إطلاق نار في الشياح على خلفية خلاف حزبي وتفجير قنبلة في عين الرمانة

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حصل عند الثالثة من فجر اليوم الأحد خلاف حزبي تطور الى اطلاق نار من اسلحة رشاشة في محلة الشياح شارع الطيار ولاسباب مجهولة، وحصل انتشار مسلح على الارض من قبل الطرفين بحسب ما أفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام".

وبعد انسحاب المسلحين حضرت قوة امنية وقامت بالانتشار في المحلة ولم يعرف اسباب الحادث ولا نتائجه.

ولم تذكر الوكالة أي من الطرفين الحزبيين.

وفي عين الرمانة مقابل كنيسة سيدة الخلاص، اقدم مجهول عند الاولى من فجر اليوم عينه على تفجير قنبلة صوتية بين سيارتي مرسيدس وتويوتا كانتا متوقفتين في المنطقة.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon G (ضيف) 14:09 ,2011 حزيران 12

Percussion grenade is of course from the zi3ran that follow Berri. they always enter Ain al-Rummaneh and stir trouble

Default-user-icon Tommy Flanagan (ضيف) 15:57 ,2011 حزيران 12

humm, two armed parties in shiyah who could they be I wonder, probably the Green People's Party vs Permanent Revolution Party.. yeah.. that's the ticket.

Default-user-icon Ali (ضيف) 16:21 ,2011 حزيران 12

These are those who claim they protect institutions and care about building a strong state. Berri and his AMAL thugs...... Michel Aoun is allied with these thugs!

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 17:05 ,2011 حزيران 12

why defections in the syrian army,make infections in dahie?

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 19:10 ,2011 حزيران 12

Berri might be attempting to nibble back some of the influence over the Shiite community that Hezbollah has swallowed from Amal in the late 80s.
We will see probably more of these "probing" clashes as the Iranian influence wanes out and the Syrian regime faulters.

Default-user-icon peacemaker (ضيف) 21:51 ,2011 حزيران 12

When your supporter falls or on the brink of falling you do two things.
Or surrender and make peace. Or start digging and getting ready because you are next. God bless Lebanon and All the Lebanese. The 1975 picture is back and will occure again and start the same place it started on that year.
Heavy guns in Akkar? is that a sign of something thats going to happen? explosion by a church? parties shooting at each other early in the morning? Someone is in a war room trying to ignite it in Lebanon.
I hope i am wrong i pray that i am wrong but my heart is pounding. I ask of all Lebanese to pray for peace in no matter religion they belong to. I am lebanese and my blood is lebanese I beleive in one God and do not belong to any religion anymore. Whats after God is country. May God bless my Country Lebanon and all my country men no matter what religion they belong to. They are all my brothers and sisters no matter what.

Thumb erasmus16@gmail.com 00:09 ,2011 حزيران 13

"security forces deployed in the area after the gunmen withdrew from the street"

What are the "security forces" afraid of? Why do they have to wait for the gunmen to withdraw in order to protect the population?

What a messed up country!