أوباما يؤكد من إسرائيل "التحالف الأبدي" معها ويحمل الأسد مسؤولية استخدام اية اسلحة كيميائية
Read this story in Englishحذر الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما الاربعاء النظام السوري من استخدام اية اسلحة كيميائية ضد المدنيين وقال ان ذلك سيكون "خطأ كبيرا ومأساويا".
وقال اوباما في مؤتمر صحافي مشترك مع رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو في القدس في زيارته الاولى كرئيس للولايات المتحدة "يجب ان يفهم نظام الاسد بانه سيتحمل المسؤولية"، مؤكدا ان استخدام الاسلحة سيؤدي الى "تغيير اللعبة" ويستحق ردا دوليا.
من جهته اكد نتانياهو الاربعاء ان اسرائيل ما زالت ملتزمة بحل للنزاع مع الفلسطينيين يتضمن دولتين لشعبين.
وكات قد اكد الرئيس الاسرائيلي شيمون بيريز الاربعاء بانه لا يجب السماح لمخزون الاسلحة الكيميائية السورية بالوقوع في ايدي جماعات ارهابية.
وقال بيريز في مؤتمر صحافي مشترك مع اوباما "لحسن الحظ تم تدمير قدرة سوريا النووية".
واضاف "لكن للاسف فان ترسانة الاسلحة الكيميائية ما زالت باقية"، مؤكدا انه "لا يجب ان نسمح لهذه الاسلحة بالوقوع في ايدي الارهابيين -- فان هذا قد يؤدي الى مأساة كبيرة".
وتأتي تصريحات بيريز بعد ان تبادلت دمشق الثلاثاء مع مسلحي المعارضة الاتهامات باستخدام اسلحة كيميائية للمرة الاولى منذ عامين من بدء الاحداث.
وكان قد جدد أوباما التاكيد انه حليف ثابت لاسرائيل، داعيا الى السلام بين تل ابيب وجيرانها خصوصا الفلسطينيين، وذلك في بداية اول زيارة له كرئيس اميركي للمنطقة التي يتوقع ان يهيمن عليها الملف النووي الايراني.
وقال اوباما بعيد وصوله الى مطار تل ابيب "تحالفنا ابدي. انه للابد"، مؤكدا ان واشنطن "تفخر بانها اقوى حليف لاسرائيل".
وتحدث اوباما الحريص على كسب ود الاسرائيليين، بالعبرية معبرا عن فرحته بزيارة اسرائيل وذلك قبل ان يتفقد نظاما مضادا للصواريخ تموله بلاده.
"Hizbullah is destroying Lebanon and supporting the brutal massacre of the Syrian people by President Assad," he charged.
he isnt wrong here!
They are both destroying each other, and this is what your enemy wants. Hopefully, the affected people in the region can go to sleep with the confidence that their respective religions are looking for their best interest and will keep them safe.
FT is right on this. It means nothing that sakr was a journalist... Ga3ga3 was a dentist. Bashar was gonna b an eye doctor.
Anyway, sakr is the go between for saad. Hariri was the PM, I'm sure he knows enough mokhabarat for the both of them. Sakr is the link inside turkey, while harriri raises funds in Saudi.
Idk why anyone denies this. It's common sense, and should be expected. ... Hizballah (Shia) are helping Assad n Iran, while Mostaqbal and other Sunni groups r helping fsa n Saudi. Why are u surprised?
If Hezbollah is a brain tumor for Lebanon. Israel is a Leukemia or the the entire region. They're both killers and a nuisance for a healthy people.
Yes.....didn't expect anything more out of your rear/mouth/posts ya diaperboy. Sho ghaleez! You think you are contributing anything with these lame posts other than your high level of stupidity and immaturity!
poor FT... he keeps justifying what the syrian regime does but does not want other to say he is defending it... he s got a real issue. hypocrisy it is called...
really in desperate need to see a shrink all the more urgent as he suffers from a superiority complex typical of FPMers...
he is getting stupider by the day but entertains us like the fool of a king.
by supporting aoun his sheep followers support the one that always said that till the assad stay in power it will never bring any good to lebanon but now lick his boots.
by supporting aoun they support the one who always said that hezbollah was a terrorist party and now licks their boots...
many more documented and easily verifiable facts can be said on this man who turn his back on what he has always been saying for years when it was in his interests and now that his interests changed also changes his views...
FPMers are just supporting a liar, a hypocrit and weak minded man....
and they criticizejoumblatt for changing his mind? LOL aoun is ten times worse! LOL
that is why they do not deserve any respect and they support a man that does not respect what he has been saying for years and for what many of his followers died.. they are just stabbed a second time by him...
what is treacherous in helping syrian rebels fighting for freedom and wanting to overthrow a regime that we know how evil it is? even hamas the ally of hezbis said that....
what is noble in helping assad?
can any M8ers tell us?
lol... nothing more to add to your stupidity when your posts just say the contrary to what you are trying to justify...
and you d better get your facts straight about aoun and read carefully his previous speeches about syria and stop twisting them to suit your stupid FPM propaganda...
but maybe your brain cannot handle the fact that his present behavior contradicts totally what he kept saying before... i pity your idiocy poor lost FPMer...
you should be proud to stab a second time all the aounists who believed in him and died for him because of your beloved assad regime that you keep defending... proud to support a hypocrit who told the mothers of those disappeared in the syrian jails to forget about it and turn the page!!
that s what "going forward" means in an FPM mouth... you are just disgusting.
i just pity you more and more poor FT... though you are as entertaining as your aoun clown, no wonder you adore him to the point of defending his radical change in opinions just to satisfy his greed of power...
the worse thing in your pathetic and desperate support is that all you say to defend him can easily be denied by facts, speeches, reports, interviews he made previously! whatever you say make you even more ridiculous!
if speaking with emotions as you put it to recall you how many aounist died in the hands of your syrian friends make you laugh then you have even less dignity than i thought to spit on those poor patriots in the sake of your propaganda... you give us the true image of FPMers: nothing to do with those who defended aoun before he allied with M8...
that is what make you look so stupid and disgusting :)
oh Poor FT: i am precisely sticking to the point and commenting your pathetic attempts to spit on those who help the fsa...but you failed to see it and understand...
i am just supporting what aoun always supported before he allied with his new pimps: the departure of the assad regime... he always wanted that before but now those who want it you call them traitors...
aoun was a hero to want that at the time but those who want that now are traitors, ironic no?
very short memory, very convenient LOL!
see how stupid you are....
syria is still meddling in lebanese affairs but FPMers refuse to see that and support it when they used to denounce it before 2005... hypocrisy at its best