باسيل: قيام جعجع بمساواة التمثيل الصحيح بالامور السيادية "لحظة تاريخية"
Read this story in Englishاعرب وزير تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" جبران باسيل عن تقديره لموقف رئيس "حزب القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع في مساواة صحة التمثيل بالسلاح، لافتاً الى ان هذه اللحظة تاريخية يجب ان تستمر عقوداً.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الاخبار"، الخميس، قال باسيل، وفي ما خص "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي"، "كان يمكن أن نشكّك في موقف القوات في البدء. أما اليوم فلا يحق لنا مطلقاً القيام بذلك". وتابع "لماذا لا نعطيهم حقّهم والرصيد الذي يستحقونه بأنهم حملوا المشروع الأرثوذكسي ووقفوا في وجه معارضيه".
كما تابع "لا يمكن إلا أن نقدّر ما قاله سمير جعجع عن أن صحة التمثيل ميثاقية وتوازي أهميتها كل الأمور السيادية الأخرى، لأن كلامه صحيح. فهل يمكن أن نشكّك بعد ذلك؟ أبداً، نحن نقدّر موقف جعجع في هذه اللحظة التاريخية، لأن هذا الموضوع استراتيجي".
يُذكر ان صحيفة "الاخبار"، نقلت الاربعاء عن جعجع، انه وازى "بين حليفه السني وخصمه حزب الله، في مقارنة أهمية صحة التمثيل بنزع السلاح. وحسن التمثيل بحسب القوات هو النقطة الجوهرية".
يُذكر ان "القوات اللبنانية" و"الكتائب" يؤيدان "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) في حين انهما منفتحان على كافة الاقتراحات. وبدورهما تياري "الوطني الحر" و"المردة" يدعمان بقوة هذا المشروع، الا ان تيار "المستقبل" يرفضه.
واردف باسيل في حديثه لـ"الاخبار" ان "المهم في هذه اللحظة (التاريخية التي اطلقها جعجع) أن تطول حتى لا تبقى مجرد لحظة، بل أن تصبح عقوداً وتبقى لزمن طويل، من أجل تحقيق المشاركة والتوازن بعيداً عن كل الاعتبارات السياسية".
وعن المخرج لقانون الانتخابات، شدد باسيل على ان "ما نطرحه هو قانون يمثل المناصفة الحقيقية، وأي قانون لا يمثل هذه المناصفة لن نقبله". كما رأى ان الذين يرفضون الأرثوذكسي "يرفضون المشاركة والمناصفة الحقيقية".
Al-Mustaqbal, or even better, the anglo version the Future Movement, is a cancer in Lebanese society and is harming the social fabric since 1992. Those who reject the Orthodox Proposal would also be rejecting real partnership = Al-Mustaqbal = Salafists = Al Qaeda = FSA Supporters = Terrorists.
well back from my vacation where i had a blissful relaxing escape with NO news about Lebanon... come back to this ... what the hell have i been missing???
The FSA is not an off-shoot of the Future Movement, but the byproduct of an armed "resistance" with a questionable allegiance. If you support the disarming of Hizballah AND FSA, then I'm with you. However, if you want the FSA disarmed yet you are in support of Hizballah keeping its arms, then you're being hypocritical. Terms like "hero," "martyr," and "terrorist" are subjective. Each individual is free to hold his own beliefs. However, when one individual claims that his beliefs are beyond reproach, then you cannot blame the others for feeling threatened and arming themselves. The playing field has to be leveled in order for everyone to feel secure. This obviously means allowing only the official armed forces to bear large arms.
the filthy zionist scum want to compare genocidal wahabi/zionist scum with our glorious resistance
the filthy jihadi Irani scum spoke and as usual nobody listened to his manufactured garbage.
did bassool grow some hair or what? so he is in love with gagag now for being more sectarian then him - good for them but we reject sectarian politics and want to move on with our lives to a brighter lebanon. Those who wants to take us back to the stone age with laws tied to sects and religion shall fail and we shouldn't let them succeed. Lebanese deserve better leaders than those advancing sectarian agenda. Next abolish sect power distribution - and all religious courts - get on the wagon of civilization -
Keep hoping if this will help you sleep at night. Next time come up with a more constructive statement or opinion.
The symmetry of the positions is clear. Without fair representation in parliament, then the constituents suffering unfairness must suffer the domination of those constituents who are the beneficiary of unfair representation.
And with Hezbollah and its arms, the whole country must suffer the domination of public affairs by the one party that has an organized armed force. So, to end unfairness, both issues should be addressed and rectified.
But Geagea should be circumspect in demanding "fair representation". An argument is easily made that the Christians with 35% of the population being allocated 50% of the Parliamentary seats is unfair to the 65% Moslem population in a confessional system such as Lebanon's.
What social fabric is al-Mustardal refering to? Lebanon is totally factionalized and ungovernable without electoral reform. al-Mustaedal waits for the Fall of Assad ignoring the fact that means Lebanon will descend into Civil War. At the very least Lebanon needs to start developing it's energy resources and upgrade the electrical grid. al Mustardal is not part of the solution. Their policies are clearly confrontational which is odd since they aren't the strongest party and will not prevail. Their leaders should go stay with Harari in France living the high life of Saudi money.
Even though they're around 35% of the population, Lebanese Christians get 50% of the Parliament seats, in addition to the Presidency, head of the army,etc, and Aoun and company are complaining about fairness. Very nice.
Bassil would never say that if he didn't think that would drive a wedge between Geagea and Mustakbal. I can't ever see this little weisel give credit where credit is due based on principal.