تقارير: مقتل شابين من طرابلس في القصير وفقدان الاتصال بـ 20 آخرين
Read this story in Englishقتل شخصان وفقد الاتصال بعشرين آخرين من طرابلس والضنية بعد مغادرتهم للقتال في منطقة القصير السورية.
وأكدت مصادر في المعارضة السورية، بحسب ما أفادت قناة الـ LBCI أن "المجموعة المؤلفة من نحو 20 شابا من طرابلس والضنية والتي ينتمي معظم أفرادها الى جهات أصولية وسلفية وصلت بالفعل الى القصير وريفها ".
وأشارت المصادر الى أن "هؤلاء الشبان يشاركون في القتال في القصير وريفها"، لافتة الى أن "أحد عناصر هذه المجموعة ويدعى حسام منصور قتل في المعارك".
وأضافت أن "الاخبار وصلت الى أهله حيث ساد جو من التوتر" .
كما أفادت معلومات خاصة للـ LBCI عن مقتل اللبناني هاني بركات وحسام منصور في معارك القصير، مشيرة الى أنهما من القبة في طرابلس.
وأضافت: "هؤلاء الشبان تابعين في غالبيتهم للتيار السلفي وبالتحديد للشيخ سالم الرافعي.
وكشفت المعلومات أيضا أن انتقال هؤلاء الشبان تم بسرية تامة وأن ما يُسمى بقادة مجموعات على الأرض هي التي تولت تأمين عملية الإنتقال والأمور اللوجستية التي تحتاجها.
ولفتت المعلومات ولاسيما من جانب قوات المعارضة الى أن الشبان اللبنانيين السُنة يقاتلون في القصير وريفها ولاسيما الريف الغربي وتحديداً في السلومية وعش الورور وهم شاركوا بالقتال إلى جانب المجموعات الإسلامية والسلفية وليس في صفوف الجيش السوري الحر.
يشار الى أن إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير، والشيخ سالم الرفاعي من طرابلس كانا قد دعا الى القتال ضد النظام في سوريا.
ودعا الرافعي حينها الى إرسال "الدعم من رجال وسلاح لاهل السنّة في القصير"، مطالبا "من جميع شباب السنّة الجهوزية التامة لارسال اول دفعة للواجب الجهادي فيها".
ويأتي ذلك كرد على مشاركة حزب الله في القتال الى جانب النظام في القصير الحدودية. حيث أعلن الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله أن وحزبه "يعتزون بشهدائم في القصير ، وانهم يدافعون عن اهلها.
كما أعلن الاسير عن تشكيل "كتائب المقاومة الحرة" انطلاقا من صيدا، داعيا كل من يستطيع للتوجه الى سوريا لمساعدة "المظلومين" في القصير وحمص.
Well done.So it is not enough 25 years of being butchered on the hands of the Syrians,now we are sending our son Asir,well done everyone for sending lebanese to meet their death.
BTW FT,you always ask ppl to provide a proof .Do you have any proof that El mustaqbal are sending these ppl to fight in Syria?
Nassrallah said it on TV .
So !!! Zipp it Shrimp !!
1/ salafis have nothing to do with future
2/ future clearly stated they are against the "jihad" in syria
3/ your lies are just idiotic FPM assumptions like always whereas hezbis it is clear they are in syria to fight with the regime and help them do whatever they are told too....
These warriors are not missing. They have already reached the presidential palace and have declared victory. The news about this achievement is still missing, but it's only a matter of time before it is found. After all, didn't allouchti, geha, NostraBenzona, peace and GabbyMarch14 tell us that the "ASSad" regime is about to collapse for the 7,492nd time since 2005? How dare anyone doubt them?
FT no one is saying that no lebanese fighters are on the side of the rebels. yet these fighters are no m14 and the official stance of m14 is no meddling in syria. you cannot expect m14 to control every fanatic islamists in lebanon.
they can vote for mustqbal and so what? it does not mean that mustqbal whose official stance is clear has the responsibility of those islamists.
M14 are saying day after day that they do not want to meddle in Syria and that they condemn the participation of islamists in Syria. Yet you base your accusations not on what M14 say but rather on what you suppose they do and believe. What we call a "procès d'intention".
I guess M14 do the same thing with M8. This is the lebanese conundrum. Each side is constructing a reality about the other to reinforcing its political positioning. Where does it takes us? Straight into the wall.
If M8 condemn the intervention of Lebanese islamists on the side of the rebels and M14 also do the same then this is a point of rapprochement between M14 and M8. Rather than exploiting every opportunity to agree among the lebanese, the procès d'intention that each side is doing so blindly is setting the lebanese apart.
This explains the cold war occurring in Lebanon and you are, on this forum, an example of those perpetuating this cold war.
For decades the Syrian regime sent radicals in the form of Salafis and Hezb to destabilize Lebanon, weaken it and keep it under its hegemony. Now the table is turned and we see exodus of such radical elements fighting in Syria, this is good news for Lebanon. Our country was always one of moderation and enlightenment and getting rid of some extremists on both sides should help restore some of what we were.
I really hope all the extremist move to syria from lebanon and kill themselves including their leaders and clerics starting with this bozo followed but nasrallah and asir. I say good riddance and let us live in peace
No need for dehumanisation....This is not what we need today, and will not solve problems.
I am afraid that genocide scale activities are ongoing from all sides. We need to stop that mess by all means. (A shi'i who has been in Syria in a humanitarian context)
So FT you know your enemy right?
What is an "enemy" ?
a regime that occupied lebanon for 25 years,butchered thousands of lebanese,stole our money, assassinated our politicians,bombed our country,and you still call this same regime an ally !!!!
You need help Bro !!!
lol! syria is not my enemy.. funny how FPMers change their point of views in less than a decade... before your aoun called for the ousting of the assad family now he is your friend! LOL.... you really need a shrink to treat your schizophrenia little microbe!
Btw Ft ,stop changing screen ,we all know you are the Roar,Josh etc etc.
you will still get paid the same
Josh bustany, are you not aware that a lot of modern day science is based onthe works of muslim sunnis?