سفيرة اليونيسيف ميا فارو تطالب بمزيد من المساعدات للنازحين السوريين
Read this story in Englishدعت سفيرة النيات الحسنة لمنظمة الامم المتحدة للطفولة (يونيسيف) ميا فارو المجتمع الدولي الثلاثاء الى تقديم مساعدات اضافية الى "الضحايا الاكثر ضعفا" جراء النزاع السوري، وذلك في مؤتمر صحافي عقدته الثلاثاء في بيروت.
وقالت فارو "لأمر لا علاقة لهم به، هرب هؤلاء الاشخاص من الرعب، وتركوا خلفهم كل ما يحبونه وما يعرفونه، وهؤلاء هم الضحايا الاكثر ضعفا في حرب لم يصنعوها بأيديهم"، وذلك في ختام زيارة استمرت يومين تفقدت خلالها احوال النازحين السوريين.
اضافت ان "المجتمع الانساني يبذل اقسى ما في وسعه ليل نهار لتوفير المساعدات لهؤلاء" الموزعين في عدد من الدول المجاورة لسوريا، لكنه "لا يملك الموارد او التمويل، لذا لا يمكنه القيام (بدوره) في غياب مساعدتنا، لذلك قدمت الى هنا".
واشارت الى ان نحو 75 في المئة من هؤلاء هم من النساء والاطفال، وهما الشريحتان اللتان تمثلان نقطة تركيز المنظمة في عملها.
ووصفت هذه الممثلة الاميركية التي انتعلت زوجا من الاحذية يغطيه الوحل جراء زيارتها الى منطقة البقاع حيث يقيم عدد كبير من النازحين السوريين، ان الظروف التي يعيش فيها هؤلاء "سيئة جدا".
اضافت "الناس يعيشون في الوحل. كنت اشعر بالبرد رغم انني ارتدي معطفا".
وعرض خلال المؤتمر الصحافي شريط مصور قصير عن زيارة فارو الى نازحين يقيمون في خيم او ملاجىء موقتة في البقاع ومنطقة وادي خالد في شمال لبنان.
وتعليقا على صورة طفلة في ال15 تقف امام خيمة، سألت فارو "ما هي الآمال المستقبلية لهذه الطفلة؟".
وتشير ارقام الامم المتحدة الى ان عدد النازحين السوريين المسجلين في لبنان يقارب 200 الف شخص، تقيم غالبيتهم في شمال لبنان والبقاع.
واذ قالت فارو انه يمكن لمس "توترات" بين النازحين والمجتمعات التي يقيمون فيها، تحدثت عن الكثير من القصص "الملهمة" عن استضافة النازحين، منها اقامة خمس عائلات سورية في منزل من ثلاث غرف يقيم فيه زوجان لبنانيان واولادهما الثلاثة.
ونقلت فارو عن ربة المنزل قولها "حتى وان لم يكن هؤلاء اقاربي، لكنهم عائلتي. نحن كبشر عائلة واحدة، بالطبع استضفتهم في منزلي".

bigjohn is not qawmi, he is Marxist/Arab nationalist. In other words he was an enemy of the Lebanese State in 1975 and was cheering the PLO against the Lebanese army in the 1973 clashes between the two. He Supports Naser over Chamoun, Assad against any Lebanese president. With thousands other Lebanese non-citizens like him any wonder Lebanon degenerated to its current miserable state

You are absolutely right Big John, you are so right that the proof is with those who are attacking you for saying the truth. Even we in Lebanon who have seen the plight of the Palestinian refugees first hand, cannot sympatize with them for fear of being regarded as pro Palestinian which I guess would make us anti semites. God forbid.

How can we be anti semitic when we are semtic. Typical Americans

My comments were a reply to kiserwenimoughdaram but his comment is removed now.

Just because US celebreties are to coward to support anyone that their AIPAC-occupied government doesnt approve of supporting, it doesnt mean "nobody cares" about the Pals. John didnt say we shouldnt care about the syrian people (in fact he has defended them when lebanese post racist comments about them), he simply pointed out the hypocrisy of US celebs, thats all. The US doesnt give a damn about the syrian or palestinian or lebanese people, all they care about is punishing bashar, but not enough to bring him down as they dont want him replaced unless its with someone who will harm Syrians and keep israel safe like he has done while at the same time obeying the US more than what bashar does. All of the fake support for the refugees is nothing but a way for hypocrites to settle scores with bashar and not actual care for the refugees.

Sadly, this is the case even in lebanon and naharnet. You see someone post "support" for the refugees in one comment and then in another one he is cursing the day God created syrians. His so called support for them was only a weapon against bashar. True supporters of the syrian people/refugees are those who stand by them for love and not bcuz they simply want to settle scores with bashar. While john has shown support for the syrians even before the revolution started (at least here on naharnet) and has spoken up against racism against syrians both by march14 and march8, people like you have been inciting against them and your so called support is nothing but actual hate. Your simply using the enemy of enemy is my friend formula which means you take a temporary ally that you also hate, use him against someone you hate more and then return to being his enemy after your done with him. Thats not support FYI, unless you thought you were fooling someone.

Oh and just because one doesnt fall for your fake support for the syrian refugees, it doesnt mean one supports bashar. May he fall and be humiliated for all the harm he has caused. This is the worst thing we can say in lebanon because march 14 doesnt want anyone exposing their fake support for being what it really is and march8 dont want anyone wishing for the fall of bashar. Unfortunatly, lebanon has a shortage of people who think straight. We are supposed to hate syrians yet chose one side to hate more than the other and use it against the other. Its never about actually loving or supporting syrians. I used to be so proud of being lebanese when i was younger and now after seeing things clearly that i couldnt comprehend as a teenager, i am disgusted with my former pride of something that never deserved it.