دخول باخرة الكهرباء التركية "فاطمة غول" مياه لبنان وعراقيل لوجستية وفنية تعيق رسوها
Read this story in Englishدخلت باخرة الكهرباء التركية "فاطمة غول" المياه الاقليمية اللبنانية صباح السبت وهي موجودة مقابل معمل الزوق الحراري.
إلا أن الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" أشارت الى "ان الباخرة لن تتمكن من الرسو بسبب عراقيل لوجستية وتحضيرات فنية قد تؤخر المباشرة بعملها لايام".
في التاسع من شباط الحالي تم الإعلان عن إبحار سفينة الطاقة الكهربائية التركية في اتجاه السواحل اللبنانية تطبيقاً للاتفاق المعقود مع وزارة الطاقة والحكومة.
وهذه هي السفينة الاولى من اثنيتين يتوقع وصولهما الى لبنان.
وكان وزير الطاقة جبران باسيل قد وقع في تموز 2012، عقد إستقدام البواخر إلى لبنان مع شركة "كارادينيز التركية"، وكان من المفترض ان تصل الباخرة الاولى في 11 تشرين الثاني الجاري.
كما وافق مجلس الوزراء في آذار الماضي على استئجار البواخر لتأمين الطاقة بحوالى 700 ميغاوات لمهلة اقصاها ثلاث سنوات، وعلى الاسراع في تنفيذ معامل 1500 ميغاوات وفق ورقة سياسة قطاع الكهرباء وانجاز كل ما يلزم من ناحية الدراسات ودفاتر الشروط وشبكة النقل، والعمل على تأمين التمويل اللازم واتخاذ الخطوات لتسهيل مشاركة القطاع الخاص.
I wonder what those technical and logistic problems are. They probably forgot to bribe someone.
No my dear you are wrong. Bassil knew about the problems and signed a contract providing for huge indemnities to the turkish company if it cannot moore as per the contract. Needless to say a substancial part of the indemnities will be paid back to you know who by the turkish contracter.
logistical problem: they forgot to prepare cables from the sea to the distribution station. This is why electricity has to be privatized. It is badly managed. Instead of 10000 useless employees hired to please berri, we need 100 competent employees who would do the same job.
I'm not surprised. This is the lebanese government 0 PLANNING.
They could've built 4 power plants in the time between start of arguments over the power generating vessels and now. And the taxpayer is paying and still voting for the same people!!! and we call ourselves SMART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That's not what the ship looks like... Just look up "karadenizholding" on facebook and you'll see what it really looks like- a floating powerplant
Total incompetence. The government has no business doing business. No competent engineer would want to work for the government.
No my dear you are wrong Bassil is very competent he knew firsthand about the problems and signed willingly a contract providing for huge indemnities to be paid to the turkish company if it cannot moore as per the contract. Needless to say a substancial part of these indemnities will be paid back to you know who by the turkish contractor. Bassil is very happy everything is going as planned.
Now i am not a march 14th fan or a march 8th fan, they both have crappy solutions to everything because they both are bloodsuckers. Even lighting up the highway with solar lamps like every country in the world, they cant do, i mean, if a lamp costs about 1000$ ( impossible but anyways) and u need two for each pole, meaning 2000$ , light up just 50 poles on 4-5km is just 100,000$... come on... solutions are easy in Lebanon, but money is invested in stupid solutions for stupid people that arent smart enough to revolt.
and yet, no power plants are being built nor are any planned to be built because Bassil's company didn't get the bid.
it would be nice if you addressed the question instead of trying to make it seem that everything is going great.