تظاهرة في حي السلم بالضاحية الجنوبية تأييدا للأسد

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تجمع نحو 700 لبناني وسوري السبت في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت تأييدا للرئيس السوري بشار الاسد الذي يواجه حركة احتجاج غير مسبوقة ضد نظامه.

ونظمت التظاهرة التي دعا اليها سوريون يقيمون في لبنان في ذكرى رحيل الرئيس السوري السابق حافظ الاسد وتأييدا لنجله الرئيس الحالي، في منطقة حي السلم بالضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.

وكتب على لافتات رفعها المتظاهرون "بشار منحبك" و"بعد الله منختار، لبنانيين وسوريين، بري ونصرالله وبشار"، فيما حمل بعضهم صورا للرئيس السوري والأمين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله ورئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري.

وكتب على لافتة اخرى "مؤتمر انطاليا وكل الخونة الى مزبلة التاريخ"، في اشارة الى مؤتمر المعارضة السورية الذي عقد هذا الاسبوع في مدينة انطاليا التركية والذي طالب باستقالة الاسد "الفورية" ودعا الى انتخابات تشريعية ورئاسية حرة في سوريا.

التعليقات 16
Default-user-icon Muhamad (ضيف) 19:12 ,2011 حزيران 04

They should be arrested and deported back to Syria, as a spy network operating on Lebanese Soil.

Default-user-icon wayfarer (ضيف) 19:46 ,2011 حزيران 04

Do you think he is wearing real or fake Ray Bans?

Default-user-icon mohammad fawaz (ضيف) 19:52 ,2011 حزيران 04

Ridiculous only 700 in Daheih, hell you will usually find that number in any Dahieh elevator daily . Hassan what if you threw a party and nobody came well there's your answer.

Default-user-icon Muhsin (ضيف) 20:12 ,2011 حزيران 04

"700 Syrians and Lebanese" demonstrated. If HA was behind this demonstration you would have tens of thousands. The Lebanese demonstrators must be Baathist members.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 23:56 ,2011 حزيران 04

I’m going to in light you on a dark alley that whether you dare to step in or you are in denial of the truth afraid to shake the love to the Leader that is planning to rule Syria FOREVER.
My Statement not against the beautiful Syria as a country or the peaceful people of Syria but what Syrian Regime did to Lebanon for 30 years was far and beyond what Israel did to Palestinians and the Nazis to the Jews and the Turks to the Armenians…. Believe me because you were not there.

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 00:06 ,2011 حزيران 05

1- During the era of the Syrian occupation to Lebanon, Syrian authorities targeted 99 % of the Christians because of their perceived political agenda and its opening to the west and democracy. Other groups were persecuted on political, ideological, and behavioral grounds.
2- 32.4% of the Arab immigrants in USA only are Lebanese and 90% are Christians, Do you know why? And to be fair part of the Lebanese could not withstand the atrocity and mass murders that the Syrian army and their supporters in Lebanon accomplished during Lebanon civil.
3- The Syrians Occupied Lebanon for decades and unleashed their barbaric aggressions against the Lebanese Army under the Commander “General Aoun” many army commanders were slaughtered at the ministry of defense
4- Syria’s regime put up this magnificent display to the world that Syria troops are in Lebanon for peace in fact they were making the biggest attempt to deviate the intensity of the Golan heights to south Lebanon , our Lebanon was destroyed

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 00:59 ,2011 حزيران 05

5- The path that Syrian regime is collaborating with Hezbollah to create the “Iranian ideology “and make Lebanon an Islamic state by diminishing the Lebanese army power of arms and weapons to contrary facilitating and supplying the Islamic group that so called the Islamic resistant.
6- For 32 years the Baath party did not attempt to liberate the Golan Heights nor created a resistant to say so…instead they rallied to split the Palestinian into two groups to create “Hamas” and kept intervening in Lebanon political affairs by adding more to Hezbollah power
7- And assuming that Syria’s regime is democratic!! in Which right that a man his sun and later the grandchild of a religious minority are set to rule Syria for 3 decades and later for eternity
8- Payback is a bitch and assuming Lebanon or the gulf states are meddling in Syria’s affair is no shame to any one because it is called “ taste of your own medicine”

Missing bigdigg 06:16 ,2011 حزيران 05

@Lebanese: There is one little detail your forgot (or perhaps purposely omitted): The Syrian army first entered Lebanon in 1976 at the request of the "Lebanese Front" which at that point represented the Christian forces in order to save them from a certain and imminent defeat by the PLO and the forces of the late Lamal Jumblatt (The National Front). So in effect, it was those who are now calling themselves March 14 (Except Al-Mustaqbal) who destroyed Lebanon by starting a war with the PLO and then inviting the Syrians in. So stop looking Eastward for blame and look around you instead.

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 07:11 ,2011 حزيران 05

Mansour , bigdigg is a baathist nothing else, so his point of view is only from the syrian one, i will correct him right now :

- Syria was first asked to enter to Lebanon by the christians, thats right, from an imminent defeat , i dont really think so, and you should see we had only small weaponry like berrettas compared to the PLO and National front which had already automatic rifles, and mortars. so it is usual that since alll the west didnt reply to our demands for help at least on the military level, we turned to a neighboor that supposedly is ruled by a minority and that protects minorities...

- Then we got more weapons , mortars, rockets and tanks, we became more organised, and then we had to fight the syrians back because they wanted to take over Lebanon, so we had them, the PLO, the national front and other lebanese affiliated to Syria, and Ashrafieh , Ain el rummaneh, Zahle, proved our powerful resistance which they could not defeat, until Geagea and Aoun gave then that gift

Default-user-icon John from Koura (ضيف) 07:12 ,2011 حزيران 05

"mansour" or more like menahim, you do not want the palestinians to have a country so they could stay here in lebanon. You zionist scum think you are smart. You are so desperate because you see Israel's years are numbered like Apartheid South Africa. It is no longer if, but when.

Default-user-icon MAN (ضيف) 11:58 ,2011 حزيران 05

Stop looking back at history. What was done was done and for many many reasons. However things happened, they happened that way (whether we like it or not) and we are here now. So let's see what to do now to get ourselves out of this shit. If we keep blaming and hating each other we will repeat history.
1) if Palestinians never see a country of their own then they will stay in leb, so maybe we should pray that the get their own country very soon and leave us in peace.
2) 100 years of civil war? and you think Lebanon will not get affected? Think again. Pray for things to shape up in Syria, for Syrian ppl to rule properly so that we can leave in peace with our neighbors.

Missing mansour 12:50 ,2011 حزيران 05

Do u all think that if the palestinains have the right to go back that they will, you are all living in a dream world if that's the case , those grubs arnt going anywhere they have stolen land and kidnapped and murdered our people. And the reason I wish for civil war in Syria is cause most of those grubs will cross the border to fight and hopefully die. And then we don't have to worry about them.thank you

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 15:08 ,2011 حزيران 05

To John el 2awmy el Soury :
Please talk some sense Israel isn't going anywhere and please stop that old fashion ideology “el3do el souhyouni “ your kids might laugh at you Just think that Syria undermined Lebanon Sovereignty for 30 years by allowing the PLO to have weapons in their camp and boost Hezbollah’s firepower but yet nothing to the Lebanese government but killing , detaining the politicians and the opposition and to prove it to you "just watch the news today" .as Lebanese we need to overcome what Syria has planted of haltered and dysfunctional in our country for 30 years and can you please be “John el2amy el Lebnany” ?
To the bigdigg:
If you blamed the Lebanese Christians who saved the land from a foreign occupier that is normal for a 16 years old person. I’m assuming that you are older and brighter but a play station or an Xbox is a better place for you to be .

Default-user-icon Lebanese (ضيف) 15:10 ,2011 حزيران 05

To Mansour :
I do see a Palestinian state formed soon only with the fall of the Syrian Baath regime that lost credibility .therefore Hamas and PLO have no were to go but to unit and look forward for bright future . It is going to be a lengthy and painful process to Israel and the Palestinian to be able to live side by side .but let’s

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 20:14 ,2011 حزيران 05

Mansour and man, i share both your opinions and i will try to provide mine with the most logical way possible :

- Palestinians like mansour says are not going to go back to their land, even if they were given a land, thats most probably right, because they have lived in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan for a while, and they have got used to it, this is one of the Israeli plans to leave them here knowing that, but we should not blame only Israel for that scheme, but the Arabs as a whole, specially Saudi Arabia and others , that have enough space for them, jobs as well, the money, and same religion, and that wouldnt cause any conflict, and since they all say they support the palestinian cause then they should help them, but i guess evryone for themselves...

- As for Syria ,despite all the harm it did to Lebanon, i would not wish the people to have 100 years of civil war, as it is not their fault that Lebanon was played like that by Syria specially those last 15 years when no real resistance

Default-user-icon Pacifier (ضيف) 20:19 ,2011 حزيران 05

It is their regime that has been the bad side of it all, and we should specially blame as well lebanese traitors that collaborated with them in order to harm and steal Lebanon of its economic and political growth.

We should not only blame Israel all the time and Syria, maybe we should look at ourselves a bit, we are lebanese and most of our politician we follow receive orders from outside, unfortunately that is the case, as for Lebanon is a small country and cannot survive alone to be realistic. now what people must understand is that there are two ways of living, you can live the West way, be able to be a little more free , have the possibility to grow up , the chance to evolve, and to see the world without having it spitting on your face, wear jeans, shirts, and be proper, or you can follow the Iranians and syrians, dictatorships where you get killed for your opinions, women are banned from everything, you are hated by 75% of the world, and wars are your door front every decade.