دمشق تعلن استعدادها للتحقيق مع تركيا بتفجيري الريحانية وأردوغان يرفض

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اعربت دمشق الثلاثاء عن استعدادها للقيام بتحقيق مشترك مع انقرة حول تفجيري مدينة الريحانية في جنوب تركيا اللذين اسفرا عن مقتل 50 شخصا، بحسب ما نقل التلفزيون الرسمي عن وزير سوري.

وقال وزير الاعلام عمران الزعبي "ان حكومة (رجب طيب) اردوغان تستثمر تفجيرات تركيا سياسيا، واذا ما طلبت ان يكون هناك تحقيق مشترك وشفاف من خلال الاجهزة المختصة بين الدولتين فلا مانع من ذلك للوصول الى الحقيقة التي يجب ان تعلن وتوضع بين يدي الشعبين السوري والتركي".

من جهته صرح اردوغان للصحافيين قبل مغادرته البلاد للقاء الرئيس الاميركي باراك اوباما في واشنطن ان "النظام الحاكم في دمشق غير شرعي .. كيف يمكننا ان نعترف بادارة لا يعترف بها حتى مواطنيها".

وذكرت وكالة الانباء الرسمية (سانا) ان الحكومة السورية دانت فى بيان صدر عنها اليوم "التفجيرات الارهابية التي طالت المدنيين في منطقة الريحانية بتركيا".

واعتبرت ان "مثل هذه الجرائم البشعة هي نتيجة مباشرة لانتشار ظاهرة الارهاب في المنطقة وتستهدف الاساءة المباشرة للعلاقات بين الشعبين السوري والتركي".

واسفر انفجار سيارتين مفخختين السبت في مدينة الريحانية قرب الحدود مع سوريا، عن مقتل خمسين شخصا.

وحملت انقرة التي قطعت علاقاتها مع سوريا مسؤولية التفجيرين الى مجموعة ماركسية تركية تعمل لحساب النظام السوري. ونفت دمشق اي علاقة لها بهذين التفجيرين.

التعليقات 12
Thumb mckinl 15:05 ,2013 أيار 14

Car bombings are the calling card of Qaeda ... Erdogan may already be pulling the plug on the FSA and Qaeda resupply ... The Americans found out the hard way in Benghazi what it is to cross Qaeda.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:08 ,2013 أيار 14

Car bombings and terrorists attacks were perfected by the mukhabarat and hizbocrap...not sure if you were around in Lebanon when they were committing them there...

Missing abraham 15:15 ,2013 أيار 14

Mohammad, I was around those times, but the problem is that those days are gone, now more organized and deadly rogue people and groups bring more harm than those days, no one knows who is who.
a.k Boston marathon

Thumb mckinl 15:26 ,2013 أيار 14

True but ...

But look at who the local people are blaming (Qaeda) despite Erdogan's pronouncements ... they know the situation on the ground better than anyone else ... They are calling for Erdogan's resignation ...

Missing mohammad_ca 15:49 ,2013 أيار 14

how are those days gone? what has changed in the ASSad baath regime to make them be gone? get real man.

Missing mohammad_ca 15:49 ,2013 أيار 14

all the more reason to blame the mukhabarat then.

Missing rami 15:57 ,2013 أيار 14

Atal el ateel wou meche be jnezto

Default-user-icon m1key (ضيف) 19:54 ,2013 أيار 14

I am curious as to how many of the people that believe the Syrian government was involved in this know that the town of Reyhanli are all Alawite Turks. As some have mentioned, the Turks in the town know it is the rebels who did this and are calling for Erdogan's resignation, I think they know more about the situation on the ground than any of us. It is highly likely that a Syrian rebel group did this and Erdogan is trying to save face by blaming it on the Mukhabarat. If it was proven that Syrian rebels did this then Erdogan would be complicit in the murder of his own people and this is why he is trying to save face.

Missing ya_kord 22:09 ,2013 أيار 14

so Syria asks to join the investigation after it blamed the Turkish government for the explosion. also for the march 8 ppl why would the rebels do that if turkey is arming and supplying them.

Missing komodo 23:22 ,2013 أيار 14

Ottoman Turks and present day Turks. Same people, different packaging. Don't be fooled. A couple of years ago or so, these sorry excuse of civilization pretended, or gave the illusion, they supported and were with the rest of the M.E. against Zionist/Israeli agenda, and now, luckily for us, they are showing their true colors. This is for every Arab/Muslim to see, to ponder and come to the correct conclusion re. the Turks.

Thumb scorpyonn 06:59 ,2013 أيار 15

They are better than the scum that we have in Syria and the Lebanese lapdogs that pay homage to Assad and those bastards in Tehran.

Missing mohammad_ca 13:25 ,2013 أيار 15

when was the last time an ASSad investigation came up with anything substantial. Turkish investigators have already arrested ASSadites as a result of this bombing.