مسؤول إسرائيلي: صواريخ "إس 300" الروسية المتطورة قد تصل إلى حزب الله
Read this story in Englishقد تصل صواريخ "اس 300" الروسية التي ستسلمها السلطات الروسية إلى دمشق ليد حزب الله بحسب ما قال مسؤول اسرائيلي.
ونقالت صحيفة "جيروزاليم بوست" عن رئيس الهيئة السياسية - الأمنية بوزارة الدفاع الإسرائيلية عاموس جلعاد قوله للقناة الثانية الإسرائيلية أن هكذا تبادل للصوايخ يشكل "تهديدا لإسرائيل والولايات المتحدة الأميركية ودول الخليج".
أضاف "هذه الصواريخ خطيرة" وسأل "إذا دعم حزب الله وإيران سوريا فما سبب دمشق لعدم إرسال هذه الصوايخ إلى الحزب؟".
وأعرب المسؤول الإسرائيلي عن اعتقاده انه بفعل تسليم حزب الله صواريخ سكود من النظام السوري، فلا مانع من تسليمه أيضا الصواريخ الروسية.
وكان قد أكد القادة الروس، الجمعة الماضي عزمهم تسليم صواريخ إس-300 إلى سوريا وهي متطورة قادرة على اعتراض طائرات أو صواريخ موجهة في الجو وهي شبيهة بصواريخ باتريوت الأميركية.
وأكد وزير الخارجية الروسي سيرغي لافروف أن موسكو في المراحل الأخيرة لتسليم صواريخ دفاع جوي لسوريا.
وكان وزير الخارجية الأميركي حذر سابقا من تزويد سوريا بهذه الصواريخ، معتبراً أن ذلك يشكل "عاملاً محتملاً لزعزعة استقرار" المنطقة وذلك بعد محادثاته مع لافروف حول سوريا.
Hopeless cases like Geha here have no inkling of self-respect. Unfortunately this desease runs rampant with most M14 sympathizers. "Here, Lebanon, here's high tech weaponry that can be used to fend off those pesky ISraeli jets." Geha and his likes: "No no no, please no. Keep us weak and enslaved to foreign debt and interests, we can't manage ourselves as free men. We're not even real men!"
if i get the meaning of your post it means:
"Keep us weak": israel keeps us weak?
"and enslaved to foreign debt and interests" : israel keeps us enslaved?,
"we can't manage ourselves as free men" : israel has enslaved us?
enlighten us with your logic please....
Lebanese and Christian :) rest assured.
why do you expect all Lebanese to feel and think like you, the fpmer Shiite? we are not sold out to iran like you and do not wish for hizbushaitan to keep destroying our country.
So I guess REAL lebanese men depend on syria to protect them from the israeli aggression that only exists because of hezbollah's own aggression and provocation?
War is not a solution. Nobody will win it.
Better to keep it off the agenda, and focus on the economy, jobs, education, culture, arts, tourism, manufacturing, technology, real estate, etc... Can we do that? That is within our control.
No to politics. No to war. The rest will take care of itself. A strong Lebanon without corrupt or crazy politicians will go a long ways.
this menage a trois between assad hezballa and israel is very puzzling!!!
assad and hezballa's common stated ennemy = israel
israel declares that assad regime is better for israel than the rebels.
hezballa declares it wants to fight israel in the golan but on the ground it does nothing while totally forgetting its "resistance" in south lebanon!!!???
for years now, israel knew of missiles and iranian weapons transferred to hezballa in lebanon to fight israel and the routes taken to smuggle these weapons but does practically nothing to stop it!!!???
assad declares after each israeli attack on syrian targets he will respond on time but does nothing on or off time!!!???
this is an invitation to regional war. Once syria sends these weapons to hezbollah, israel will bomb them..and syria will have to retaliate this time, thus igniting the middle east.
Israel should destroy every missile. They could be used against airliners in Lebanon or abroad.
Prime, the reality is that nobody knows if Israel was planning to leave the south of Lebanon at the end of the civil war. The region gave them a strategic advantage in annexing Syria and mobilizing long columns to push across Lebanon. Hizbullah's presence today presents different circumstances that do affect the country's internal stability and future development, but we must be careful in wishing complete military dismantlement. Grantees need to be issued and partnerships struck to ensure a reasonable substitution for what may need to be a sufficient deterrent to Israeli interests.
Well said, but it would not quell Israel's fears. Most militarily sophisticated country doesn't translate into the most calm and reserved. They will conduct operations or make demands on this premise. Everybody knows Hizbullah doesn't have the installations to secure, contain and shelve biological weapons...but the Israelis insist that hizbullah does.