الاسلاميون يعلنون حصول الدستور على تأييد غالبية المصريين في الاستفتاء
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اعلن الاسلاميون وحركة معارضة ان غالبية صغيرة من المصريين وافقت على مشروع الدستور في المرحلة الاولى من الاستفتاء على هذا النص الذي يسبب انقساما في مصر ويدافع عنه الرئيس محمد مرسي.
وقال حزب الحرية والعدالة الجناح السياسي لجماعة الاخوان على موقعه الالكتروني صباح اليوم الاحد ان 56,5 بالمئة من الناخبين صوتوا لمصلحة الدستور.
وتحدثت الصحف المصرية ايضا عن غالبية مؤيدة للدستور.
وكان اكبر ائتلاف للمعارضة جبهة الانقاذ الوطني، اتهم الاخوان المسلمين بالسعي الى "تزوير" نتائج الاستفتاء.
لكن احد اعضاء الجبهة حركة التيار الشعبي كتب الاحد على صفحته الرسمية على فيسبوك ان حوالى 56 بالمئة من الناخبين وافقوا على النص.
وشملت المرحلة الاولى من الاستفتاء عشر محافظات.
وستجري المرحلة الثانية السبت المقبل.

Morsi is going to lose either way. I'm not sure what this vote will accomplish.

The voting is so about Morsi and the Islamists. Why are you trying to deny facts? Democracy is not just about the rule of the majority. It about guaranteeing minority rights, personal freedoms the separation of church/mosque and state among many more concepts.
A constitution is like the foundation of a hi-rise, if not correctly and solidly implemented then it will carry within it the seeds of the collapse of the whole structure.

Does that mean now that one can go to Egypt and find that 5-year old wife he's already dreamed of? Sick, sick Islamist trash.

does that mean that if I go to the Vatican I will see people hanging themselves on crosses with nails in their arms? Stop Islamophobia.

you make no sense mohammad...and yes, you can go to the vatican and do an islamic prayer in front of st andrew square, that is not only lawfully permitted...but also socially tolerated. very terrible irrelevant comparison.

A constitution that is not in the best interest of ALL constituents of a society is not a constitution but an instrument of oppression.
Morsi is too obsessed with his new powers that he is leading Egypt into ongoing turmoil.

It is impossible to please all...did you know that the US constitution was written by 56 people and only 39 of them voted "yes" on it? It was never put to the public...Canada's constitution is still not ratified by the province of Quebec which has 24% of Canada's population...

But both constitutions guarantee equal rights and representation for all. Minorities are safe from the doctrines of the majority. Separation of Church and State. etc. etc.
Even illegal immigrants have undeniable rights.

Quebec has some autonomy but they are very much part of Canada. There are some tiny differences in the Charter of Rights & Freedoms, Meech Lake Accords, if that is what you are thinking. You can't compare a democratic and peaceloving country like Canada, to a backward state whose most dominant political party are the Islamist Muslim Brotherhood. You are talking about a party which seeks to strip many of their rights based on religious alone, implementation of Islamic law (which violates much of Canadian law), reduced rights for women, increased religious enforcement, censoring news media, blasphemy charges. Very bad comparison again, with all due respect. Not even Rene Levesque himself had that much animosity for the English as Ikhwani ilks have for non-Muslims and Muslims who do not follow their fascist ways.

Kanadian you are talking like religion is the source of all evil, which is, of course, ridiculous. Quebec NEVER signed the constitution to this day (I am not talking about the Meech Lake Accord, I am talking about the constitution...Quebec, with 24% of the population, to this day never agreed to the constitution) And yes, Canada is very much functioning even though Quebec never signed it. (Actually, the constitutions did not guarantee equal rights, are you forgetting about the Quebecois? Are you talking about Slavery in the US? They were both constitutionally sanctioned prejudices... And neither constitution was voted upon by the general populations...

You can't compare the Muslim Brotherood + Salafi party's to anything found in a civil state like Canada. In Quebec, people of all religions/atheists have equal rights -- these are not tangible. People of all colours, ethnic backgrounds have equal rights. The only ones that got a little bit jaded were the English, but not much. I liked in Quebec for years, never had an issue. With the party's in Egypt, you have one side who seeks to strip the side opposed of their rights based on the perception they acquired of Islam.

What you said is all besides the point...and by the way having a fundamentalist Christian like Harper in power and a separtist fundamentalist like Marois in power is also equally worrying. French laws passed in Quebec are quite discriminatory and Catholic school funding in Ontario is also very discriminatory so let's not fool ourselves, nowhere is perfect, nowhere has full consensus on a constitution..

it's comical to see people comparing free voting, free protests, a real sense of opposition in Egypt, free press, and then they compare that to Mubarak and 'a lot worse'

Lebanon's constitution says, "Shiites, go to hell, and Sunnis, help them get there." This constitution was approved by an overwhelming majority of French spies, English managers, US mercenaries, and Israeli mental patients. Not to overlook the "kings" of the Persian Gulf.

chrisrushlau.......Lebanon's constitution has its shortcomings for sure, but our citizens have bigger shortcomings and it is still the most democratic of all Middle Eastern Countries (including Israel's).
Let me ask you this ... if you were to propose a constitution, what will its tenants be? Just main outlines (couple of sentences). I will read your response objectively.