تعرَض امرأة مسنة في جبيل للضرب والحرق على يد خادمتها
Read this story in English"تعرضت امرأة مسنة في جبيل للضرب والحرق على يد خادمتها الأثيوبية"، بحسب ما أفادت معلومات صحافية.
وفي التفاصيل،أشارت الوكالة الوطنية للإعلام الى ان "مخفر جبيل في قوى الامن الداخلي أوقف صباح الخميس الخادمة الاثيوبية دينكاناش.ب البالغة من العمر 24 عاماً، وذلك بجرم التسبب بأذى مخدومتها سامية.خ، من مواليد 1938، في منزلها في محلة مستيتا جبيل".
واضافت الوكالة أن "الخادمة أقدمت على ضرب مخدومتها على رأسها بواسطة تمثال برونزي، على أثرها على الارض مغميا عليها، قامت الخادمة برش مياه ساخنة على وجه سامية وصدرها ما تسبب لها بحروق من الدرجة الاولى حسب تقرير الطبيب الشرعي".
وقد نقلت سامية الى مستشفى سيدة المعونات الجامعي في جبيل، وأحيلت الخادمة بعد التحقيقات على النيابة العامة التمييزية.
She probably flipped from all the abuse. I don't blame her. Lebanon still think they're slaves.
I agree about the shameful systemic abuse of maids here. In this case though, we just don't know the facts.
Thats why we need a modern country with civic laws... coz u cant judge on nothing in this country, everybody is innocent and theres no decent courts in a decent and trusted system, so it ends up usually the 'Strong aka az3ar' wins over the 'Weak aka edameh' everyday in Lebanon.
i couldn't agree more guys.the thing is since the so called foundation of the Lebanon state in 1920 ,it has always been dressed as a state while practically it has been and still is anything but.
Why the Lebanese employers abuse, haras ,bady and inhumanely treated their employees. am 100% sure is that Dinkinash B is not driven to allack this old lady unless she is bady treated or inhumanely abused. so this is a clear message to most of the Lebanese employers those who are worked at your homes are human being only economical matter make that these beloved our sisters are ur servant. Pls the Lebanese don't blacken your country image and pictures. I want also to say during the due prcess of law you should respect all of her right don't abuse her
We still have in lebanon a chocolate cake named RAS EL ABED..... whath the f.....racism
the majority of foreign maids are decent good intentioned people that chose to come to lebanon to work and to escape the harsh social conditions in their countries. most lebanese employers are decent people that treat their maids fairly at least better than they are treated in their own countries. but then you have exceptions on both sides, i have heard of employers mistreating their maids and i have heard of maids eventhough in fewer cases mistreating and robbing their elderly employers. so we should not generalize and issue hasty judgements before we know all the facts.