فتفت: قدمنا للبرلمان اقتراحا انتخابيا يعالج هواجس المسيحيين بصحة التمثيل

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قدمت كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية، اقتراح فانون مبني على مبادرة رئيس تيار المستقبل سعد الحريري، صباح الاثنين، الى مجلس النواب، حيث شدد النائب احمد فتفت على انه يعالج هواجس المسيحيين.

وفي مؤتمر صحافي عقده، وثلاثة نواب آخرين من "المستقبل"، اعلن فتفت ان الكتلة "قدمت اقتراح قانون من اجل انتخابات عبر دوائر صغيرة".

ولفت الى "اعادة تقسيم الدوائر الانتخابية بحيث يتأمن افضل تمثيل للمسيحيين دون المساس باساس العيش المشترك، مشيرا الى الانطلاق من 26 دائرة انتخابية".

واوضح فتفت، قائلاً "اعتبرنا ان القضاء هو الحد الاقصى الذي يمكن قبوله واي قضاء يتجاوز النواب الخمسة يقسم الى اكثر من دائرة".

كما اكد ان هذا الطرح هو طرح كامل متكامل، لاصلاح البنية السياسية في البلد، وسنوزعه على اللجنة الفرعية اليوم" (في اجتماعها الاثنين)، موضحا ان "القانون مطروح للتداول وغير نهائي".

وشدد فتفت على ان "المستقبل" سيشارك في اجتماعات اللجان النيابية في ظل غياب الحكومة.

واشار الى ان وزارة الداخلية أبدت استعدادها لتطبيق القانون الأكثري وموضوع التأجيل مرتبط بالآليات الجديدة المطروحة في القوانين النسبية والأورثوذكسي وليس في ما طرحناه نحن من قانون"،

يُذكر ان الحريري اعلن الخميس، في مقابلة تلفزيونية، عن مبادرته الانتخابية والمبنية على اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها على أساس قانون الدوائر الصغرى التي تضمن صحة التمثيل لكل المناطق والفئات والمجموعات الروحية.

ويترافق ذلك، مع إنشاء مجلس شيوخ يمثل كل الطوائف والمذاهب في لبنان كما نص اتفاق الطائف، وذلك بعد اجراء تعديل دستوري يعلق شرط الغاء الطائفية السياسية إلى فترة يتم التوافق عليها.

ووافقت اللجان النيابية المشتركة، الاربعاء، على تمديد عمل اللجنة الفرعية المخصصة بحث قانون الانتخاب لمدة 15 يوماً، على ان تبحث حصراً في مشروع القانون المختلط حصراً.

التعليقات 11
Missing ArabDemocrat.com 09:08 ,2013 شباط 04

That is the closest proposal we have to the Taef. The probability of it passing is next to nil. While it is the most that christians can get, the general will kill it to spite al mustaqbal and hariri.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:47 ,2013 شباط 04

For the record, I am not an m14. When approached to help open an al-mustaqbal branch, I refused. When I was offered to fly to leb to vote in last election, I refused.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:53 ,2013 شباط 04

However, my positions lean these days more toward m14 because I believe the m4 constitute a real and present danger to lebanon. If I am to vote my conscience, I would likely vote for ahdeb or edde. At first, I supported the General but as he continud his sectarian attacks and became stranger, many people including myself stopped supporting him.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:01 ,2013 شباط 04

The_roar: lying is not something I am accused of. Reading minds is not something that has been invented yet. Have some shame to accuse people without proof. Just because you have none, it does not mean that others have no honor. Everything I said is true and the offer was made in vancouver when the m14 had a free lunch for the community and asked people to fill in a form if they are interested in going to lebanon to vote.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:06 ,2013 شباط 04

The_roar: it is your choice to believe what you want. There are many in the christian communities and the sunni community who used to support the General. They no longer do because of his political choices (his right), attacks on sunni community (not his right) and outright weirdness these days. Most sunnis used to like and many used ti love the General. Sunni soldiers and officers served under hin to the end and many died and those captured ended up tortured (and some killed) in syrian mukabarat prisons. Their families hate him now and his choices.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 20:34 ,2013 شباط 04

I do not care if one knows arabic well or not or if one is good looking or not. They are moderate and present ideas that are fit for a pluralistic democratic state. It does not mean that I like everything they say or that they will not change their rhetoric. After all, this is lebanon. You may think my choices are weired. I consider weired the blind attachement to leaders in m8 or m14 (or any other).

Default-user-icon + oua nabka + (ضيف) 11:40 ,2013 شباط 04

the rightfull christian representation is a constant and a must whatever the law isgod bless lebanon
+ oua nabka +

Thumb andre.jabbour 15:41 ,2013 شباط 04

Will we get 17 sects represented? There's much more than Xian and Moslem to Lebanon.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:48 ,2013 شباط 04

Blag blah blag

Missing greatpierro 23:33 ,2013 شباط 04

one can respond by telling you that anything that comes from Shia comes from the hub of terrorism in Teheran. Your remark leads to nowhere. Sunni in Lebanon are just as the other communities they would like to live in peace, stability and prosperity and they know they have to do it living side by side next to the other communities. Please tell us what what are the threat that the Sunni community has shown towards the christians or other communities?

Missing greatpierro 23:40 ,2013 شباط 04

karim, since 2006 the hate against the sunni community has increased among m8 and sas been especially fueled up by Aoun.

Yet the sunni community has done nothing wrong in that time against the other communities or against the existence of lebanon. the sunni bashing has increased in line with the regional tensions where by the Iran/syrian/shiite axis has polarized the rift between the shiia and sunni communities.

As always, we in lebanon have imported this rift and are now having sunni/shia fight while there is no real substance to it. The sunni community is accused of wahhabi terrorism while nothing can really substantiate this.