بري يتمسك بالمشروع المختلط: كثيرون لا يفكرون الا بالسلطة

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رأى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، ان مشروع قانون الانتخاب المختلط، الذي يجمع الاكثري والنسبي، هو "الحل الامثل"، لافتاً الى ان هناك "كثيرون لا يفكّرون إلّا بالسلطة".

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، السبت، شدد بري على ان مشروع قانون الانتخاب المختلط "هو الحلّ الامثل، فهذا المشروع لا يعطي ربحاً لأحد، وإنّما يربح البلد والجميع".

الا انه لفت الى ان "هناك كثيرون لا يفكّرون إلّا بالسلطة، وليس في مصلحة اللبنانيّين عموماً".

يُذكر ان نائب "كتلة التنمية والتحرير" علي بزّي قد قدم خلال اجتماعات اللجان النابية الفرعية، اقتراح الكتلة القائم على المشروع المختلط اي 50 في المئة من النواب على اساس الأكثري و50 في المئة منهم على اساس النسبي.

واقرت اللجان النيابية المشتركة مشروع "اللقاء الاورثوذكسي" (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها) وسط اعتراض نواب كتلتي "المستقبل" و"جبهة النضال الوطني"، والنواب المسيحيون المستقلون في 14 آذار.

وينتظر ان يحيل بري المشروع الى "الهيئة العامة" لمناقشته وبته اذا اتفق عليه. يُشار الى ان عدم اتفاق الافرقاء على قانون انتخاب، يهدد امكانية اجراء الانتخابات النيابية في موعدها في التاسع من حزيران.

وكانت الحكومة قد اقرت في ايلول الماضي اقتراح قانون انتخاب مبني على النسبية وفق 13 دائرة انتخابية.

التعليقات 11
Default-user-icon Archangel (ضيف) 11:01 ,2013 شباط 23

Just who is talking about gaining power? who has been in the same seat for how long now!??? Hypocrites, all our politicians are pure hypocrites and deserve the death sentence 1 by 1

Default-user-icon AZ (ضيف) 13:27 ,2013 شباط 23

If there was a reality show called the world's biggest hypocrite the top ten finalists would all be Lebanese. The speaker of the parliament who monopolized the position for decades criticizing others for power grabbing, Hariri talking about his commitment to Lebanon while hanging out in France and skiing in the Alps, Aoun claiming to fight corruption while his son-in-law runs a corrupt ministry, Jumblat changing his mind every time there is a power shift in the country, March 14 politicians calling for dissolving the government whenever anything happens (I have a cavity, overthrow the government), Nasrallah claiming to a resistent movement against Israel while it fights in Syria and uses the threat of its weapons to get what it wants on the internal scene. And the world's biggest hypocrite is.......I think we have a 10 way tie. Of course if we have a world's most gullible country Lebanon would win as well since all of these clowns are going to be re-elected.

Default-user-icon AZ (ضيف) 13:28 ,2013 شباط 23

If there was a reality show called the world's biggest hypocrite the top ten finalists would all be Lebanese. The speaker of the parliament who monopolized the position for decades criticizing others for power grabbing, Hariri talking about his commitment to Lebanon while hanging out in France and skiing in the Alps, Aoun claiming to fight corruption while his son-in-law runs a corrupt ministry, Jumblat changing his mind every time there is a power shift in the country, March 14 politicians calling for dissolving the government whenever anything happens (I have a cavity, overthrow the government), Nasrallah claiming to a resistent movement against Israel while it fights in Syria and uses the threat of its weapons to get what it wants on the internal scene. And the world's biggest hypocrite is.......I think we have a 10 way tie. Of course if we have a world's most gullible country Lebanon would win as well since all of these clowns are going to be re-elected.

Default-user-icon AZ (ضيف) 13:29 ,2013 شباط 23

If there was a reality show called the world's biggest hypocrite the top ten finalists would all be Lebanese. The speaker of the parliament who monopolized the position for decades criticizing others for power grabbing, Hariri talking about his commitment to Lebanon while hanging out in France and skiing in the Alps, Aoun claiming to fight corruption while his son-in-law runs a corrupt ministry, Jumblat changing his mind every time there is a power shift in the country, March 14 politicians calling for dissolving the government whenever anything happens (I have a cavity, overthrow the government), Nasrallah claiming to a resistent movement against Israel while it fights in Syria and uses the threat of its weapons to get what it wants on the internal scene. And the world's biggest hypocrite is.......I think we have a 10 way tie. Of course if we have a world's most gullible country Lebanon would win as well since all of these clowns are going to be re-elected.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 14:20 ,2013 شباط 23

Berri cannot stand Aoun and his remark may well have been a swipe at Aoun who have shown that he indeed will do anything for power.

As for the "shia", how do they get a better deal with Aoun than with Future? The orthodox gathering law makes them the most under-represented citizens in the nation. Except of course if you equate the Hizb keeping their weapons as the interest of the Shia community. Simply put it, the Hizb would do anything to keep its weapons to defend Iran and this includes sacrificing the rights of the shia community in lebanon and to that matter all of lebanon.

Thumb mckinl 14:29 ,2013 شباط 23

The Christians and Shia compromise almost 70% of the population, the Christians of all sects about 52% and the Shia about 18% ...

Not all Christians and Shia will join M8 but enough will to constitute a strong majority.

Missing peace 16:28 ,2013 شباط 23

18% of shias???? 52% of christians???? where did you get these far fetched numbers? ... you d better revise :)

Missing peace 16:32 ,2013 شباط 23

18% of shias???? 52% of christians???? where did you get these far fetched numbers? ... you d better revise :)

Missing beirutbastard00 01:33 ,2013 شباط 24

Are u retarded???... Christians make up like 20-25% at the most! If aoun wants true representation, we should never have another christian president again.

Thumb smarty 16:33 ,2013 شباط 23


Alliances can be done and undone. Let's not forget that almost all factions fought each other during the civil war. This law is bad for every Lebanese because what is good for one sect is not good for Lebanon. In order to be good for Lebanon it has to directly benefit to ALL Lebanese sects.

That's my point of view. Good weekend to everyone.

Missing beirutbastard00 01:34 ,2013 شباط 24
