مفتي سوريا يدعو سياسيي لبنان "للتعلم" من الراعي: سأزور لبنان حين أريد
Read this story in Englishدعا مفتي سوريا الشيخ أحمد بدر الدين حسون سياسيي لبنان إلى زيارة سوريا كما فعل البطريرك الماروني بشارة الراعي مشيرا إلى "صحف لبنانية" هددت بالتحرك ضد زيارته إلى لبنان.
وقال حسون في مقابلة مع قناة "الميادين" مساء الجمعة "هناك صحف لبنانية هددت بالتحرك ضد زيارتي إلى لبنان وأنا سأقوم بها حين أريد".
ودعا حسون "كل السياسيين في لبنان إلى زيارة سوريا كما فعل السوريون في حرب لبنان لمنع تقسيمه".
أضاف حسون "أدعو السياسيين في لبنان إلى التعلم من الكاردينال الراعي في خطوته حيال سوريا (..) كنت أتمنى لو أن مفتي لبنان أول القادمين إلى سوريا".
ولفت إعلان حسون أن "حزب القوات اللبنانية إغتال شقيقي في لبنان".
عن سوريا قال حسون " لن تستطيعوا تقسيمها وستبقى سوريا بكل أطيافها" قائلا للمسيحيين في سوريا "إياكم أن تهاجروا لتبرروا وجود وقيام دولة دينية".
أما عن الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد قال أن "الشعب يطلب منه ألا يتنحى" مضيفا " كل قطرة دم أريقت في سوريا هي برقبة كل خطيب فتنة دعا إلى الجهاد في سوريا".
هذا وكشف حسون أنه "طلب مني من جهات رسمية ومالية وإسلامية مغادرة سورية لأعلن انشقاقي في أول شهر رمضان الماضي".
yes, he loves his holly and the money from ASSad, but that doesn't make him HOLY.
anyhow, some of the biggest genocides in history have been led by so called men of faith--if they get political power, that's when they become really dangerous. look at the crusades, spanish inquisition, bosnia, rwanda, sudan, etc...
"Syria's Mufti Sheikh Ahmed Badreddine Hassoun on Friday called on the Lebanese politicians to visit his country similar to Syrians' move towards Lebanon during its war"
Time to send the Lebanese army and intelligence Syria, take over and run the place!!! We would need to vet all of the candidates to make sure they adopt a proper nationalist line.
FT - You are wrong. I happen to know few of the opposition people in Vancouver. They have been oppressed and victimized by the regime as much as we have.
FT - I do not disagree with you that Lebanon highest priority should be to protect its interest. The problem in this post is that we spend so much time arguing about things and not trying to articulate what Lebanese wants. If we can all agree that we want a strong democratic pluralistic state, then we can go about talking how this can be achieved.
Habibi - There is a minimum level of acceptable discourse in our culture and "mothers" are red line. We should never stoop so low.
Stargate - He is appointed by the regime no matter what you call me or others and he will toe the line whether out of genuine belief or out of coercion. As for Assir, I could care less for him except as a human being and a fellow citizen. As for Arour, I find him to be repulsive - even though much of the blood curling statements attributed to him are fabrications.
This a does not have an ounce of faith just have a look at that head. If he wishes to break away from Islam and form a quasi-Pseudo Muslim sect with Assad (Kalb) as its head feel free, but someone already beat him to it the Alawis,
Rover98 - Take Hassoun's regrettable and lamentable position regarding Bashar regime out of the equation and let us look at his theology, why would you consider that he is somehow outside mainstream islam. And who are you to characterize alawite to be pseudo-muslims. Why are you so sure that your "truth" is the truth? Do you wonder why some minorities worry about zealots in the midst of the sunni community? Do you see how you play into the hand of this criminal regime?
And he has no problem with a regime that kills tens of thousands and torture many more? I grant you that in a choice between a Takfiri and sheik hassoun, I would pick the latter. However, he should also have made a stand and condemn the regime's killings, torture and inhumanity.
FT - Please study in depth the theories of political, religious and social pluralism. It is an essential part of having a healthy democracy. All attempts at creating homogeneous societies have ended up in disaster as it is the antithesis of liberty.
actually it is more typical for political leaders to have religious leaders at their back to legitimize their rule. As a religious leader, he should be against the shedding of blood and innocent lives, ON ALL SIDES. This guy has said that only the rebels are responsible for the bloodshed.
I guess this guy didn't want to bring up how many deaths and "disappearances" that this regime has brought on its own, even before this uprising. He is a hypocrite, which probably feels dear to the feelings of M8 anyway.
FT deserves every possible insult available in any encyclopedia. of others are offended tell them it's his father instead of his mother.
Al Rai was simply attending a religious ceremony in Syria and his visit should not misconstrued. He’s never expressed support for neither Assad nor the FSA. He always wanted the Syrian to peaceful solve their problems. The Syrian and Lebanese are one family and what affect us affect them and vice versa. Our hearts goes to the Syrian people who are facing hard time with the cold and displacement. I hope their struggle finishes soon. In Lebanon, we know how hard civil war is. I hope theirs is not as long as ours was. It destroyed the hopes of many people in Lebanon.