حشاش بدون سند إقامة
Read this story in English![W460](http://images3.naharnet.com/images/60364/w460.jpg?1353939737)
أمرت المحكمة العسكرية بإخلاء سبيل بيار حشاش الذي أوقف بتهمة شتم قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي على مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي.
وأفادت صفحة "Support Pierre Hachach and all the oppressed" (إدعموا بيار حشاش وكل المظلومين) بعد ظهر الإثنين على موقع "الفايسبوك" أن المحكمة أمرت "بترك بيار حشاش بدون سند إقامة".
وأوضحت الصفحة أن الأمر يعني "أنه لم يتهم بأي تهمة".
كما لفتت إلى أن ملفه "حُوِّل إلى بعبدا كشاهد في قضية مدنية وسوف يطلق سراحه غداً انشالله".
وكان قد عزب قيادة الجيش في بيان أصدرته مساء الجمعة الفائت سبب توقيف حشاش إلى أنه أطلق مواقف "تشكل مسّاً بسمعة المؤسسة ومعنويات أفرادها" كما أنه "يحرض" للقيام بحملة عليها.
وكانت قد أفادت قناة الـ"LBCI" مساء الخميس أن حشاش تعرض "للضرب يوم الأربعاء في الساعة الواحدة ظهرا من قبل دورية مخابرات الجيش بسبب جملة كتبها على فايسبوك انتقد فيها وجود مستديرة تحمل إسم قائد الجيش في البترون تسبب زحمة سير".
وأزيلت هذه الجملة في ما بعد عن صفحته ووضعت مكانها صور دمائه على درج سرايا البترون.
واوضح صديق بيار اميليو الزير للقناة عينها "ان سيارة مدنية بداخلها مسلحون وشخص يرتدي بذلة عسكرية، اعترضته بينما كان يتمشى بسوق البترون امام الـ st stephano، واقدموا على ضربه حتى غاب عن الوعي واقتادوه بعدها لجهة مجهولة تبين بعدها انها سراي البترون".
هذا وأكد متضامنون أن رأس بيار ينزف "بعد ان اعتدى عليه عناصر من مخابرات الجيش قبل ان يقتادوه، ثم ابلغوا شقيقته قبل قليل انهم عالجوا جروحه" في سجن القبة في طرابلس.
“his statements offended the military institution and its members"! Is this a crime?! apparently not...he just got beaten anyway!
an army that thinks it is above the law! an army of thugs sold out to the Syrian regime and the Iranians.
this is the newest episode of a series of wrong doings by this army paid by our taxes.
who are they to beat him up?
are we in a country of moukhabarat and shabihas?
Meanwhile they let the terrorists and murderers run around free in Lebanon. I was part of the Lebanese army establishment "officers school" I left the third year because it was a sham. I hope Pierre sue the pants off of them all these thugs.
There is nothing wrong with criticizing the army, mps, the president, pm, speaker. That is what freedom of speech actually mean. If this report is true I hope hashash wins a big civil lawsuit which will teach the army that you cannot do something like that just because it pleases certain people and for political motives. Maybe then they would learn that even the state institutions are bound to abide by the law not a politicians will.
I can't see much difference between the army and the Basij! Hizbollah poison has infiltrated all government institutions, facilitated by useful idiots like Aoun, Jumblat and Rahi. As to M14, they are pitiful incompetent with no vision and no real belief in freedom, civil rights, transparent democracy, and accountable politicians. The Cedar Revolution is truly orphaned in search of an adoption home! Sad but true...
Welcome back! You are really genuine, my friend. Just cut down on your selective idiot-calling because it applies to ALL. What makes some more idiots than others is that they are ready and willing to start killing each other again. Just think about it. Be good.
Hold on, I have a charge for him: Clever Lebanese. He should stay in jail!!!
wow... yes.. lets arrest the rappers, ballet dancers and violin players!!! that would solve ALL of Lebanons problems ..dont the army have better things to do with all these assassinations and weapons???
this (if true) is nothing but a political move that should be punished..
this was actually a responce to a comment that apparently was deleted... saying that all rappers should be arrested...a step too slow my friend... as always..:P
it was actually chouf3 who commented below.. but i dont know why his comment was erased.. not like he went off with the cuss words..
the charge was "insulting the army" what kind of charge is that? Sho the army is God now? We do not and will not live in a military state, I should be able to criticize ANY institution without exception.
No dude no place for rappers in Lebanon ,the army is busy dealing with lots of things.I dont care who this guy is ,he has no right to rubbish our army.