السفير السوري: اشاعة ان "المقاومة اللبنانية" تساعد في سوريا "امر مردود عليه"

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اكد السفير السوري علي عبدالكريم علي، صباح الاثنين، ان "الاشاعات" عن ان المقاومة اللبنانية تساعد في الداخل السوري "امر مردود عليه"، مشيراً الى ان من يطبق هكذا اشاعات عليه أن "يتحسس الحد الادنى من المصداقية".

واثر لقائه وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور، لفت علي الى انه تم التطرق الى ما بحكى عن اشتراك "حزب الله" في القتال داخل سوريا قائلاً ان "محاولة البعض إشاعة ان المقاومة اللبنانية تساعد في الداخل السوري، امر مردود عليه".

كما تابع ان الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله كان قد لفت مرات عدة الى ان "هناك اناساً من جنسيات سورية-لبنانية متداخلة، اذ ان اللبنانيين الموجودين على الارض السورية هم معنيون في مواجهة هؤلاء المسلحين عندما يتعرضون لهم".

واكد ان "ما عدا ذلك كله كلام، يجب على من يطلقه أن يتحسس الحد الادنى من المصداقية والاحترام المعايير الاخلاقية في التعاطي مع هذا الامر".

ولفت السفير السوري الى ان "ما يحدث على الحدود السورية - اللبنانية ليس فعلا طارئا يوميا، والاعلام ينشر ما يقوم به الجيش اللبناني والسلطات اللبنانية لجهة الامساك بعصابات ومسلحين ومحاولات تهريب السلاح، وهذا يشكل اساءة للداخل اللبناني وانتهاكا للعلاقة الاخوية بين البلدين".

الا انه اكد ان "سوريا تسيطر بنسبة كبيرة على المرافق الحدودية، وهذه الخروق صارت اقل".

الى ذلك، شدد السفير السوري، على ان الامور في الداخل السوري، تسير نحو الافضل، لافتاً الى ان "الحلول السياسية والدعوة للحوار واللجان المشكّلة في هذا الاتجاه تعطي نتائج طيبة ومتسارعة".

يُشار الى ان المنسق السياسي والاعلامي لـ"الجيش السوري الحر" لؤي المقداد، كان قد ندد عبر صحيفة "النهار"، الاثنين، بـ"الاجتياح البرّي" الذي نفذه حزب الله في سوريا.

وكان المجلس الوطني السوري المعارض اتهم حزب الله، الاحد، بـ"التدخل عسكريا" و"شن هجوم مسلح" في منطقة القصير في محافظة حمص الحدودية مع لبنان لمساندة قوات النظام السوري. الا ان مصدراً في حزب الله افاد وكالة "فرانس برس" الاحد، ان ثلاثة لبنانيين من الطائفة الشيعية قتلوا وجرح 14 آخرون في معارك في سوريا، مشيرا الى انهم كانوا "في مواجهة للدفاع عن النفس".

التعليقات 13
Thumb andre.jabbour 11:16 ,2013 شباط 18

This man is one of Bashar's elves in Lebanon. Whenever he comes and goes to and from Syria his trunk is packed with explosive devices....

Zero credibility to his testimony.

Thumb geha 11:24 ,2013 شباط 18

and martians landed on the libano/Syrian frontier :)

Missing maroun 11:57 ,2013 شباط 18

any person who believes a word this coward says,is a fool

Missing maroun 12:44 ,2013 شباط 18

he has more credibility then the rat you support

Default-user-icon Martha (ضيف) 12:13 ,2013 شباط 18

Sorry I don't understand what the problem is with being a member of a Lebanese Political Party called Hezbollah? Also I apologise but I don't understand where the problem lies with defending your home and town from Terrorists? There are thousands of Lebanese in Syria. Of course I would be doing all I can to defend my area. The questions to be asked is what is the FSA doing there terrorising Lebanese? The Lebanese government should be sending in the Maghwar to protect and free the Lebanese from these Islamists & Fatah Islam sympathisers.

Thumb geha 16:21 ,2013 شباط 18

yes, you are correct!
we should send our army and maghawir to support Lebanese being oppressed in Canada :)
please let our army first defend our border town IN Lebanon from the Syrian regime daily aggressions....
we should not interfere in other countries, and should there be Lebanese there, they should leave.

Thumb geha 20:23 ,2013 شباط 18

if really they are Lebanese, then they are living in a foreign country.
that country has become not safe, so they should leave, and not take part in fighting in a foreign country.
if you fail to grasp that basic concept then you have a serious problem.
and to mowaten, I do not support sending nobody to a foreign country to fight. unlike you, I am a person who respects other countries sovereignty.

Missing peace 17:28 ,2013 شباط 18

hezbollah has nothing to do in syria... another proof that this militia does not listen to the lebanese state concerning disassociation with the syrian conflict...
but we know this terrorist militia only obeys iran and not the lebanese gvt...

Thumb zahle1 17:41 ,2013 شباط 18

Peace, why would the militia "listen to our state", when they are seeing Hezbollah all over their area? HA has already stated they have fighters their defending Lebanese in the border areas. This is a carefully worded statement. If HA turned its guns inward because of telecom lines being threatened, you don't think they would go so far as to protect their weapons supply lines in Syria in this civil war? Come on now!

Missing peace 19:49 ,2013 شباط 18

"defending lebanese villages" is just a lame excuse to justify their presence in syria along with assad s shabbiha... they cannot accept nor bear the fall of assad, that s plain and simple. that means more difficulty to get their arm supply if assad falls. lebanese villages? it s just like lebanon: they don t care... all they care about is to be iran s faithful puppet...
a militia that has thanked syria for the decades of occupation in lebanon is not worth any trust along with its allies....

Missing samiam 23:17 ,2013 شباط 18

no offense to intelligence the HA apologists, but HA has been found in Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Bahrain, Bulgaria, Argentina and a host of other countries--why wouldn't you believe that they would be in a neighboring country supporting a regime which is supported by their financier and supplier of arms?

Missing samiam 11:09 ,2013 شباط 19

and we know that you will deny and insist that they aren't despite proof such as the HA operative captured by the Americans in Iraq, the ones that are on trial for Harriri's murder, the one being in indicted in the assisination of Harb, the ones that were captured in Egypt and so forth.

Continue to live in the stone age with your leader living in a cave and you guys acting like cavemen--INSIST and DENY--this is the M8 way--proof, who needs it.

Missing moretrees 06:07 ,2013 شباط 19

Not to put down everything you said, but the figures on Hizbullah deaths are never accurate. The 2006 war deaths were grossly under-stated. There were hundreds of fighters who died, and the numbers were never publicly admitted. Even today only a minimum estimate can be made, but with the number of body counts and exchanges between the IDF and Hizbullah, we can conclude that there is a reasonable amount that Hizbullah did not publicly account for. It’s not because they lied or anything, it just looks better on TV for them when the world was informed of real damage on the IDF vs round-off estimates on the amount of damage inflicted on Hizbullah.

While this example does not belong to the same topic, I would definitely believe it if Hizbullah decided to hush up some funerals or deaths, given that they do consider and evaluate the political implications of their actions.