دبلوماسيون: الاتحاد الاوروبي يعتزم ادراج الجناح المسلح لحزب الله على قائمة الارهاب
Read this story in Englishيعتزم الاتحاد الاوروبي درس طلب بريطاني لادراج الجناح المسلح لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية، وفق ما افادت مصادر دبلوماسية اوروبية عدة الثلاثاء.
واوضح دبلوماسيون لوكالة فرانس برس طالبين عدم كشف اسمائهم ان بريطانيا تقدمت بطلب في هذا الاتجاه الى شركائها الاوربيين على ان تنطلق المحادثات بشأن هذه المسألة "مطلع حزيران".
وقال احد الدبلوماسيين "نأمل التوصل الى اتفاق لادراج الجناح المسلح لحزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية بحلول نهاية حزيران".
ويتطلب ادراج حزب الله على قائمة المنظمات الارهابية في الاتحاد الاوروبي اجماع الدول ال27 الاعضاء في الاتحاد.
وتطالب الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل منذ زمن طويل الاوروبيين بالقيام بهذه الخطوة.
الا ان عددا من الدول الاوروبية لا تزال تتردد في اتخاذ قرار في هذا الاتجاه تخوفا من تأثيرات محتملة لذلك على الاستقرار الهش في لبنان حيث يلعب حزب الله دورا سياسيا محوريا، ومن تداعيات لهذا القرار على قوات الامم المتحدة الموقتة (يونيفيل) التي تعد في قوامها جنودا من جنسيات اوروبيبة متعددة بينهم 900 جندي فرنسي.
The EU should put itself on the terrorist list ... They are now doing business with terrorists stealing Syrian oil. The money isn't going to the FSA but to Qaeda operatives in the East.
That Qaeda is getting rich off Syrian oil?
Look North to Syria St. in Tripoli to get your reward ...
Hizbushaitan are the new hassasin!
should you not know what this means, please look it up on Wikipedia.
they are the modern form of that old shia group, whose role was to get stunned and perform murders and assassinations.
Lebanon is suffering now what Israel began to suffer a few years ago. Being noticed for doing what it always does. Both states practice forms of racism. It's against the law to be non-Jewish in Israel or Shia in Lebanon. The daily turn of the worm in Syria is bringing pressure on Lebanon to explain why Hezbullah is, on the one hand, the only functioning state apparatus in Lebanon, but, on the other, is treated by the Lebanese government and its foreign puppet-masters as a "satan". Who is the "enemy" of Lebanon? Can its own people be its enemy? The enemy of Lebanon, as it is for Israel, is reality. So the people have nothing to worry about. Reality always wins.
Shiites are uneducated because when they left Najaf and arrived in lebanon they invested themselves in agriculture, not in education. The only way for them to overcome this obstacle because of their own mistakes is by educating themselves, not by blaming others for their perception of that community which is a reflection of reality.
Bleaze Bleaze dandoun come back to me!...... Oh wait, just woke up...I was dreaming...... Wow what a headline - now I can open a bottle of "I don't care" ...
Hey FT what's up, ur my favourite M8 person cos I can pick on ur comments sometimes then just say random stuff other times
There is nothing in any of the comments on Naharnet that stops you blaming the Jews for everything. You are absolutely a disgusting person, and that is using the term person very loosely. You should be ashamed of yourself.
He's sick Philippo, he cannot think for himself. He just repeats what he heard from other retarded and uneducated people.
It's about time and they put the whole Hizbala on a terrorist group list and all their Lebanese cronies like aoun and berri...
Ouch! This should definitely hurt... well... umm... duh... tourism? How pathetic and bankrupt these Westerners have become.
Hizbairy committed political suicide this time ....they should have listened (for once) to their lebanese countrymen instead of taking orders from the black turbaned terrorist in tehran.
Israel's behavior does not excuse Hezbollah's stance and behavior.
If I accuse you of something, your defence cannot be that others are doing the same thing !
All Hezbollah soldiers who were killed in Syria deserved what happened to them. Anyone playing with fire should get burned ! They have no business there and nothing can justify their involvement in this war !
Hezbollah is a terrorist organisation and the first victims are the lebanese people!
According to its own statements, Hizballah does not have the right to exist nowadays.
They claim that they were established to get Israel off every single centimeter of Lebanese territory. The UN established that this was the
case already a few years ago.
Now the Hizballah is looking for other targets to get their dirty hands into. Firstly Syria, and then unfortunately, my dear Lebanese friends, it will be your turn, as your army seems to not care what goes on the
the Hizballah-occupied Lebanese territory.
the EU must bend over and thank Hizbullah for killing all those ÉU' mercenaries
fighting in Syria!! No ione in europe wants them back!
What a bunch of bs. Good luck trying to differentiate between the military wing and the so called "good" wing. Just like the IRS.
what are you talking about ? The president is black, and has been black for 5 years, as far as he knows ...
bigjohn, I believe the way the white man treated people of color and how people of color might treat the white man in 2043 is much much kinder than the way the Arab masses are treating each other. As the world moves forward we are heading back to the stone age.