المرصد السوري:قوات النظام السوري بدعم من حزب الله تسيطر على قرية في ريف القصير

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تدور اشتباكات عنيفة الخميس بين قوات النظام السوري مدعومة من حزب الله والمجموعات المقاتلة المعارضة للنظام في ريف القصير في وسط سوريا، بحسب ما ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان، وذلك بعد سيطرة القوات النظامية على قرية في المنطقة.

واكد مصدر عسكري سوري لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن "الجيش السوري استرد قرية الشومرية في ريف القصير" وأن قواته "تتجه حاليا نحو بلدة الغسانية المحاصرة من المسلحين منذ عام تقريبا".

وقال المصدر عينه ان "العمليات العسكرية في القصير تسير بوتيرة عالية والجيش يحكم الحصار على المسلحين الذين يحاولون الفرار باتجاه الاراضي اللبنانية".

وذكر المرصد السوري من جهته، أن "اشتباكات عنيفة تدور في محيط قرية الشومرية" بعد سيطرة القوات النظامية ومقاتلي حزب الله على القرية.

وذكر ان هناك "خسائر بشرية في صفوف الطرفين".

كما اشار الى قصف براجمات الصواريخ صباح الخميس على مدينة القصير التي تعتبر معقلا لقوى المعارضة المسلحة.

واوضح مدير المرصد رامي عبد الرحمن لوكالة "فرانس برس"، أن "الجيش مدعوما من مسلحي اللجان الشعبية الموالية له وحزب الله يتقدم نحو مدينة القصير".

وأضاف: "انهم يتفوقون بالقوة النارية، ويقومون بعمليات عنيفة لاستعادة القصير".

وتعتبر القصير مع مدينتي الرستن وتلبيسة من آخر معاقل مقاتلي المعارضة في ريف حمص.

وفي خضم هذه المعارك، سقطت ثلاثة صواريخ في منطقة الهرمل واثنين في منطقة مشاريع القاع التي تقطنها غالبية سنية مؤيدة للمعارضة السورية. على ما أفاد مصدر أمني محلي.

كما ذكر مصدر أمني آخر لبنانيين اثنين من مدينة طرابلس قتلا في معارك القصير، وقد تم ابلاغ عائلة احدهما بمقتله الاربعاء والاخر الخميس.

التعليقات 21
Thumb benzona 14:58 ,2013 أيار 09

Let's hope it'll be the grave for many of the evil forces!

Thumb benzona 22:41 ,2013 أيار 09

Mais oui! Btw, Pope john-Paul II said it was a good trilogy for the faith... It encourages and promoted meditation. Why not!

Thumb jcamerican 15:05 ,2013 أيار 09

I guess HA is pretty powerful to tilt the power balance in Syria. All Bashar's forces in the thousands all these years, couldn't accomplish what HA's few thousands did recently.

Thumb jcamerican 17:01 ,2013 أيار 09

Thanks. Finally someone knows my comments are not politically affiliated since HA's last check bounced like a tennis ball.

Missing peace 19:56 ,2013 أيار 09

"i thought he's here to boost the opposition's morale not sap it!" therfore you have to admit that it is objective little microbe....

Missing peace 21:33 ,2013 أيار 09

then FT stop mentionning this observatory when it suits your propaganda and deny it when it doesn t .... you are more biased than the observatory yourself...
see what i hate in you : your double low M8 standards....

Default-user-icon Fendo Bokassa (ضيف) 17:17 ,2013 أيار 09

This story about advances is pure propaganda and is meant to demoralize al-Nusra of the Levant, the broker for installing freedom, democracy, human rights and cohabitation of all sects and religions! Naharnet should be ashamed for publishing it puts it in bed with the enemies of these ideals that al-Nusra strongly believes in, aka the "ASSad" regime of Syria and "Hizbushaitan" of Iran. allouchti, NostraBenzona, geha and GabbyMarch14 have confirmed time and again that the days of "ASSad" are numbered, and I trust these dedicated individuals. Actually, to be precise, I have trusted these dudes on this matter more than 8,405 times since 2005 and still am. You go virtual warriors. Keep your morale high. Naharnet, SHAME ON YOU!!!

Thumb geha 17:38 ,2013 أيار 09

a couple of thousand hizbushaitan elite militia and around ten thousand Iranian "experts" have allowed this small advance.
count the bodies that will return anyway: attackers lose more than the attacked.
this is a small battle and it is going to change again, and again, and again, until they all kill each other.
this is what Russia, the US, the EU and other want for Syria.

Thumb lebnanfirst 19:12 ,2013 أيار 09

Unfortunately and even though it reeks of cynicism mutual annihilation is exactly what the powers that be are hoping for. It is lamentable that the Syrians are the ones paying dearly for that policy.

Thumb bigsami 20:17 ,2013 أيار 09

the BORE....give it a break dude. Stop supporting Iran. Then again you are probably a filthy Farsi yourself.

Thumb bigsami 20:27 ,2013 أيار 09

Blab on mr. BORE....if you call your posts a 'debate from a man' then I hate to see how you would debate as a woman. lol

Thumb bigsami 20:28 ,2013 أيار 09

You call this a 'debate' by a man? lolololol What a BORE! Yawn!

Missing peace 21:10 ,2013 أيار 09

where is disassociation from the syrian conflict? baabda declaration? it proves once again that hezbis have nothing to do with lebanon and that the lebanese state is the least of their problems....

Missing peace 21:13 ,2013 أيار 09

and this is exactly what bashar wanted and how the situation was to turn out by letting chaos and killing its people.... now he can openly ask for iran and hezbis to back him...

Default-user-icon Gustafore Dejantil (ضيف) 02:16 ,2013 أيار 10

My compatriots of March 14 and Lebanon First Some Twenty-two Damn Years Late Plus, these troops and the losers of Hizbullah are advancing alright. But guys, allow me to let you in on a secret that I hope you can keep. What they are advancing towards is one of the many traps set up for these losers by the brilliant warrior and strategist Le Marquis de Saida, al-Asseer Wa Fosso 7ami. Where was Le Marquis de Saida in 2006 to teach the losers of Hizbullah the lesson that the Israelis could not? But hey, better late than never. Right warriors?

Default-user-icon dd (ضيف) 09:18 ,2013 أيار 10

the fact is that the Hizb(yalli ma khassou bi ALLAH) has the right to do anything he pleases! wage a war with Israel, go to Syria and kill Syrians, send drones, and its master every now and then show us his monkey face to tell us what he decided and what will be the next phase for Lebanon! all Lebanese are hostages of Master Hasan !

Missing lebanon4ever 12:36 ,2013 أيار 10

Phoenix what is the answer for lebanon? Is Partition the answer? We have been at each others throats for the last 60 years. We pretend we are brothers but stab each other in the back at any given chance. We show allegiance to any other country but our own and we kill in the name of religion. I am Lebanese First... Christian Second! When will our dear brothers come to this realisation?

Missing peace 13:09 ,2013 أيار 10

thank FPM for supporting a party that does not obey the lebanese gvt and decides of peace and war... thank you hezbis to collaborate with bashar and after 40 years decide to open the golan front to divert the attention on what is going on... thank you FPM for justifying the right of hezbis to be in syria and jeopardizing lebanon safety and peace....Thank you FPM for saying that M14 are the evil ones helping salafis and terrorists to better justify the presence of hezbis and thus involving lebanon despite the baabda declaration...

thank you both hezbis and FPM for collaborating with a foreign country and deciding the fate of thousands of lebanese who just want to live normally and peacefully... thank you both for taking care of syria more than your OWN country.....

TFEH 3aleikoum tneintatkoum....

Missing peace 13:16 ,2013 أيار 10

" he is still working his heart out to fend for himself and his loved ones."

this sentence cannot summarize more the situation of lebanese... unfortunately too many sheep remain to vote for their master believing they'll be better off with his promises.
lebanese just deserve the country they live in as no one dares come against the leaders and just become stupid lambs to the slaughter....

let alone the religious clerics who brainwash their sheep by insidiously saying that the other communities are to fear....
lebanese is now a nationality one shouldn t be proud of having....

Default-user-icon Guest (ضيف) 14:47 ,2013 أيار 10

Phoenix !!!!!! Am i the only one who can see that FT is the same The Myaw Myaw????
Phoenix ,you embarrassed the Myaw and that is the reason he has changed the screen to FT.
and heyyyy look at the post from FT.Lol

Missing lebanon4ever 14:58 ,2013 أيار 10


"We may be different from everybody esle with our intelligence. Instead of using it for real estate or for trading or for cheating or for all the things that have nothing to do with our civilization. Let's use this intelligence, even for only about ten years, let's apply it to building a nation, let's apply it to building a state, and then you'll see that Lebanon will be first not only in the East but in the whole world."

True leadership!

This is what lebanon is missing...