مدعي عام التمييز تسلم تقرير الأف.بي.آي في قضية اغتيال وسام الحسن
Read this story in Englishزار وفد من مكتب التحقيقات الفيدرالية الاميركية "FBI" المدعي العام التمييزي القاضي حاتم ماضي، وسلمه التقرير الذي اعده في قضية اغتيال رئيس فرع المعلومات في قوى الامن الداخلي اللواء وسام الحسن ضمن مهمة توفير المساعدة التقنية الى السلطات اللبنانية واجراء التحليلات اللازمة.
وسيعمد الى ترجمة هذا التقرير واحالته الى الجهات المختصة في قوى الامن الداخلي والى القاضي الذي يحقق بالقضية.
وفي 22 تشرين أتى وفد الـ"FBI" إلى لبنان وعمل على معاينة مكان الجريمة في الأشرفية.
حينها أوضح ماضي أنه حدد مهمة الفريق في اطار تقديم المساعدة الفنية والتقنية في التحقيق.
واغتيل الحسن في انفجار استهدف سيارته بعد ظهر الجمعة في التاسع عشر من تشرين الأول الماضي في الاشرفية والذي ادى الى مقتل الحسن ومرافقه وامرأة واصابة اكثر من مئة شخص. ورقي الحسن بعد مقتله الى رتبة لواء.
وادى الحسن ادوارا امنية بارزة، منها التحقيق في سلسلة جرائم بين العامين 2005 و2008 طالت شخصيات سياسية معارضة لسوريا.
ويعزى الى فرع المعلومات الذي كان يراسه الحسن الفضل في كشف معطيات مهمة في التحقيق في اغتيال رئيس الحكومة الاسبق رفيق الحريري، وكشف شبكات تعامل مع اسرائيل واخرى قريبة من تنظيم القاعدة، واخيرا مخطط تفجيرات في لبنان تورط فيه الوزير اللبناني السابق ميشال سماحة والمسؤول الامني السوري علي مملوك.
you crack me up not so mowaten! you actually want the murderers to conduct the investigation and handle all the evidence. your comments are a joke on a good day!
wait for it now....no matter what the mountain of evidence will show hizbocrap's response will be "well we can't trust it it's from the evil Satan America"..
Ghaddafi, Saddam Hussein and the other mass murderers used to say the same thing, look at where they are today! Let's not loose hope.
Thank you for refreshing our memories about this sad truth. Allah yirhamon killon. And Allah yi se3idna because our neighbours are assassins and want us dead.
so what? they refuse to give a picture but besides that teams from DIFFERENT nationalities gathered tons of evidence... you failed to mention that in your obsession to prove syria and hezbos are innocent.....
who needs satellite photos when nasrocrap already showed you, his sheep, the (forward dated) google maps photos lol
FT--you and your allegations. Do you have PROOF, or are you going to bring up more conspiracy theories to back your boys or not make them look as bad?
Nasrallah tried going out there and he convinced no one.
aoun kept blaming syria for decades for all the assassinations that happened in lebanon... is he blaming israel now as his friends may have suggested him to say?
hey FT : do you breath ? do you eat and drink ? you wake up every morning with the sunshine ? those are some of the facts of life and Hezbollah killed Hariri and AlHasan is a fact of life , every body knows it .
Can Hizbollah the protector and most prestigious and noble god's gift to Lebanon share the Satellite pictures of what they discovered in Israel with the Lebanese Army? Hizbollah works for Iran, get that into your thick heads.
General Prosecutor please pull your credit card and pay the bill for the report. Now what's next? the sooner you shut the borders with Syria and begin building a bridge to Cyprus the sooner you discover the truth.
you know, Cyprus is not too fond of us. I met a guy from Cyprus once and he said to me with a contemptious sneer that all the Lebanese do is crowd their harbor with their yacht. First I felt proud that we have yachts. Then, I thought to myself, but I don't know anyone with a yacht. So I went back to him and I asked him who were the Lebanese with the yachts and are we talking like alot of yachts? He thought that I was making fun but I was dead serious. To this day I wonder who are these people with the yachts!!!!