اهالي عرسال يدينون عمليات الخطف المتبادلة ويدعون آل جعفر لتجنب الفتنة
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طالب اهالي بلدة عرسال البقاعية، في بيان اصدروه الاربعاء، الدولة، التدخل بشكل حاسم لحل ملف المخطوفين من ابناء البلدة ومعاقبة الفاعلين. واهابوا بالجميع وبالاخص آل جعفر "الا يقعوا في الفتنة".
وشدد الاهالي على ان "السلم الاهلي مسؤولية الجميع"، لافتين الى انهم "احرص الناس مع آل جعفر للمحافظة عليه والتأكيد على الروابط الاجتماعية والتاريخية بين جميع اهالي المنطقة".
كما اكدوا ان "الخطف بكافة اشكاله عمل مدان وهو اساءة لعرسال واستهدافا لها"، كما لفت الى ان "عرسال ارض لبنانية واهلها مواطنون لبنانيون ومن حقهم التنقل على كافة الاراضي اللبنانية وحماية هذه الحقوق مسؤولية الدولة لا سيما ان جميع المخطوفين من ابناء البلدة تم اختطافهم في مناطق انتشار الجيش".
واذ اعلنوا انهم "لا يؤمنون غطاء للمخلين بالامن"، طالبوا "آل جعفر واهالي المنطقة العمل على اطلاق سراح المخطوفين والمساعدة بما لديهم من معلومات"، مبدين "استعدادهم الكامل لكشف مصير حسين جعفر".
كما دعوا الجميع "خصوصا آل جعفر تجنب الوقوع في مخططات الفتنة".
وشهد يوم الاحد، عمليات خطف متبادلة بين عرسال والهرمل بدأت لدى قيام مجولون بخطف حسين كامل جعفر البالغ 30 عاما من بلدة البستان - قضاء الهرمل في جرود البلدة. الامر الذي دفع بعشيرة آل جعفر الى خطف عدد من الاشخاص من بلدة عرسال.
وأدت عمليات الخطف المتبادلة إلى انتشار للجيش اللبناني على الطريق الدولية، واستحداث مراكز جديدة خصوصا عند مدخل اللبوة المؤدي من والى عرسال.
وكانت قد أفرجت عشيرة آل جعفر، مساء الاحد، عن احد المخطوفين لديها من بلدة عرسال البقاعية الحدودية، وهو مالك الحجيري، وسلّمته الى احد مخاتير عرسال. وليل الثلاثاء افرجت عن شخص ثان من آل زعرور.

the thuggish members of the apartheid terrorist islamic Iranian organization operating in lebanon and their bee2at al 7adinat have gone mad with the overflowing power of their illegal iranian sectarian arms, from the bass mat watan nasrallah sketch spurred attacks on ain el rimmeneh and achrafieh to the mekdad and jaafar military wings to the lessa residents just a month ago threatening the maronite residents of keserwan with sectarian strife following the death of two of their thugs who lost a simple personal dispute by stupidly bringing swords to a gun fight. since their syrian handlers were evicted they've been whiling to bully the people in jbeil and keserwan who protected them during the civil war, kidnap and threaten the people who rebuilt the homes demolished by hassan's ayatollah dictated war in 2006, turn centuries old traditional clans into clowns, blame a whole community for some individual offense and take this country to the brink of sectarian strife.

Of course the kidnapers of the Jaafar smuggler are not the ones the Jaafars are kidnapping but who cares, hey they're divine, saintly and other similar bullsh!t hammered into bleeding empty heads and self concussed damaged brains yearly on a hijacked holiday. The same idiots defended the Mekdas and the Bass Mat Watan rioters. Iran has sadly turned a once proud sect into a cult. But this too shall pass, Shiism is much bigger than the Ayatollah, his brainwashed minions or his stale archaic ideology.

Of course the kidnapers of the Jaafar smuggler are not the ones the Jaafars are kidnapping but who cares, hey they're divine, saintly and other similar bullsh!t hammered into bleeding empty heads and self concussed damaged brains yearly on a hijacked holiday. The same idiots defended the Mekdas and the Bass Mat Watan rioters. Iran has sadly turned a once proud sect into a cult. But this too shall pass, Shiism is much bigger than the Ayatollah, his brainwashed minions or his stale archaic ideology.

Jean Qahwaji should send his finest and arrests the criminals that are damaging the tourism industry among many other.

These HA supporters have gotten lots of practice since last summer...and of course, not a word from HA denouncing this.

according to the article,
"The wave of sectarian kidnappings began on Sunday when Jaafar was kidnapped by UNIDENTIFIED assailants, and reportedly taken into Syria."
and they feel the need to kidnap to justify this, and you feel the need to defend them. shows us where this country is headed...

Those being kidnapped by the jaafars have nothing to do with the matter yet you insist on linking the two. A couple of days ago you even agreed in with "who kidnapped first" when the Jaafar smuggler was kidnapped by his partners in crime not by some dude driving an ambulance. This mob mentality is a direct result of the militarization of the sect and it harms the whole nation and leads to the militarization of all the other sects. Isn't this what happened after 1969, no one was spared the calamity.
"jaafars just like the mekdads play solo.. they are not on good terms with HA - at all", sure they're not, but why does HA keep claiming to have the support of over 97% of Shiia and how did the Mekdads manage to do what they please unmolested until Nasrallah gave his Caesarean thumbs down over a month later.