الجيش السوري يسيطر على بلدة إبل بدعم من حزب الله والمعارضة تسيطر على مطار عسكري

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شددت القوات النظامية السورية اليوم الخميس الضغط على مقاتلي المعارضة في محافظة حمص (وسط)، بسيطرتها على قرية واقعة بين مدينتي حمص والقصير، بحسب ما افاد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان.

وقال المرصد في بريد الكتروني "سيطر مقاتلون من اللجان الشعبية المسلحة الموالية للنظام السوري وحزب الله وجنود من القوات النظامية على بلدةابل" جنوب مدينة حمص، والواقعة الى بعد اربعة كيلومترات من الطريق الدولي دمشق - حمص - حلب (شمال).

من جهتها، افادت وكالة الانباء الرسمية السورية (سانا) ان القوات النظامية "بسطت سيطرتها الكاملة على بلدة ابل في ريف حمص بعد ملاحقتها لفلول الارهابيين وتكبيدهم خسائر كبيرة".

وتحاول القوات النظامية في الايام الماضية عزل المقاتلين المعارضين بين مدينتي حمص والقصير القريبة من الحدود اللبنانية.

وتدور في المنطقة اشتباكات عنيفة يشارك فيها بحسب المرصد مقاتلون موالون لحزب الله ، بهدف عزل مقاتلي المعارضة في هذه النقطة الاساسية لربط دمشق بالساحل.

وقال مدير المرصد السوري رامي عبد الرحمن في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة فرانس برس ان سيطرة النظام على آبل "تعيق حركة المقاتلين المعارضين بين حمص والقصير".

والى الجنوب الغربي من آبل، سيطر مقاتلون معارضون على كامل مطار الضبعة العسكري في ريف القصير اثر اشتباكات عنيفة استمرت اياما.

واوضح المرصد ان المطار "يخضع لادارة الدفاع الجوي منذ العام 2009 بعدما توقفت حركة الطائرات (العسكرية) فيه"، وكان من المقرر تحويله الى مطار مدني "لكن مع انطلاقة الثورة السورية (منتصف آذار 2011) اصبح مركز تجميع لقوات الجيش النظامي في ريف القصير".

واشار عبد الرحمن الى "معلومات عن وجود طائرتي ميغ للتدريب في المطار، لكنه لم يستخدم كمطار عسكري منذ العام 2009".

ويعد سلاح الطيران نقطة تفوق اساسية لنظام الرئيس بشار الاسد ضد معارضيه في النزاع المستمر منذ عامين، وادى الى مقتل اكثر من 70 الف شخص، بحسب الامم المتحدة.

واليوم، قصف الطيران مناطق عدة في سوريا، منها مدينة داريا (جنوب غرب دمشق) تزامنا مع اشتباكات فيها، مع محاولة القوات النظامية منذ مدة فرض سيطرتها الكاملة عليها، بحسب المرصد.

وقال المرصد ان الطيران الحربي قصف كذلك مناطق في محافظتي حماة (وسط) ودير الزور (شرق).

وفي شمال البلاد، قال المرصد ان القوات النظامية ترسل تعزيزات الى بلدة بابولين الواقعة على الطرف الشرقي للطريق الدولي بين دمشق وحلب، والمؤدي الى معكسري وادي الضيف والحامدية اللذين فكت عنهما الحصار قبل ايام، في محافظة ادلب (شمال غرب).

وقال المرصد ان القوات النظامية تسعى الى "فرض سيطرتها على الطريق الواصل بين مدينة خان شيخون ومعسكري وادي الضيف والحامدية بريف معرة النعمان"، المدينة الاستراتيجية التي سيطر عليها مقاتلو المعارضة في تشرين الاول الماضي.

وادت اعمال العنف الخميس الى مقتل 22 شخصا في اعمال عنف مختلفة، بحسب حصيلة اولية للمرصد الذي يتخذ من بريطانيا مقرا ويقول انه يعتمد على شبكة من الناشطين والمصادر الطبية في سوريا.

ويأتي ذلك غداة مقتل 139 شخصا جراء اعمال العنف، بحسب المرصد.

التعليقات 68
Default-user-icon mazen (ضيف) 18:25 ,2013 نيسان 18

Hizbullah, or fighters loyal to Hizbullah? A huge difference. Again a misleading title!!!

Thumb justice 19:29 ,2013 نيسان 18

The "thing" with the yellow face rushes to the defense of his idol terror party! No surprises there.....

Missing rudy 20:18 ,2013 نيسان 18

Lol this is interesting!


Missing rudy 21:55 ,2013 نيسان 18

She was right.

You do get downvoted for a neutral hello

Missing allouchi 19:38 ,2013 نيسان 18

Unfortunately, hizballa is going to bring hell on Lebanon and especially on the Shia and Aounists...

Missing allouchi 22:42 ,2013 نيسان 18

mo mo wait and see ya mahdoum...

Default-user-icon Jolman Vartouj (ضيف) 19:44 ,2013 نيسان 18

As Nostrabenzona and gabby765 have been predicting, "ASSad's" departure seems... well... umm... duh... imminent to the point that it happened just over 6725 times already. Too bad, as Nostrabenzona recently illuminated us with the factoid, that the explosion is Boston was a result of that... well... umm... duh... not so imminent departure? wlak fashar Dr. Arreet 7akeh wa tanabou2eto el... well... umm... duh... beykha metl the above-mentioned msatilo! But hey, keep entertaining us and yourselves, too.

Missing rudy 19:49 ,2013 نيسان 18

Come on mowaten, if you want to resort to youtube videos to make a point, there is a trove of youtube videos that is against your claim and that shows assad's brutality and terrorism.

You don't get to say those are staged but these are not

Missing greatpierro 19:49 ,2013 نيسان 18

What about all the HA fighters being brought back home in a coffin?

Missing rudy 19:52 ,2013 نيسان 18

Well its simple. Tanks, migs, helicopters, ammunition refills from russia, and bases to maintain that army.

All that versus a bunch of "terrorists" who have pick up trucks and AK47.

The question if they were insignificant as you say, how are THEY still here

Missing rudy 20:19 ,2013 نيسان 18

Just like you can dress them up in the syrian army uniform ;)

Missing rudy 19:52 ,2013 نيسان 18

Well its simple. Tanks, migs, helicopters, ammunition refills from russia, and bases to maintain that army.

All that versus a bunch of "terrorists" who have pick up trucks and AK47.

The question if they were insignificant as you say, how are THEY still here

Missing peace 20:37 ,2013 نيسان 18

FT the other faithful baathist lover dog....

Missing peace 21:17 ,2013 نيسان 18

and you still a lovely little doggie dog... loyal to his master...

the more the master is a jerk the more the dog is loyal...

it is a fact that you are always here to defend hezbollah and bashar... but rarely lebanon... LOL... so keep thinking i am neurotic but your stupid posts only proves that is is you....

Thumb lebnanfirst 22:35 ,2013 نيسان 18

Hey @-FlameThrower-
Are you not one of them folks mentioned here:

ومنهم قسم آخر يعمل على مراقبة مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي على الشبكة العنكبوتية، ويعمدون إلى الردّ على كل معارض للجنرال ميشال عون، مثلما حصل لحظة أعلن الناشط السابق في صفوف التيار بشارة خيرالله مواقف تتناقض مع السياسة التي ينتهجها عون حالياً. كما ولا يغيب عن بال أحد، أن من "العونيين" أنفسهم أولئك الذين وجّهوا الإهانات إلى الإعلامية مي شدياق وحاول الجنرال تبرير مواقفهم.

Missing peace 19:57 ,2013 نيسان 18

mowaten: faithful voice of hezbollah... as loyal as a dog....

Missing peace 20:04 ,2013 نيسان 18

you always reproach those using you tube as an evidence saying it is fake or edited or whatever... so your video is fake too...

Thumb smarty 20:07 ,2013 نيسان 18


Europe and America should support the revolution. If they don't, Islamists will take all the credit. The Syrian regime cannot win this war, not against a jihad. It'll be another Afghanistan without the caves. The tyrant won't feel it hidden in his palaces, but the poor people will be directly in contact with the jihadists...

Missing peace 20:07 ,2013 نيسان 18

what else than a dog is so faithful to its master but you? lol....everytime you are here to defend hezbollah like you are its official defender! you are so pathetic...... and your videos? LOL...

Missing peace 20:10 ,2013 نيسان 18

funny how m8ers believe SANA, the words of bashar etc which cannot be more biased as a source but deny ALL other sources... they are pathetic in their fierce defense of the regime that killed more lebanese than any other countries....
they just suffer from alzheimer combined with the stockholm syndrom...

Missing rudy 20:14 ,2013 نيسان 18

Sorry mowaten can't say I did because I browse on my phone. I'll check it when I'm home :)

But my point was the one peace just mentioned.

You are quick to deny the veracity of a video saying it can be staged or faked and then you use video links as evidence.

Also, knowing HA, of course they won't come out and declare it. It was only last year, in january I believe, that nasrallah officially for the first time acknowledged HA gets money and military support from iran. Did you really think because it was never proven, that maybe someone else was supplying them with weapons?

Missing peace 20:15 ,2013 نيسان 18

dog is an insult? no it is a fact...
if you think dogs are insulting it shows your level...

but you always deny bashar massacres and defend them finding him excuses, deny hezbollah s implication proven by hard facts : that is what makes you not credible and not even worth discussing with....you are no better than the baathist regime you defend and by doing so insulting the memories of the thousands of lebanese killed by it... only one word for you: tfeh....

Missing rudy 20:23 ,2013 نيسان 18

Roar if you really don't care if bashar stays or leaves and think we can just live in our little hole in the wall we call lebanon, then you really don't understand the geopolitics of the region..or anything really.

whether he stays or leaves, we will be affected, and that effect is what we should try to mitigate. Not just put our heads in the sand

Missing peace 20:25 ,2013 نيسان 18

we have adult conversations with adults... not with people like you living in denial and spitting on sources when it arranges them and takes them as evidence when it suits them like you do...

you take the syrian observatory as evidence when it suits you, youtube when it suits you and so on....and lecture others using it when it suits you too..

so you cannot not be qualified as an adult but as a mere capricious child... your posts are here to testify what kind of biased man you are...

Thumb _citizen_ 20:27 ,2013 نيسان 18


The Syrian representative @ the U.N caught in an inexcusable blatant lie:)))) Watch what the rebel representative mentioned about minority rights and how AL Jaaferi presented it to the U.N. That is typical of the Syrian Regime:))))

Missing peace 20:28 ,2013 نيسان 18

"pay attention to the man wearing the "coca cola" black and red t-shirt for instance"

pay attention to the first poor killed man wearing striped tee shirt... where is he in the first part? nowhere...

see how you can twist things to your advantage and make propaganda?

Missing george710 20:29 ,2013 نيسان 18

I dream for Arab extermination. Thank you Assad for making dream s reality.

Missing peace 20:30 ,2013 نيسان 18

but it is funny to read you repeat what SANA syas... LOL!

Missing george710 20:31 ,2013 نيسان 18

Also stop using multiple accounts it make you look desperate for cyber attention which is rather sad in my opinion.

Missing akkar1 20:48 ,2013 نيسان 18

mowatan i watched the video u posted http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nTjTp5vwjgY this one its impossible to prove who is who in the video firstly the tittle is wrong where are the so called salafi wahahbis in the video second how can u prove who is holding who hostage it can easly be the shabiha holding people hostage that what to defect and acting like fsa

Missing peace 20:50 ,2013 نيسان 18

true anyone can call himself FSA and post a video.. who can prove it? lol! apart M8ers in their propaganda....

Missing peace 21:01 ,2013 نيسان 18

yes M11: US have to make sure the next regime will protect israel as bashar (the resistant according to M8 LOL!!!) did. that is why they are shy to help the rebels not knowing the outcome so far... if the rebels clearly prove they have nothing to do with the islamists then maybe the western countries will get more involved.
only M8ers pray that this dictatorship remains even knowing the state of dereliction they ve put lebanon in! but as far as they can provide them power they don t care of the past of the baath party....

Missing peace 20:49 ,2013 نيسان 18

if USA really wanted bashar out he would have been a long time ago... don t forget that bashar has been the best defender of the israeli syrian frontier!....

Missing akkar1 20:51 ,2013 نيسان 18

meant to say want to defect. And another thing u never see u who actuly killed them could have been anyone

Missing peace 20:54 ,2013 نيسان 18

the roar: you should have danced the day bashar was in difficulty because of the syrian people... you should have been happy for the hundreds of aounies he and his father killed that they are being revenged, you should have been happy to see this regime in trouble that has harmed lebanon more than any other country, you should have been happy.... but seems that you forgot that and clean their slate because aoun said to forget it.... and now pretend to dissassociate from it while lebanon is closely linked to it...

Missing rudy 21:02 ,2013 نيسان 18

Ok so i just watched the videos you linked.

For the liveleaks videos, it only goes to show that a rag tag bunch of people are able to hold against the mighty syrian arab army. Its funny, but sad that assad cant take them down. If its not resources, then they must have the numbers

For the youtube video, you are right its a crime against humanity, which the syrian observatory you are mocking here has already brought up (yes crimes by the rebels)

Missing peace 21:14 ,2013 نيسان 18

"peace is free.. free as a birdie. not loyal to anyone. not even to country"

certainly more loyal than you who is supporting a militia that pledge allegiance to a foreign islamist revolution and to a man that has proved to be disloyal to his beliefs... more than you who believes that hezbis should help the regime that killed lebanese, and more than you who believes more in the rights of lebanese sects than in the right of citizens disregarding their religion....

you are still so pathetic and making yourself more ridiculous by the day...

but keep entertaining us like a lovely loyal baathist little M8er you are.... 3aw 3aw

Thumb chrisrushlau 21:17 ,2013 نيسان 18

That Observatory guy is a very good boy and he always does what he's told. He goes to church every day and gives a shilling to the crazy lady by the corner. He has a regular meeting with his psychotherapist, and he takes his medications regularly. He is, all in all, a regular London guy.

Missing peace 21:34 ,2013 نيسان 18

chrisrushlau: this observatory ALSO stated many violations of human rights by the FSA.... but you just make him ridiculous when it suits you....

Default-user-icon freedom (ضيف) 21:19 ,2013 نيسان 18

mowaten the videos u post r as stupid as the arguments and points u try to make...HA as no bussiness protecting anything inside syrians borders. the fighters that r dying in these so called syrian villages are from villages in the south of lebanon (even their names are known to the public) so its clear that dog of nasrallah is sending troops to fight with the regime...anyway let them send as much fighters as they want to die up there i say good riddance they wont accomplish much anyway any donkey could see that there will never be any going back for the regime bt HA wanna hang on to any hope as much as they can. Whoever u wanna support and no matter how many stupid video u post, the reality where the tyrant will fall sooner or later will never change.

Missing rudy 21:19 ,2013 نيسان 18

Phoenix my friend, you know well that the islamic terrorists were not the fsa's first choice. Give them the resources to put them at a stop and anhialate them, i would like to believe they would.

Stepping back and saying oh terrorists, we should leave them be will only make terrorists stronger and moderates weaker.

The minorities in lebanon faced a sea of enemies, from all sides for years now, but no one was able to push the other into the sea. The LF resorted to israeli support (the equivalent of qaeda), but they survived and did not pledge allegiance to israel. Today the LF just like any other party in lebanon considers israel an enemy. Its easy to talk and accuse, but history will always be the judge in the end, and if anyone has any proof of current LF collaboration with israel, you dont have to show me. Take that info direct to the security forces.

Missing peace 21:20 ,2013 نيسان 18

funny when mowaten leaves FT arrives.... seems they are the same person or two lovers....

Thumb wenger 21:34 ,2013 نيسان 18

they r but each one has a specific role...one posts videos and the other complains that naharnet is biased and hates the like of him...and both still come back to pollute every article in here every single day

Missing peace 21:35 ,2013 نيسان 18

lol :)

Thumb andre.jabbour 21:37 ,2013 نيسان 18

Schizophrenia,... Hardly curable! ;(

Missing peace 21:23 ,2013 نيسان 18

yes indeed you are poor FT... just read your posts and the official syrian news... it is copy paste... LOL.... just stating a fact now if it hurts you it is not my problem but rather rejoicing to see you lose your nerves.... LOL

Thumb banima3roof 21:25 ,2013 نيسان 18

allah did lol

Missing peace 21:26 ,2013 نيسان 18

FT and his alzheimer problem...

Just recall what aoun said about the syrian regime and you ll see i am just repeating his words... syria is the cause of the present system we have that M8 still fuels and encourages!
funny how you insult me, it is just like if you were insulting what aoun said: it shows how stupid and manipulated you are thus not worth any respect just a big LAUGH LOL!

Missing peace 21:31 ,2013 نيسان 18

stop trying to be humorous it does not suit you FT just make you look more ridiculous...
in 30 years not a single fire has been shot to free the golan heights.. and you dare call your beloved assad resistants? LOL... yes the assad defend the israeli syrian border...but are so coward to launch a war that they encourage your hezbi friends to do it from lebanon... and you defend that as a true patriot you are... they even never gave the UN the official documents to prove that shebaa is lebanese just to keep the tension going on....

comic aounists....

Missing peace 12:48 ,2013 نيسان 19

1/ M8 calls them resistant idiot FT.... aren t you part of it? lol...
2/ syria s power inferior to initiate liberation? LOL read your stupidities once in a while...
so it gives them the right to resist from lebanese soil coz lebanon is superior? in 40 years they could never arm a resistance like they are arming hezbis in lebanon? you prefer lebanon to be destroyed so that syria is safe? true patriot you are, moron.
you are so pathetic in your weak arguments... you d better stop posting , you are only making yourself more ridiculous by the day

Missing peace 14:24 ,2013 نيسان 19

LO FT... just reread your posts: only full of bull sh....

your syrians friends NEVER resisted against israel... and that is a fact that you deny by twisting words to try to look smart...
never a single bullet was shit from the golan heights to liberate it... and you praise assad for that .... the assad are in power only bvecause they protect the golan from any trouble... why are they still in power? coz they are protected by the USA and israel...
you prefer that lebanese pay the price rather than syrians so they are comfy at home and praise their leader for the "peace" he brings.. you are just a traitor and a collaborator... by supporting assad you are just insulting the memories of the aounists that were killed by the regime you presently are supporting... TFEH on you and your FPM sissies...
i will be here to contradict your moronic BS by bringing facts not FPM assumptions... just eff... up. you deserve no respect nor politeness.

Missing peace 18:05 ,2013 نيسان 19

waw... seems i hit a nerve... FT answers in 3 posts showing how nervous and desperate he is...

if you read what he has written it s all empty, with no solid arguments whatsoever... just beating around the bush!

he may twist facts as he wants to try to make them fit his neurotic FPM BS propaganda but he will always fail in front of the truth....
it is what makes him sooooo comic in his desperate attempt to contradict me. but as usual he fails... LOL

Thumb andre.jabbour 22:03 ,2013 نيسان 18

I have to disagree with you on this one.

Missing akkar1 22:22 ,2013 نيسان 18

andre u have been away for a while and havent read his posts he is a die hard ha lover he admitted it in his previous posts

Missing akkar1 22:27 ,2013 نيسان 18

andre read the phoenix posts on this artical following the roar around like fly on shit

Thumb andre.jabbour 23:57 ,2013 نيسان 18

Akkar, why would he shift from m14 to m8? Talking and respecting other people on naharnet doesn't mean you agree with them. Lebanese people need to calm down and respect each other more. Naharnet should disable the red/green thumb option and become innovative by introducing something constructive, something that would help Lebanese people around the world to gather. We, cyber readers, aren't armed people, we can help the country. If we can't then Lebanon would be a lost cause.

Missing samiam 23:24 ,2013 نيسان 18

the world's problems are based on ignorance (like yourself) and education (also like yourself)--thank you for bring that to our attention.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:26 ,2013 نيسان 18

Mowaten and FT. Lebanese people that live or once lived in Lebanon don't need YouTube videos to know what the Syrian regime is capable of. We've experienced it first hand fools. We seen it with our own two eyes ( for those of us that still have sight left in them). We've felt the pain and torture first hand ( those of us lucky enough to survive). So go take your YouTube videos and shove shove them up your rear ends!

Default-user-icon Amal (ضيف) 00:44 ,2013 نيسان 19

Our middle east is full of hate and racism. We are all civilized and all that, but we hate each other and can't get along just because we are affiliated to different religion. We are all smart, but can't built a country we can call home. It is a long way to catch up with the rest of the world, meanwhile go ahead, ... fight

Missing ihateevery1 01:16 ,2013 نيسان 19

We have been praying for 30 years that this happen and a true lebaneses dream is finally here! Syria can now feel our pain! All you traitors of lebanon and all those that have committed treason against Lebanon your time has come to burn in hell! Death to all of you! May the civil war in Syria last for a 100 years! May god punish anyone who has ever made a mother cry over a child in Lebanon! Let the doors of hell open and take all of you away. May saiton himself teach you what it feels like to weep over a loss of someone you love.

Thumb primesuspect 06:30 ,2013 نيسان 19

bustany: is there anyone or anything greater than Allah? you don't believe in God so now you made Lebanon an atheist nation? STFU!

Missing peace 14:16 ,2013 نيسان 19

josh: BIG LOL.... so stupid you are

Default-user-icon A E (ضيف) 04:42 ,2013 نيسان 19

I read this site from time to time, and I consistently see such utter stupidity. I am visiting Lebanon this year for the first time in over 10 years, I really hope you all are an unrepresentative sample of the population. How far we have fallen. M8 this, M14 that. Who the F cares. Not a single person here seems to really care about what Lebanon needs. We will never be a real country as long we are all so eager to bend over backwards to the highest foreign bidder. I pray for the ordinary Lebanese who has to live amongst horrible fellow brethren and who do not have the ability to leave like my parents did and make a better life for themselves in a civilized part of the world.

Missing tomahawk 08:46 ,2013 نيسان 19

Better the devil you know than the ones you don't !! Bashar & HA keep these bastards of foreigners Jihadist out of our region , send them back where they came from or bury them 100 meters below ground level !! Qaida , al Nusra & co keep these extremist at bay . As for Lebanon it is in our interest to do the same ! Down with their sponsors which are the KSA & the GCC states, Bahrain has been having the same problem , Kuwait isn't far off the list . You oily sheikhs are all going through hell sooner than later !!

Missing peace 12:28 ,2013 نيسان 19

funny how aoun always called for the ousting of the assads and now his supporters defend bashar....

ironic isn t it? :) LOL

Default-user-icon Black (ضيف) 00:29 ,2013 نيسان 20

i really do not care of what is happening in Syria,and i wish and hope Hizbollah and all lebanese stay out of it .
But the fact that Flamethrower,Roar,Mouwaten are defending a Syrian regime that butchered thousands of lebanese is sickening !!!!!

Default-user-icon white (ضيف) 00:32 ,2013 نيسان 20

Aoun promised to be the last one to leave and we all saw it on TV.
all it took was 45 min before making his way o french embassy.
He is a coward Flamethrower.This is a fact that you cannot deny.
Call me whatever you want but deep inside you ,you know that Aoun was a coward when he deserted his own troops.Period

Default-user-icon Double (ضيف) 22:54 ,2013 نيسان 22

You peoples' affection for your captors is quite amusing.

I also find that the best scenario for Lebanon ( and indeed Syria ) is for the rebels to lose.