رشاد سلامة رفع دعوى ضد عقاب صقر امام النيابة العامة التمييزية
Read this story in Englishرفع المحامي اللبناني رشاد سلامة، دعوى ضد نائب كتلة "المستقبل" عقاب صقر امام النيابة العامة التمييزية بوكالته عن النظام السوري، بتهمة تزويد المعارضة في سوريا بالسلاح والمال.
ورفع سلامة، المكلف من دمشق الادعاء أمام المراجع القضائية المختصة على كل من يثبت تورطه بتزويد المعارضة في سوريا بالسلاح والمال، الدعوى ضد صقر ظهر الاثنين. وقال سلامة الجمعة انه سيدعي على صقر "فقط دون سواه في حال تبين ان هناك موجباً للادعاء عليه".
واوضح ان الادعاء على صقر "يجب أن يمر في الممر الإجباري أي الطلب من المجلس النيابي رفع الحصانة عنه لأننا لسنا في وارد تجاوز القرار الذي سيصدر عن البرلمان".
وكان قد تلقى مكتب الانتربول في قوى الأمن الداخلي عبر الانترنت الاسبوع الفائت من السلطات القضائية السورية مذكرات توقيف بحق رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري وصقر و الناطق باسم "المجلس الاعلى للجيش الحر" لؤي المقداد، بجرم تسليح "الجيش السوري الحر". إلا أن الإنتربول عمم على مكاتبه في العالم، الخميس، أنه غير ملزم بتنفيذ هذه المذكرات.
يُذكر ان مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر طلب من قاضي التحقيق العسكري رياض أبو غيدا التوسع في ملف سماحة الموقوف في قضية نقل متفجرات من سوريا الى لبنان، والاستماع الى مستشارة الرئيس السوري بثينة شعبان كشاهدة، واستجواب المدعى عليه اللواء السوري علي مملوك ولواء في الجيش السوري الذي يدعى "عدنان".
وذلك، بعد ان كان القضاء، ادعى في 11 آب الماضي على ملوك وسماحة وعدنان "بجرم تأليف جمعية بقصد ارتكاب اعمال ارهابية بواسطة عبوات ناسفة تولى سماحة نقلها وتخزينها بعد ان جهزت من مملوك وعدنان".
It's ok, don.t be afraid. You'll only be blown to pieces if you lose the lawsuit. Good luck.
funny how m8 are gloating at merely a filed lawsuit by the Syrian regime against a Lebanese MP. what a bunch of traitors!
what more proof is there to show us your true face m8 guys?
anyway, oqab is safe and there is no one in this government that will dare lift his immunity, and if they do, they are risking a deadly civil war.
supporting the enemy against your own is not acceptable....
there is a major difference between noticing what Israel is saying and analyzing it, and wishing that things happen.
I have always called for hizbushaitan to surrender their weapons to the state so they avoid us and Lebanon a new war.
but then again you do not seem to know how to read.
totally wrong:
the Syrian regime has lost all legitimacy already ")
as for your nasrallah traitor he is acting against the cabinet decision by sending men to fight with an enemy of Lebanon who murdered and killed so many in Lebanon and many other places including over 45000 Syrians.
He is taking over for Claoun as the Joke of the week! wait it's tuesday, I need to go grab my popcorn before the comedy show starts.
when this is all said and done he should be stripped of Lebanese citezinship and deported to Syria!
when this is all said and done he should be stripped of Lebanese citezinship and deported to Syria!
EVEN IF Saqr is convicted, I have a question for hizbocrap supporters...what was their reaction when a hizbocrap member was arrested in Egypt for smuggling weapons to Gaza?
why are you so obsessed with that stuff? nasrocrap not giving it enough to you? or is he only interested in you bending over...
as usual, when you are cornered ft you resort to low level insults that depict your true personality, and what you like to do on a daily basis apparently.
you a farsi that takes order from a nazi anti suni hater called khameni, therefore you are not an Arab. In the welayat fakih creed the hatred for suni arabs far exceeds that of jews which explains sending your thugs to fight the sunis in Syria, and now helping the syrian regime kill the palestenians in yarmook as well. Your mind fails to understand the storm that is coming your way. Again your hegemony days are numbered.
by the way Gaza back then was also in a state of deep division between Hamas and Fatah. The parallels are overwhelming...
I sure hope he got his retainer and his past and future fees paid in full up front, I have a feeling any post dated checks will be bouncing like a Toufic Alame at in redneck bar.
yes you will assasinate him once he is back just like you did wesam 7asan, why dont you just say it? but those days are coming to an end, and the sunis will start shooting back at you idiot, i hope the wise amongst the she3as take the lead because your nasrala is taking you to destruction just like bashar is doing to the alawites and hitler before him to the nazis.
you are refusing to believe your worse nightmare: the days of miority hegemony in the region is over, just take a look at Syria and realize that the suni storm is coming. I remember when you made fun of the demos in der3a, did you ever imagine the snow ball will grow this much?? of course not because you are a racist arrogant suni hater. The snow ball is coming to lebanon and just like the she3as have hizbustan there is no shortage of crazy jihadi sunis.
you are the one that brought it up aobve...clearly you're bending over far too many times for nasrocrap...
Naharnet deleted my post! I insist on putting it out there.
Why is the Lebanese Judiciary involved in a case of an alleged debatable crime that happened beyond its borders. Do they even have the jurisdiction?
If we appointed a lawyer to sue those involved in Michel Samaha in Syria do you think it would fly?