قاووق: مقاتلو حزب الله يقومون بواجب "اخلاقي ووطني" بحماية القرى الحدودية

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أكد نائب رئيس المجلس التنفيذي في حزب الله الشيخ نبيل قاووق ان "شهداء حزب الله هم شهداء كل الوطن لانهم كانوا يدافعون عن أهلهم اللبنانيين"، لافتاً الى ان ما يقوم به هؤلاء يندرج في الاطار "الاخلاقي والوطني".

كلام قاووق جاء خلال احتفال تأبيني اقامه الحزب في بلدة مفيدون في النبطية، حيث شدد على "أن كل لبناني يستشهد في الدفاع عن أهله اللبنانيين هو شهيد كل لبنان وشهيد كل الوطن".

كما لفت الى "التقصير الخطير للدولة في هذا المجال التي لم تقم بأي شيء اتجاه مواطنيها في هذه القرى حتى لمجرد السؤال عنهم" .

وشدد قاووق على "أن ما يقوم به حزب الله إزاء هذه القضية هو واجب وطني وأخلاقي في حماية اللبنانيين في القرى الحدودية".

وتوجه الى قوى 14 آذار، داعياً اياها الى "الكف عن الإساءة لهؤلاء الشهداءالذين هم شهداء كل الوطن"، وتساءل قاووق "عما إذا كان المطلوب منا أن نترك أهلنا في القرى الحدودية عرضة للقتل والخطف والذبح والتهجير، وهل المطلوب أن يبقى هؤلاء اللبنانيين رهائن وأن يتركوا وشأنهم".

يُذكر ان معلومات صحفية كانت قد افادت عن مقتل عدد من عناصر "حزب الله" جراء مشاركتهم في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري، وفق ما كشفت المعلومات، داخل الاراضي السورية، التي تشهد منذ آذار 2011، حركة احتجاجية مطالبة بسقوط نظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد، الامر الذي ادى الى مقتل الآلاف وجرح آخرين، فضلاً عن نزوح عدد من الاشخاص، الى البلدان المجاورة وبالأخص لبنان.

كما يُشار الى ان الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله، اعلن في تشرين الاول الفائت ان بعض اللبنانيين المقيمين في الاراضي السورية الحدودية مع لبنان والمنتمين الى الحزب يقاتلون "المجموعات المسلحة" في سوريا بمبادرة منهم ومن دون قرار حزبي، وذلك "بغرض الدفاع عن النفس".

التعليقات 29
Missing maroun 10:08 ,2013 نيسان 22

Qaouq .you are nothing but traitor ,a lire and a joke ..Syria has been attacking Lebanese citizens in north for over a year and done nothing.you can never justify your involvement in Syria all you are doing is killing innocent civilians and children to please your masters in Syria and Iran .

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:26 ,2013 نيسان 22

Mowaten - the Hizb and Iran are the ones that has put the shia community in this terrible position. From the beginning, they recruited militia to fight on behalf of the regime in Shia and alawi communities. But this has nothing to do with protecting lebanese in syria (Gabon next?), it is about protecting its rear bases and supply lines in syria. I suspect that this entenglement will not go well for the hizb and may well be its undoing.

Missing mohammad_ca 11:54 ,2013 نيسان 22

First, they said they are not involved, then they said that "individuals" were involved, now they're admitting the "hizb" is involved. Do not be at all surprised when the FSA starts carrying out attacks in Lebanon.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:33 ,2013 نيسان 22

MOOwaten, we're not Almanar sheep in order for you to spew their words...we know hizbocrap was involved ever since nasrocrap came out and admitted it.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 14:52 ,2013 نيسان 22

Mowaten - you repeat a propaganda line you do not even believe. From the beginning, these villages were used as safe areas by syrian military who bombs the overwhelmingly "sunni" neighboring areas. Their nighbours, in the hundreds of thousands, are refugees in Lebanon. They did not escape the FSA. They escaped the syrian regime. It is true that some opposing the regime committed sectarian killings but these were long have been eliminated in the al qusayr area by the al farouq brigade that dominates the area. As for the regime, the killings continues unabated.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:36 ,2013 نيسان 22

"Don't base your arguments on his words..." how does that work? What do you base your arguments on? What Almanar tells you?

Missing maroun 04:47 ,2013 نيسان 23

i agree with you on one thing ..i dont like HA..or any other traitors

Missing maroun 04:48 ,2013 نيسان 23

they use the border village's as an excuse its simple people like you who can not comprehend reality

Thumb jcamerican 10:26 ,2013 نيسان 22

HA is fighting for its own survival. It is not going to wait for the results from Syria. Anyhow, it is better fighting it out in Syria, than in Lebanon.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:30 ,2013 نيسان 22

See above

Missing mohammad_ca 12:12 ,2013 نيسان 22

them fighting in Syria will bring the fight to Lebanon, expect FSA attacks in Lebanon and do not be surprised when they happen.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:38 ,2013 نيسان 22

because hizbocrap was fighting them ya zakzak.

Default-user-icon dd (ضيف) 10:45 ,2013 نيسان 22

Lebanon has the moral DUTY to disarm Hizbollah .... until then there's no Lebanon!

Thumb geha 11:01 ,2013 نيسان 22

hizbushaitan is fighting there for political reasons and nothing else, and is not limited at all to shia villages, otherwise what is there for them in Damascus?
they are executing a Iranian agenda, and they have nothing to do with Lebanese.
they are bringing destruction on Lebanese villages by shooting rockets from Lebanon.
enough BS from hizbushaitan: you cannot hide the truth anymore.

Missing mohammad_ca 12:14 ,2013 نيسان 22

The sane people are supporting the FSA's fight IN SYRIA..hizbocrap is supporting its fighters in another country. Don't see the difference smartypants?

Missing mohammad_ca 12:42 ,2013 نيسان 22

"huge chunk"= i don't know what i'm talking about.
Even if there were true this would not counter this argument. Neither of those countries you listed have had an official disassociation policy in the Syrian conflict, Lebanon does. A lebanese party officially admitting to sending fighters there is certainly not in line with this and will most definitely bring the fight to Lebanon. Enjoy.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:02 ,2013 نيسان 22

Clearly you do not understand what the disassociation means, to you it means sending fighters to go and die in Syria

Missing mohammad_ca 16:30 ,2013 نيسان 22

all of these things happened AFTER nasrocrap admitted to fighting in Syria so your argument is defunct.

Thumb shab 11:08 ,2013 نيسان 22

Filthy militia

Missing bombtheproblem 21:26 ,2013 نيسان 22

revolting militia

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 11:28 ,2013 نيسان 22

Same logic I see from Israeli supporters to justify that country aggression.

Thumb Elemental 11:30 ,2013 نيسان 22

So that also means they have the "nationalistic and moreal duty" to act above the law too?

Thumb Elemental 11:43 ,2013 نيسان 22

Which is what they've always done even before the fighting broke out in Syria.

Thumb phoenician 11:33 ,2013 نيسان 22

Scum of the Earth and its Earth day today shame such evil exist on it, Partition please.

Default-user-icon hanoun (ضيف) 12:17 ,2013 نيسان 22

open the Syrian Lebanese border and let all who want to fight with or against the regime go to Syria and watch them kill each other in Syria

Missing topace 15:06 ,2013 نيسان 22

HA are doing nothing wrong ! They are keeping these fanatical extremists Sunni in Syria & burying them for good , better than these Sunni extremists coming to lebanon ? Right !

Missing samiam 15:11 ,2013 نيسان 22

HA have no morals, and therefore by definition, no morality--they are nothing more than mercenaries and their actions in Syria are demonstrating that. How far are the 'border' towns from the border?

Thumb EagleDawn 17:21 ,2013 نيسان 22

I agree with people who refer to this person as a paid mouthpiece! He floods the boards with his propaganda and I am sure he is on the payroll of hizb shaitan.

Missing realist 21:51 ,2013 نيسان 22

This is the beginning of the end of the 'muqawama' and the explicit conversion to sectarian militia. Even Hitler had a 'moral' story when he attacked polland and the chek republic. This is not a war where hizb can kill 10 israelis and claim divine victory and go for 100 interviews on tvs, this is a totally different war altogether, you kill 10 of the enemy they kill 10 of yours and the cycle does not stop. The single most important weakness in the israelis is their desire for life and lack of interest in wars (as they do have a good life), muslims on the the other hand go after martyrdom, so go figure. Hizb has entered the quagmire, let them enjoy their little sprint in qusair, soon they will find out that like they say in egypt "dkhhool 7amam mish zay khrogo", we all remember bashar going to bab amr, and now we see the rebels in his capital.