سليمان: اللقاء الأورثذكسي مخالف للدستور ولإنشاء لجنة قانونية تحسبا لأي طعن

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أعلن رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان انه مع إنشاء لجنة دستورية تدرس قانون الإنتخاب حتى لا يتعرض للطعن في المستقبل، وذلك في خضم البحث في مشروع "اللقاء الأورثذكسي" الذي اعتبره علنا "مخالفا للدستور". وأشار في سياق آخر إلى أن استقبال النازحين من سوريا أمر محسوم ولا نقاش فيه.

وقال سليمان في حديث إلى صحيفة "الأنباء" الصادرة عن الحزب التقدمي الإشتراكي نشر مساء الثلاثاء "من الضروري أن تُبذل كل الجهود وإبقاء كل الاتصالات قائمة للتوصل إلى التوافق حول قانون الانتخاب".

وتمنى سليمان "أن يتركز البحث حول القانون الذي حولته الحكومة أي قانون النسبية لدرسه وتعديله بما يرضي ويبدد هواجس بعض الطوائف أو الكتل أو الأحزاب".

وتوقع سليمان من رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن يشكل "لجنة دستورية في المجلس النيابي للنظر في دستورية القانون الذي سوف يعتمد كي لا يتعرض لاحقاً للمراجعة لأن المجلس الدستوري مهمته الأساسية مراجعة دستورية القوانين".

ولدى سؤاله عن احتمال وجود مقترحات مخالفة للدستور أجاب رئيس الجمهورية "نعم، هناك مقترحات إنتخابية مخالفة للدستور ومنها مثلاً مشروع اللقاء الأرثوذكسي الذي هو غير متوفر الآن في تفاصيله بين أيدينا".

ولم يخف أمخ "قد يكون هناك بعض الأمور الايجابية في هذا المشروع كالنسبية على الدائرة الواحدة، إلا أن التفاصيل غير واضحة" متمنيا "ألا يكون هذا الاقتراح أو الستين معدلاً أو الدوائر الصغرى أو أي طرح آخر غير مخالف للدستور كي لا يتعرض للطعن لاحقاً".

هذا وطرح سليمان "المخرج الأمثل" من الانقسام الحاد و"يكون من خلال مناقشة مشروع القانون الذي أقرته الحكومة وتطويره ليقترب من أن يكون مختلطاً بين النسبي والأكثري بما يلاقي هواجس الجميع".

من جهة أحرى كرر سليمان أن "كل الأسباب التي نرى أن تعيق الحوار لا تكفي لأن نلغي أو تقاطع الحوار، بل على العكس، فإن أسباب الاضطراب القائمة تستوجب الحوار" مبديا عدم تفهمه "لعلاقة الحكومة بالحوار".

عن ثروة لبنان من النفط تابع سليمان قائلا "ريثما يستكمل الجيش قدراته الدفاعية ويزود بالسلاح والعتاد لتنفيذ هذه الاستراتيجية، يمكن لنا الاستفادة من سلاح المقاومة وفقاً لحاجة الجيش على أن تناقش آلية إتخاذ القرار بإستعمال السلاح والذي يجب أن يكون للدولة اللبنانية، فالأسلوب بحاجة إلى نقاش تقني".

كذلك تطرق رئيس الجمهورية إلى ملف النازحين من سوريا إلى لبنان فبدا جازما أن "هذا الأمر حسمناه منذ اليوم الأول، وأنا شخصياً حسمته فقلت نحن لا نرفض لاجئاً أو نازحاً إلى لبنان وفقاً للشرعية الدولية وشرعة حقوق الإنسان، ولا نعيد شخصاً لأسباب سياسية. هذه النقطة حسمناها وكل الأطراف التزموا بها بعد أن جرى حولها لغط في البداية".

كذلك لفت إلى أن خطة الحكومة تقضي بـ"استيعاب الدول الصديقة والعربية العدد الذي يفوق قدرة لبنان (..) ضبط عملية النزوح (..) تأمين التمويل، والمقصود هنا التمويل الخارجي للتمكن من إغاثة هؤلاء النازحين خصوصاً المحتاجين جداً منهم".

تزامنا كشف سليمان عن تحرك لبناني دبلوماسي على صعيد رئيس الجمهورية ورئيس الحكومة والوزراء المختصين من وزير الخارجية ووزير الشؤون الإجتماعية في الدول العربية ونيويورك لمتابعة الملف لأن "القضية بالنسبة إلينا بأننا لن نتخلى عن النازحين ولن نتركهم للظلم والبرد والجوع بل إننا نحاول بكل جهودنا أن نؤمن لهم اجواء أفضل".

أما عن العلاقة مع سوريا الدولة فجدد سليمان القول أنها "ليست مرهونة بنظام لبناني أو حكومة لبنانية وليست مرهونة بنظام سوري أو حكومة سورية، فهذه العلاقة هي أقوى من ذلك بكثير ويجب أن تبقى كما هي قوية".

هذا واعترف سليمان بضرورة إقرار سلسلة الرتب والرواتب وملف الأستذة المتفرغين في الجامعة اللبنانية ولكن "كي لا يشعر أي أستاذ أنه مستحق ولم يتم تفريغه، من الأفضل أن يتم تعيين مجلس عمداء الجامعة، ليستكمل ما تم إنجازه في ملف التفرغ وحينها يوافق مجلس الوزراء على قرارات التفرغ".

التعليقات 38
Thumb primesuspect 23:07 ,2013 كانون الثاني 08

Well, if it's unconstitutional then it's a waste of time to talk about it. Anyway, The best thing is that each Lebanese represents himself... there's no need to elect someone else. We should have 4 million MPs and of course each of us get paid $19.000 / month for life.

Missing peace 23:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 08

sure as we have seen the efficiency of MPs: earning scandalous salaries just to do nothing and laugh at the lebanese citizens...

Missing beirutbastard 13:55 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Cause the elections are comming up...

Missing peace 23:11 ,2013 كانون الثاني 08

M8ers are gonna love this piece of news! lol !

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:56 ,2013 كانون الثاني 08

Wasn't his appointment as president unconstitutional? or am I wrong about that?

Thumb jabalamel 10:09 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist scum wants puppet president in lebanon, so when this one isn't, he will say all kind of lies against him

Thumb jabalamel 10:09 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

and than he will log under different nickname to support himself

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:52 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

hahaha. I only have one handle my friend. I usually ignore you as you are someone who clearly does this for attention only. As I suggested before, you really need to make some freinds and quite possibly get a girlfriend to help you pass the time.

Missing peace 01:13 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

hahahaha! true!

Thumb jabalamel 10:11 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

the filthy zionist scum wants to find some argument again aoun and others in march 8 patriotic coalition.

however, it's up to the court to have a final say if something is not according to constitution. politicians can have opinions and declare them.

except for siniora and lady gaga. they should shut up

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 01:44 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

President Suleiman is the only one that made sense among all of these clowns. I find the whole sectarian mentality sickening. I am a Sunni Muslim (it killed me to write this) who is married to a Spanish Catholic. I wanted to register my two newly born twin boys. On the form, it ask to specify a sect. I call the embassy and ask "can I keep it blank?" The answer is "no, it will not be processed." Can I put one as Muslim and other as Christian. The answer was "No. Muslim and Christian are not acceptable choices. You have to put in the sect and both have to be the same sect as the father." So according to our crazy Lebanese laws, my 1.5 years old are Sunni Muslims!!! Does this really make sense? For now, my children have to be satisfied with being Canadian and Spanish citizens. When Lebanese decide to be just "human beings" and not "sectarian beings," I will register them.

Missing lebanon4ever 02:56 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Rafehh I had the same problem. I'm a Melkite catholic (agnostic lol) and my wife practises no religion. I was told to register them I had to specify a religion. I told them that they were atheist and I was met with a silence on the phone. Lol

I won't be registering them as lebanese either anymore.

Thumb jabalamel 10:13 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

yeah that's horrible. i'm an atheist and still they got me under shia sect also.
when i said i want to be atheist, the government clerk watched me in dismay.

Missing lebanon4ever 11:47 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

I think the lebanese laws are a joke. On top of that my sister is married to a fantastic australian gentleman and my nephew will never be recognised as lebanese even though they spend 6 months in Australia and 6 months in Lebanon. It is an absolute joke.

Missing lebanon4ever 11:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Couldn't agree more. All the politicians are puppeteers and the people are the puppets.

Missing beirutbastard 14:00 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Yea, after we integrate our society into one nation we can fix the election laws. The marriage, inheritance, and citizen laws are a good place to start.

Missing beirutbastard 14:03 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Loooool I didn't even think bout that! He's been watching them meet and argue, and fight, and waste tax payer money and time while all along it's unconstitutional? Fishy.

How come he's the only one that knows? We don't have any constitutional lawyers in this country or something?

Missing hitech 04:43 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Way to go Mr. President. The Orthodox Gathering law is against the basic human rights, so it is definitely unconstitutional. Over the past 150 years we went through uprising, revolutions, and a civil war to mend confessional fences, we should not rebuild them through an electoral law. Any law is better than this law that brings nothing but divisions and misery. If our politicians are stupid and blindsided with greed, that does not mean that we are.

Missing beirutbastard 14:13 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Christians need to come back to Lebanon first.

I have to say tho, Christians are the only truly democratic ppl here, electing their official according to who does the most for them. It sucks that it's also a huge drawback in Lebanon, because it leaves em divided and fighting amongst each other. It's sad to say, but if they were lead by one warlord their say would b greater.

Anyway, I don't see a law fixing this. Until the Christians start comming back, or at least stop leaving, their decline will continue.

Thumb cedar 05:29 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

nothing is unconstitutional if everyone agrees :P

Thumb jabalamel 10:14 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

you mean not march 14 century :)

Thumb jabalamel 10:14 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

you will never find all lebanese agree over something.

Thumb jabalamel 10:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

this comment show how unpatriotic you are. that you are not really lebanese.

i use lebanese documents when i go there, and i do it because i love lebanon despite all the problems in it.

lebanon is not about politics it's about country people nature and sweets

Missing beirutbastard 14:16 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Looool does any1 live here?!?! Man this country is a real sh#%^ole...

Missing peace 12:29 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

M8ers call for the power of the president to be restored and when the president has a say they criticize him! LOL
double M8 standards as usual!!!!

Missing peace 12:40 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

he takes time for thinking unlike you sissy boy... and talks when he is sure of what he says: he is a responsible man unlike you sissy boy....
seems you are disappointed that your pimp has been disavowed! hahahaha!

Missing peace 12:35 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

and the orthodox law is clearly a sectarian idea! why should a christian vote for a christian if he prefers a sunni whom he believes is better? why should a sunnni vote for a sunni if he thinks a shia is better? LOL!

aoun keep on saying that you should choose people for the skills and not for their religion! and he supports a law which is the contrary to what he preaches! he and all those supporting this law...

those pretending thay want secularism and support this law clearly contradict themselves! hopefully being ridiculous doesn t kill!

Missing peace 13:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

lol! stupid as usual sissy boy... so when do you think our dear politicians will start working on secularism? i guess never because of wankers like u who are happy of sectarianism... if you were truly secular in your demented paranoid mind you ll criticize very law that is based on sectarianism and not defending laws that your pimp is telling you to defend! it s called having a free mind but as you are the perfect FPM idiot you just repeat what your lover master tells you too...
if you were truly defending secularism you wouldn t vote to tell our politicians that enough is enough... but of course you can t help thinking of the rights of chrisitans of sunnis of shiahs and so on but NEVER the right of lebanese... you are pitiful and you don t even know it, like all those who belong to psychiatric hospitals...

but keep on you are truly the biggest clown ever, lacks you just a red nose...

Missing greatpierro 16:48 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

What do you achieve by increased secularism? Even more sectarism. Don't preach one thing and ask for the complete opposite. This will only lead us against the wall. To vote secular we need an agreement between M8 and M14 and the others on what Lebanon we want. We need to recreate trust among the Lebanese opponent parties. We cannot go on on accusing each others of being traitors. We cannot keep on reacting to what we suppose are the intentions of the opponent party with measures that have a very negative result on Lebanon.

Missing lqu7 12:49 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

It's hilarious to see how happy and uninformed M14ers are here. They're praising the president for stopping the Orthodox law but they haven't read his next words. Please read what he says about proportional representation and then tell me that Saad Hariri will agree to it. Your Aoun-ophobia has made you demented zombies.

Missing peace 14:06 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

yes i do not represent M14 because unlike you sissy boy i have a free mind and do not repeat what i m told to! and yes lebanese should stop voting to teach the politicians that we are no more the fools they want us to be! but i guess being the fool of FPM suits you as you have no brain of yours to think properly but rather you think through orangina s eyes! you and that stupid lqu7!
religious figures should go to jail each time they talk about politics. they are the ones maintaining lebanon in their grip and manipulating weak minds like yours into the defense of sects!
but dementia forbids you to think further than your red clown nose!
keep on you are really entertaining and typical of the people who keeps lebanon in the past by privileging a sect rather than their nationality!
see ya sissy boy

Missing peace 16:18 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

yeah go vote for incompetent people... like a brave sheep you are. if politicians see how low the percentage of people vote they would start asking thesmselves questions...

no vote is also a political message, but that your FPM sheep mind cannot grasp with the unique neurone of yours, sissy boy....

Missing lqu7 14:19 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

FlameThrower, I wasn't talking about peace whom I don't read anyway. I'm referring to Sidon93 who is most definately disappointed after he's done what I instructed in my post.

Missing peace 14:23 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

then my apologies for saying you were stupid :)

Missing beirutbastard 14:29 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

The only law that will pass is a law that will guarentee the durzi power in Lebanon. Mark my words, jumblatt is the tie-breaker, there's no changing that for now. The first camp that comes up with a law that protects the durzi voice will get jumblatt votes.

As much as one can criticize jumblatt, you have to agree that he's been walking the perfect path, straight down the middle. His alliance with the president, and putting his ministers political weight behind Suleiman was the best move.

It would be nice to see an independent movement in Lebanon.

Missing lappeaudecouille 14:34 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

You guys talk about how sectarian the electoral orthodox draft law is and how unorthodox it is to have such a law but if you look at the reality of things in Lebanon it is asking for it. Why do you think interracial marriage is common or interreligion marriage is common between people. It isn't because these people are asking for a division or wanting to promote racism, on the contrary it is because these people belong and have belonged to a certain culture for centuries and religion is part of our culture in Lebanon. It shouldn´t be a scary thing.We are apples and oranges and bananas living in one basket. We might get mixed sometimes and it shouldnt cause a problem but the matter of the fact is that apples will most likely choose apples first, oranges orange and bananas banana. So i dont see why this draft law would be bad?

Missing beirutbastard 14:59 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

Because this fruit basket is too small to divide... If we don't start mixing soon, and stop pushing n pulling in our own directions, this basket is gonna break. We'll end up with alota splattered fruit.

Missing peace 18:34 ,2013 كانون الثاني 09

instead of struggling in worthless meetings to find a BS law that would protect their interests , they d rather meet to stop sectariansim and find a law to stop it! but as they are just defending their low interests they dont give a sh.. as to improve the country as they all benefit from it by frightening people! they all pretend to want secular laws but when it comes to it they all defend their sects!
Although the Taif Agreement identified the abolition of political sectarianism as a national priority they all forgot about that!
M14 always pretend to defend this agreement but never refers to the end of sectarianism! aoun pretends to be in favor of secularism but always talk about christian rights and never offers a solution to implement it!!!!
hypocrits they are...