اسرائيل تحذر سوريا من مواصلة ارسال اسلحة الى حزب الله
Read this story in Englishذكرت صحيفة نيويورك تايمز الخميس ان اسرائيل حذرت سوريا من مواصلة ارسال شحنات اسلحة متطورة الى حزب الله، في تلميح الى انها تنوي شن غارات جوية جديدة لمنع نقل هذه الاسلحة.
وقال مسؤول اسرائيلي للصحيفة طالبا عدم كشف هويته ان "اسرائيل مصممة على مواصلة جهودها لمنع ارسال اسلحة متطورة اضافية الى حزب الله. نقل مثل هذه الاسلحة الى حزب الله سيزعزع استقرار المنطقة برمتها ويعرضها للخطر".
وتابع المسؤول الذي اتصل بالصحيفة الاربعاء "اذا رد الرئيس السوري بمهاجمة اسرائيل او محاولة ان يطال اسرائيل عن طريق ارهابيين (...) فان اسرائيل سترد".
وشنت اسرائيل غارتين جويتين مطلع الشهر الجاري على سوريا وقالت انها ارادت بذلك منع نقل اسلحة الى حزب الله.
waleed, min temmak la beb el sama... but what's different now is that Hezb doesn't have the same lines to restock their weapons... this is a big game changer this time around, and i would rather we not find out what the outcome is...
Not the last 10 years, but 60 years. Occupiers and oppressors will always be resisted! Whether it will take another 20 years or 200 years, history teaches us that they will either be destroyed or if sanity prevails, Israel will stop being a racist, fascist country and through international and secular non Zionist, Jewish pressure, they will relent and search for true inclusive peace on the same scale as south Africa's transition from Apartied.
As for Syria transferring weapons to hezballah, nothing has changed and every weapon is needed by the Syria government... So why would they transfer them? This threat is just another in their long history of threats to attack Lebanon and side with the fsa. If Russia does choose to provide Syria with s-300 missiles than it will be nothing more than empty threats!
Aren't you a settler in Australia? Living at the expense of the aborigines... Hej ti7kè ba2a.
good point benzona, knowing what australians did to the aborigenes , nothing to envy israel for!
good point benzona, knowing what australians did to the aborigenes , nothing to envy israel for!
Isn't that the joke? Someone questioned God why he chose to bless the people ofLebanon with such a beautiful and wonderfull country? And God replied, wait to you see the neighbours I've given them.
Phoenix sorry but enough with all this BS about Israel. Get over it...you and every other Arab. Yes I totally agree with everyone that the way Israel came about was WRONG and despicable but the fact remains is that IT OS WHAT IT IS and move on. Living in the past will not help you to move forward. And this is the exact problems w/ regressed Arabs...they live in the past while the world moves forward and prospers laughing at them. The problem no doubt is with the crooked leaders which is not abnormal with most all countries....USA/UK/EU/Israel/Lebanon/etc. At this point of time, Israel has NOT been a threat to Lebanon! The latter.....Syria and HA have been!