قائد عسكري ايراني: ايران مستعدة "لتدريب" الجيش السوري اذا احتاج الامر
Read this story in Englishاعلن قائد سلاح البر الايراني الجنرال احمد رضا بورداستان كما نقلت عنه وكالة الانباء الايرانية الرسمية ان ايران مستعدة ل"تدريب" الجيش السوري اذا احتاج الامر.
وقال الجنرال الايراني "نقف الى جانب سوريا ونحن مستعدون اذا احتاج الامر لتقديم التدريب الضروري، لكننا لن نشارك فعليا في عملياتها"، مؤكدا ان الجيش السوري مع "الخبرة التي يملكها في مواجهة النظام الصهيوني قادر على الدفاع عن نفسه وليس بحاجة لمساعدة خارجية".
وبينما اكد مسؤول اسرائيلي كبير اليوم الاحد شن ضربتين جويتين على سوريا خلاي ثلاثة ايام استهدفتا اسلحة مرسلة الى حزب الله اللبناني الشيعي، قال الناطق باسم الخارجية الايرانية مهمانبرست انه "يدين هجوم النظام الصهيوني ويطلب من دول المنطقة الرد بحكمة على هذه الاعتداءات".
واتهم مهمانبرست اسرائيل بالسعي الى "زعزعة استقرار والامن في المنطقة (...) باثارتها نزاعات طابعها اتني وديني".
من جهته، قال وزير الدفاع الايراني احمد وحيدي في تصريحات نقلتها وكالة الانباء الايرانية فارس ان "التحركات اللاانسانية المتهورة للنظام الصهيوني (...) ستقصر حياة هذا النظام الدمية".
كما اكد ان "الهجوم الذي شنه النظام الصهيوني جرى بضوء اخضر من الولايات المتحدة مما يكشف الصلات بين الارهابيين المرتزقة وحماتهم مع هذ النظام".
"The Syrian army has accumulated experience during years of conflict with the Zionist regime (Israel) and is able to defend itself and doesn't need foreign assistance," he added.
a correction to mr pourdastan statement is due: instead of gaining honorable fighting experience against a legitimate ennemy the syrian army has accumulated deadly mistakes and atrocities against its own people.
hahah train them to do what? stare harder at isralie F-15s & try to bring them down with brain power?
What a newspaper heading "Iran.....condemms Israeli airstrike". Iran condemns Israelis breathing so what exactly is new there.
Iran is sending missiles through Syria to the Hizballah in Lebanon to "fight" against Israel and involve the Lebanese state in more unneeded damage. Doesn't the Iranian leadership yet understand that Hizballah are fighting with the opposition to the butcher Assad, so should the destroyed missile have reached them, they could have used them on Irans ally, the Syrian Army.
"The Syrian army has accumulated experience during years of conflict with the Zionist regime..
that's news to me ..i can not remember the last time the Syrian regime fired one shot toward Israel.
the last time they took up arms against Israel was 1982 when Syria had there entire air force shot down over Lebanon..it was around 100 fighter jets.
The Syrian army has accumulated experience during years of conflict with the Zionist regime (Israel) and is able to defend itself and doesn't need foreign assistance," he added
So how many years of conflict was that????
What a strange turn of events. For the past 40 years or so, Lebanon has been the arena of choice for regional and even international proxy wars and settlement of accounts. Now this role is quickly being taken over by Syria. Mabrouk!!
the Iranian response, shows the weakness of Ahmadinejad. On more than one occasion, he used to confirm that Iran and Syria are united against any external aggression. If Syria is attacked, Iran will defend. It proves that Iran, Syria, and hizbullah are nothing but a cry wolf, who enjoys Israel existence to recruit fanatics, and enhance their existence.
You mean to tell me they are not going to retaliate using their stealthy new state of the art qahar 313?