خامنئي يؤكد ان العقوبات ضد ايران فشلت وينتقد أحمدي نجاد
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اكد المرشد الاعلى للجمهورية الاسلامية في ايران اية الله علي خامنئي في خطاب بمناسبة السنة الجديدة الاربعاء ان سياسة عزل ايران والعقوبات الاقتصادية ضد برنامجها النووي فشلت.
وقال في رسالة متلفزة دامت حوالى عشر دقائق ان السنة الايرانية 1392 (21 اذار 2013-20 اذار 2014) والتي يطلق عليها "سنة الملحمة السياسية والاقتصادية"، ستكون سنة "اكبر قدر من تحضير الشعب" ليتجاوز "عدائية" المجتمع الدولي الذي يحاول ارغام طهران على الانصياع في ما يتعلق ببرنامجها النووي المثير للجدل.
وتشتبه الدول الكبرى واسرائيل في ان ايران تريد امتلاك السلاح الذري تحت غطاء برنامجها النووي المدني، وهو ما تنفيه طهران بشكل قاطع. وتواجه الجمهورية الاسلامية سلسلة عقوبات من الامم المتحدة وشددتها الولايات المتحدة والاتحاد الاوروبي من جانب واحد بحصار مصرفي ونفطي.
وقد اغرقت هذه العقوبات صادرات النفط الخام الايراني واربكت عمل طهران بشان عودة البرودولار ما سبب ازمة اقتصادية خانقة يدل عليها تضخم بنسبة تفوق 30 بالمئة، بحسب الارقام الرسمية، وانهيار الاستثمارات الاجنبية.
وقال خامنئي ايضا ان "الاعداء يريدون ان يصيبوا شعبنا بالشلل بفضل العقوبات، لكنهم لم ينجحوا وحققنا نجاحات مهمة"، من دون تفاصيل اخرى.
وادت العقوبات الى "صعوبات بالنسبة الى الناس" بعد ان تفاقمت بسبب "مشاكل ادارية داخل البلاد"، كما اضاف المرشد الاعلى في انتقاد ضمني للرئيس محمود احمدي نجاد.
وتابع "على الصعيد السياسي، كان الاعداء يريدون عزل ايران واثارة الشك في صفوف الشعب (...) لكن العكس حصل"، واورد خصوصا عقد قمة دول عدم الانحياز في طهران في نهاية اب 2012.
والسنة الايرانية الجديدة ستكون سنة "تقدم ومهارة الشعب الايراني ليس لجهة تراجع عدائية الاعداء وانما بمعنى انه سيحصل خلالها اكبر قدر من تحضير الشعب" لمواجهة هذه العدوانية، بحسب خامنئي.

Sure Ali.....stand up against the sanctions. See how far it will get you. As long as everyone is an 'enemy' except Assad and HA....you will be standing for a loooooong time buddy!

Well, surely you don't have to take my advise and may continue killing each other if you must do so. How many centuries has it been, and how many thousands have died so far?

lebanon is a part of Syria.
all u clown are traitors denying your origins. Shame on you.

Lebanon has been proclaimed to be part of Syria, and, based on the history that I am familiar with, I don't believe the people in Lebanon ever had any choice against a bigger country with a real Army. But that doesn't mean that, today, the Lebanese are not entitled to their independence and freedom.

There was never a country called Syria not before independence get your historical facts straight Tartuffe.

salut BigSami, comment va?
et toi FT, comment ca va coco? Mowaten est absent on dirait...
J'ESPERE que vous n'etes pas payes pour foutre le bordel sur le web (voir article ds l'Orient Le Jour). Nous devrions TOUS faire preuve de plus de civisme et de tolerence avec nous autres, soyons des exemples pour tous les libanais allochtones comme autochtones.

Mais non FT, faut pas voir le mal partout! Sans toi le site serait barbant... et puis, il faut bien un bouc-émissaire pour se défouler avec un peu de retenue. Toutefois, je dois bien admettre que ça commence a dégénérer par ici ce qui a pour fâcheuse conséquence de me faire bouder naharnet. Tu as absolument raison concernant la démocratie, bien qu'elle ne soit pas la panacée. Enfin, soit... tout ce qui se déroule au pays avec tous ces esprits échauffés me fait dire que je ne visiterai pas la famille cette année.
za2if? te connais pas! enchanté. Montrons l'exemple tous ensemble.

iran will most probably implode soon, thus the repeated calls like this one. the Iranian people will not remain silent for long.

one thing you "conveniently" skipped is what happened when germany was facing that situation.
you so innocently jumped to "look at where germany is now" and forgot the little Nazi - Holocaust episode.

good comparison. we all know what happened to the nazi regime. you would agree with me that the iranian islamic autocracy is doing no good to iran. from suppression of political opposition to concentration of the country resources in armament, the regime is wasting the future of generations to come. and what about iran "bad boy" regional role. Is it doing any good to the region? Is it not rather creating unnecessary conflicts between sunni and shia? Look what is happening in Lebanon. The sunnis cannot be described as extremist armed people that cannot live en bon intelligence with the others, yet HA rise and power is creating large imbalances and fragilizing the country.
Now there is a major difference between iran and germany then. Europe was in turmoil between fascism and communism and the large majority of german supported the nazi regime. I am not sure that the large majority of the iranian people support the islamic revolution.

Actually it was your post that was unrelated to the fact that the german people are united.
Also you chose to skip the one of the most important phases of that history (between the 2 world wars and present day) by calling it outdated media BS. Its called history. Just because its old, it doesn't mean its outdated :)
so bottom line is you are comparing iran today to the germany of the 1930s. And we all know what followed.
also, the iranians showed their unity a few years back. Does the term green revolution sound familiar? Do you remember what your buddy khamenei did to them?

What I like about people such as Khamenei or Kim Jung Un is that they call for further sacrifices and tenacity. But they aren't personally affected by harsh living condicions... They have cooks, food served, luxurious homes.... And so on.

By choice, it isn't imposed upon him unlike 'his' people. Comprendes? Kaddhafi was living in a tent.... We saw what it look liked afterwards. Jajajaja

Flame, why do you have to insult? Jajajaja as I say is hahahahaha in Arabic. I forgot you dislike diversity, that's why you support sectarian factions.. Typical narrow minded m8er.... Sad Lebanon.

Read above post again diaperboy. All your posts have 'child' written all over. You don't even know most the words you post other than those kindergarten quotes. Grow up ya mustool.

Hi everyone! I read something interesting about people such as our friends here being paid to spread hatred...