واشنطن: تسليم موسكو صواريخ للنظام السوري يشجعه على مواصلة الحرب ويؤجج النزاع
Read this story in Englishاعتبر رئيس هيئة الاركان المشتركة في الجيش الاميركي الجنرال مارتن ديمبسي الجمعة ان تسليم روسيا صواريخ الى النظام السوري من شأنه أن "يشجعه" على مواصلة الحرب كما يؤدي الى تأجيج النزاع المستمر منذ اكثر من عامين.
وقال ديمبسي خلال مؤتمر صحافي ردا على سؤال بشأن امكان تسليم موسكو شحنة صواريخ ارض - جو الى النظام السوري، "في الحد الادنى هذا قرار مؤسف سيؤدي الى تشجيع النظام واطالة المعاناة. هذا امر غير مناسب ومؤسف للغاية".
Oh yeah? I guess unlike the US shipments of the deadliest weapons and ammunition to the most criminal people on the face of this earth, the Israeli rapists?
Talk for yourself my dear. We want peace with Israel... After 60+ years this is it, the israelis are here for good whether you like it or not. Perhaps the time has come to invest in the future, not in weapons that's ruin everyone's life.... Well, at least the locals, not the expats.
Germany is helping Syrian rebels by providing them with information gathered by a German navy vessel off the coast of Syria,the boat has spying equipment from the German intelligence service on board, enabling it to observe Syrian troop movements up to 600 km inland.
Well said bigjohn,please don't waste your time with the likes of that Jew loving benzona & co.
Right... and the American/NATO intervention in Syria would embolden whom? Syrian conflict is their own doing, but hypocrisy and double standards are typical here.
Ben zina, your the one who should talk for yourself. Who the hell are we?? Because majority of arabs want israel to die and rightefully so. Israel is not here to stay, not according to religion and not according to demographics.