المحكمة العسكرية تنزل عقوبة الاشغال الشاقة 5 سنوات بحق الشيخ مشيمش
Read this story in Englishقضت المحكمة العسكرية الدائمة، برئاسة العميد خليل ابراهيم، بانزال عقوبة الاشغال الشاقة مدة 5 سنوات وجاهيا في حق الشيخ حسن مشيمش، في جرم التعامل مع إسرائيل.
وكان قد ادعى القضاء في 19 تشرين الأول 2011 على مشيمش بالتعامل مع اسرائيل.
واتهم مشيمش حينها بالتعامل مع اسرائيل "ودس الدسائس واعطاء معلومات مقابل مبالغ مالية".
وكانت السلطات السورية أوقفت الشيخ مشيمش، المعروف بمواقفه المعارضة لحزب الله في تموز 2010، على اثر معلومات قدمتها الاجهزة الامنية اللبنانية للاجهزة السورية، قبل أن يتم تسليمه الى السلطات اللبنانية.
إلا أن رضا مشيمش نجل الشيخ حسن يقول أن "قضية والده مسيسة وليست أمنية" مشيرا إلى "مسؤولية مباشرة ل"حزب الله" في الموضوع، بعد الإحراج الذي شعر به على خلفية الاتصالات التي تمت على أكثر من مستوى، في معرض الرد على المواقف "النقدية" التي كان يجاهر بها والده تجاه حزب الله".
Bravo le Shiite cleric.
You proved to the skepitcals that the Shiites are the least patriotics of all Lebanese. Let's not make a generality of it, but Hezbollah is working for Iran/Syria/Israel.... Not for Lebanon or the displaced Palestinians. Bravo bravo!
It's a possibility since Hezb-Ebola are only good at one thing, terrorizing people, sometimes of their own sect.
What are you smoking? If one cleric is against hezballah, you think many shias are? lol. I can tell you this, it's true that there are some shias that are against hezballah but these are less than 5%. Almost every lebanese shia is hezballah/Amal. And of those few that arent, they are independants or leftists who are against both march14 or march8. Those like oqab saqr can be counted on your fingers. And if you dont believe me, do a research on your own.
And I believe those 5% are labeled as Israeli agents by Hezb. So the other 50% that do not like Hezb will just keep it as the best kept secret until they feel they can do so safely.
can anyone explain to me why its not a death sentence for him ? i thought thats the penalty for spying ...
very true. that is why in lebanon we never hear the facts or observe the trial to see what evidence they had against him! but 5 years is harsh considering fayez karam got less
He's not the only Shiite Cleric in league with the Israelis. There is a long history of Israeli/Iranian/Shiite cooperation in the region. They fought together in the SLA against the PLO. Hezbollah began and was trained by Israel before they were handed over to the Israeli ally Iran. Hezbollah is working Lebanon in the same fashion as Israelis worked Palestine. Same playbook. Even Hezbollah wears the same uniform as the ISF. This little Shiekh just got caught. I would not be surprised if Nasrallah himself is in league with Israel.
Nice wishful think ya ghabby. The only ones in amal who hate the hezb are the ex fighters that fouht with hezb and havent gotten past old wounds, but those from amal fighters that never fouht hezb, as well as the younger generations and the old ones are 100% with hezb, you cant even tell a diffirence between an amali or hezbi. Being amal or hezb is basicly the same thing nowadays, not like in the past. Its the strategy of me and my brother against my cousin. If all non-shiites would leave lebanon, then those past fights between amal and hezb might return but for now, sorry to disappoint you we are one nd the same. From an amal family.
Oh and you are funny when you say "none say anything" yet you magicly still know what shias think even though we "dont say anything". Give me some of ur superpowers. Ghabby.