رئيس الوزراء التركي يتهم النظام السوري بارتكاب "فظاعات"
Read this story in Englishاتهم رئيس الوزراء التركي رجب طيب اردوغان النظام السوري بارتكاب "فظاعات" وعدم التصرف بشكل "انساني" حيال المحتجين، على ما افادت وكالة الاناضول للانباء الجمعة.
واضاف في مقابلة مساء الخميس بحسب وكالة انباء الاناضول "لقد تحدثت مع (الرئيس السوري بشار) الاسد قبل اربعة او خمسة ايام لكنهم (السوريون) يقللون من اهمية الوضع ... وللاسف لا يتصرفون بشكل انساني" واصفا الوضع بانه يشكل "فظاعات".
واعتبر اردوغان ايضا ان قمع التظاهرات في سوريا "غير مقبول".
it's only time b4 we see turkish forces in syria ,they will enter syria like the syrian entered lebanon in 1976,,it is in full coordination with nato,and the prize will be:the acceptance of turkey in european community.
n.b. a modified lybian style ,AMERICAN PLANNING.
The irony of this article is that Erdogan is calling the death of about 1,500 demonstrators in Syria as an atrocity, while the death of a million and a half Armenians as nothing but "deportation" from Turkey.
I hope that Turkey enters Syria to save our Syrian brothers and sisters from the Assad regime. Inshallah a more humane, democratic, modern and friendly Syria to the M14 cause. I foresee a new democratic Syria that is STRONGLY allied with M14. The righteous always triumph at the end (inshalla).
But of course John is correct Turkey calls the Armenian genocide a deportation and that's who the Syrian regime should have the right to "deport", torture and murder thousands of Syrians today and Lebanese before that how can anyone with a right mind disagree with such argument. I wonder what Kardashian sisters have to say about that.
John, so denying murders others committed is like committing murders and then denying them.