منصور يتسلّم من وزارة العدل البلغارية الملف الكامل لحادثة تفجير بورغاس
Read this story in Englishتسلم وزير الخارجية والمغتربين عدنان منصور مذكرة الملف الكامل لحادثة تفجير بورغاس".
وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام أن "منصور تسلم من القائم بأعمال السفارة البلغارية في لبنان بلامن تزولوف مذكرة مقرونة بالملف الكامل لحادثة تفجير بورغاس الموجه من وزارة العدل البلغارية الى وزارة العدل اللبنانية".
وعقب اللقاء، اشر تزولوف الى أنه " قد قدم الى منصور مذكرة من سفارتنا الى وزراة الخارجية والمغتربين وملفا موجها من وزارة العدل البلغارية الى وزارة العدل اللبنانية"، مردفاً أن "هذا الملف هو بين الوزراتين".
ورداً على سؤال اتهام بعض وسائل الاعلام بداية ان المتهم هو مغربي، وتغيّر المعطيات ليصبح المتهمين من اصل لبناني وتحديدا من "حزب الله"، لفت تزولوف الى أن "كل المعلومات موجودة عند التحقيق البلغاري، ووزير الداخلية البلغاري"، مردفاً أن "كل ما قيل هو اشياء متداولة في الاعلام البلغاري واللبناني".
وشدد في السياق نفسه على أن "بلغاريا تحرص على الحفاظ على العلاقة الوطيدة والصديقة مع الدولة اللبنانية والشعب والمجتمع اللبناني. ولدينا علاقات تاريخية ومهمة في كل الميادين ونعمل ليس فقط للحفاظ عليها بل تطويرها"، مردفاً أن "رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي كان واضحا جدا بقوله ان لبنان مستعد للتعاون الكامل مع بلغاريا التي بدورها ستتعاون مع لبنان".
ووجهت بلغاريا الأسبوع الفائت اتهاما لحزب الله بالتفجير. وقال وزير الداخلية تسفيتان تسيفانتو للصحافيين: "لدينا معلومات عن تمويل حزب الله لشخصين احدهما منفذ التفجير وعن انتمائهما للحزب".
وأفاد ان هذين الشخصين "كان بحوزتهما جوازات سفر كندية واسترالية"، مضيفا أنهما "عاشا في لبنان منذ 2006 و2010".
وادى تفجير حافلة كانت تقل اسرائيليين في مطار بورغاس على ساحل البحر الاسود في بلغاريا والذي يعد اعنف تفجير يستهدف اسرائيليين خارج بلدهم منذ 2004، كذلك الى مقتل سائق الحافلة البلغاري ومنفذ التفجير، واصابة نحو ثلاثين شخصا.
وفي هذا السياق،دان ميقاتي في بيان "أي عمل أو إعتداء يستهدف أي دولة عربية أو أجنبية"، مشدداً على أنه "واثق من أن السلطات المختصة في بلغاريا ستقيّم جديا ما قد تخلص اليه هذه التحقيقات من نتائج".
again hizbushaitan accused of terror. I really wonder sometimes what is there to be proud of this filthy militia of muderers, thieves, drug smugglers, kidnappers,....
what's your point?!? if the opposition party disagrees it means they're wrong? you believe what you want to hear!! most opposition parties disagree with goverments on almost every topic!!! besides when Aoun hadn't joined march 8 yet, you would have went to great length to argue your point of view which was 100 % opposite to your new Aoun point of view! how did you choose which one is right and which is wrong? Aoun did a 180 degrees on his over 20 year policy which all along you defended it as right and just! so are you admiting he was wrong all that time? how do you know he's not wrong this time?
Hey idiot, the Bulgarian opposition is NOT a member of government, that is the point of being the "opposition". The information in the investigative report is confidential, and not released to the public. Since the opposition members are not part of the government, that means they are not allowed access to the evidence in the report. Of course they say the conclusion is unjustified, they haven't seen the report!!! So STFU
Cant argue with facts, there are going to be a whole lot of "in absentias" from the Hariri, Harb, Burgas-cases...
Re mowaten: If there arent any facts, then why do always the Hizbollah-operatives that the judge wants to question always disappear mysteriously? Surely the mighty Hizbollah cannot be scared of facing a court as long as they are innocent?
Asia Times ~
"False flag evidence ignored"
"The distinct possibility of an Israeli 'false flag' operation can be garnered by a careful and methodical examination of the public information, including the photographs, amateur videos and instant reports on the bus attack that occurred at exactly 5:30 pm last July 18, on the anniversary of the 1994 bombing in Argentina that Israel insists was the work of Iran and Hezbollah. That was perfect timing for Israel's propaganda machine."
As much as I dislike Israels politcs against the palestinians, but does someone REALLY believe that a country that is prepared to go to war over the kidnapping of its citizens, a country that is willing to trade hundreds of palestinans/lebanese for the remains of one of its soldiers....does someone REALLY believe that Israel bombed their own tourists abroad in order to frame Hizbollah. Then I presume that you also think that 9/11 was the act of Mossad/CIA?
The reports indicate that the bomb went off prematurely ... Israel has used real explosives in previous false flag attacks in Tbilisi, Mumbau and Bangkok. They needed an attack on EU soil to get the EU to label Hezbollah a terrorist organization.
anyone can make up consipracy theories! it doesn't make them facts! there's a lot of consiracy theories that go the other way too you know!
The story in the Asian Times makes more sense than the information that has been leaked about the report by Bulgaria ...
Of course you know that the US and Israel were prominent in pursuing the investigation of the bombing in Burgas.
Both make no secret of their desire to have the EU declare Hezbollah a terrorist entity ...
People should wake up and realize that "false flag" and "framing" "conspiracies" are real and a lot more common than they realize.
Bangkok, yeah.... I remember that one....
Did you know both Israel and the US are training Iranian terrorists from Jundallah and the MeK because of their Iranian identities ???
US provided material support for MEK foreign terrorists in Nevada ...
Israel trains Jundallah ...
Israeli agents posed as CIA to recruit terrorists
British firm to be used in a false flag attack in Syria using chemical weapons to trigger US involvement ...
"The information about Western and Middle East special services recruiting militants with Slavic features to play a role of Russian ‘mercenaries’ allegedly captured by Syrian opposition fighters was released by the Russian media in the middle of January. They quoted a well-informed source as saying that ‘actors’ are being selected in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine."
Britamgate: Staging False Flag Attacks in Syria
Couldn’t agree with you more. there is a reason hardly any money goes into education in Lebanon. The last person that put a lot of money into that aspect of it was assassinated.
No my friend, the US wrote the book on false flag operations. Just look at Mohammad Mosaddegh in Iran in 1953. And there are dozens and dozens of cases just in Latin America ...
So spare me until you understand how the weapon of public relations was born and implemented in the US by Edward Bernays for use in marketing, nationalistic propaganda and covert operations.