ايران تعتبر ان الاتهامات الكندية بوجود عناصر من القاعدة على اراضيها امر"سخيف"

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اعتبرت ايران الثلاثاء ان الاتهامات الكندية بان المشتبه بهما في التدبير لاعتداء في كندا كانا يتلقيان اوامرهما من عناصر من تنظيم القاعدة موجودين في ايران "امر سخيف ومضحك".

وصرح وزير الخارجية علي اكبر صالحي "انني وفي سن الـ64 اعتقد انه اكثر امر مضحك سمعته. القول بوجود قاعدة ايرانية بدعة سخيفة. امل ان يعيد المسؤولون الكنديون التفكير قليلا وان ياخذوا في الاعتبار ذكاء السكان في المنطقة والراي العام"، حسبما نقلت عنه وكالة الانباء الطلابية.

من جهته، صرح المتحدث باسم الوزارة رامين مهمانبرست في لقائه الصحافي الاسبوعي "نحن ضد اي عمل ارهابي (...) والحكومة الكندية المتطرفة تنتهج سياسة معادية لايران من خلال مواصلة موقفها العدائي ازاء بلادنا".

وكانت الشرطة الكندية احبطت الاثنين مشروع اعتداء على قطار ركاب اعده الرجلان، موضحة انهما اعتقلا في تورونتو ومونتريال وتلقيا اوامرهما من عناصر ينتمون الى القاعدة ويقيمون في ايران.

وقالت الشرطة الملكية الكندية (الشرطة الفدرالية) في مؤتمر صحافي ان "هذين الشخصين كانا يريدان القيام باعتداء ارهابي".

وتابعت الشرطة ان "الرجلين يتلقيان دعما من عناصر من تنظيم القاعدة في ايران"، وخصوصا "اوامر ونصائح".

الا ان الشرطة اوضحت ان "لا توجد معلومات بان هذه الهجمات تحظى بدعم الحكومة (الايرانية)"، دون اعطاء تفاصيل.

واوردت صحيفة ناشونال بوست ان المتهم الاول تونسي الجنسية بينما الثاني فلسطيني من سكان الامارات لديه اقامة دائمة في كندا.

وقطعت كندا علاقاتها الدبلوماسية مع ايران في ايلول 2012.

التعليقات 18
Thumb jcamerican 11:32 ,2013 نيسان 23

I guess HA is helping Al Qaeda in Syria. These stories are for the simple minded.

Thumb Elemental 11:48 ,2013 نيسان 23

When the RCMP go after someone, it's for good reason. At least Canada has the balls to confront and defend against any idiotic uneducated radicals. This isn't the first time something like this has been stopped. Bravo Canada!

Thumb Elemental 13:11 ,2013 نيسان 23

If they would elaborate on this Al-Qaida/Iran thing,that would be helpful too given they're mainly Sunni and Iran are majority Shi'a. Either way they stopped nuts planning and attack, but more information about this connection is needed.

Thumb Elemental 16:03 ,2013 نيسان 23

And Lebanon's system is what exactly?

Thumb banima3roof 20:38 ,2013 نيسان 23

wow your characters before and after your name do not match. how many times have you been kicked off naharnet. but beggers keep coming back. mish heik? hahahah

Missing altigar 12:03 ,2013 نيسان 23

with a lie this obvious........something big is about to happen.
the last 2 weeks look like were heading towards ww3.
putin ...your getting what you wanted you criminal.

Missing karim_m3 12:54 ,2013 نيسان 23

This article did not mention your native Saudi Arabia. Get some reading glasses.

Thumb Elemental 12:57 ,2013 نيسان 23

And Iran is absolutely perfect huh?

Thumb ousama.ben.laden 13:56 ,2013 نيسان 23

How can a Qaida be supported by Iran? Qaida is pure Sunni hates Ali and his followers and wishes to kill them! and Iran is the exact target after the west and europe!! seriously those canadians need alot of education! do they know their country is on the American continant ? or they think they're in Asia??

Missing canadianadam 08:38 ,2013 نيسان 24

Do you take heavy quantities of drugs???

Missing ya_kord 14:08 ,2013 نيسان 23

this article is not accurate... the RCMP ( Royal Canadian Mounted Police) clearly said they do not believe the Iranian government is involved and that the al Qaeda in iran is in a sunni region that borders Afghanistan!!

Thumb Kalzyturks 14:34 ,2013 نيسان 23

It's like a Christian says Muslims hate Jesus!

No Muslim in the world hates Jesus period.

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 15:14 ,2013 نيسان 23

Our government has made a fool of herself accusing Shiite Iran of supporting or housing Sunni Al Qaida. This is a ridiculous accusation that makes no sense.
Being in stark submission to the Zionist propaganda machine, the government thought her comments will please the Zionists. It is best for Canada stay out of this mess.

Missing youssefhaddad 17:34 ,2013 نيسان 23

"...The extremist Canadian government has Iranophobia..." ???!!!!

Missing minlibnan 17:40 ,2013 نيسان 23

Terrorists are real. Brain washing is often simple on the young ones. Like the Boston idiots, one guy 19 years old. So in short I am happy to hear of terrorists being arrested. Regardless of their nationality. The point is the RCMP just saved someone's life. Imagine the Michele smaha case, thank god they busted that ring up. Maybe they saved a relative or a friend from harm. Stay safe Lebanese.

Thumb ousama.ben.laden 17:45 ,2013 نيسان 23

habibi the Boston boys were brain washed by CIA and has nothing to do with anything in the world its an American game they havent been the victims for so long and eversince i died no one was able to target them so they target themselves...

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:52 ,2013 نيسان 24

Iran Biggest terrorist state sponsor on earth! Biggest bluffer too. Always where you don' t expect him. Hizbollah has been cloned to the same standards: bluff. Serial killer on one hand, , then voting and backing the STL until the game is exposed, then fighting it. Hizbollah organising for the STL investigators a visit to a city southern suburbs clinic , then organising by the busload contingents to pelt and stone those same investigators. Iran and Syria channelling Al Qaeda fighters to Irak to fight the americans, then claiming they can't control their frontiers. Hizbollah backing a gov with a socalled neutral policy in Syria, then sending massive aid to rescue the syrian criminal regime, and pretending these are personal independant decisions taken by commited muslims ! Typically it boils down to display strong opposition, fight some position or actions, whereas you stand exactly at that opposite point you try to lead people the think you're against.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 08:53 ,2013 نيسان 24

This game is exposed and over. So yes, Iran is probably behind what Canada is accusing it of planning ! Yes Hizbollah is behind the Bulgaria bombing. Yes Iran is behind Thailand bomb. I can see no reason why remote neutral countries would put together a criminal case, just to implicate Hizbollah. Or Iran too. But I can understand why Hizbollah chose to operate in politically and geographically distant countries, unprepared, unaware they could be easy hosts to such murderous activities.