مسؤول اميركي: ايرانيون يقاتلون الى جانب حزب الله في القصير
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اعلن مسؤول كبير في الخارجية الاميركية مساء الثلاثاء ان ايرانيين يقاتلون الى جانب حزب الله الذي يدعم قوات النظام السوري في مدينة القصير الاستراتيجية في وسط سوريا.
وقال هذا المسؤول رافضا كشف هويته لصحافيين يرافقون وزير الخارجية الاميركي جون كيري في مسقط ان "مشاركة حزب الله في المعارك في سوريا هي المشاركة المباشرة الاكثر بروزا، وقد علمنا بان هناك ايضا ايرانيين في هذه المنطقة".
واكد المسؤول انه حصل على هذه المعلومات من قادة الجيش السوري الحر من دون ان يتمكن من تقدير عدد مقاتلي حزب الله او الايرانيين الذين يشاركون في القتال، ولم يحدد ايضا طبيعة الدور الذي يؤديه الايرانيون.
واضاف "لا اعلم ما اذا كانوا (الايرانيون) ضالعين مباشرة في المعارك"، منددا ب"التدخل المباشر لاجانب الى جانب النظام داخل الاراضي السورية".
وتابع المسؤول الاميركي ان مقاتلي حزب الله "يشاركون مباشرة في قتال الشوارع" وذلك نقلا عن قادة في المعارضة السورية.
واعتبر المسؤول في مؤتمر صحافي عبر الهاتف ان "دور ايران وحزب الله ازداد في شكل ملحوظ في الشهرين الاخيرين".
وقال المسؤول ايضا ان "العالم يشاهد (...) وسنعلم ما اذا كانوا يرتكبون مجازر وسنحاسبهم".

OK So now the Persians are helping the Syrians fight for their land against Chechyen and other assorted foreigners. Seems fair to me!

Si, but they never managed to keep them for a long time unlike Greeks, Egyptians, or Romans.

impossible! assad said he didn t need the help of hezbis or iranians... i guess they are there for a pilgrimage then....

The team at work in Syria, IS the team which assassinated Hariri and most other politicians in Lebanon ! The threads are only too clear today !

He is running low on alawite fighters and needs them to destroy damascus before he leaves it to the coast. This war is gona be long and bloody, took the afghanis 12 years and 1 million victim to topple the communist regime which was supported by the soviet empire

If those terrorists are surrounded, where they get their ammunition and food from? Are those beards going to rule Syria?

Those are not Arab lands, the Arabs occupied our lands and imposed their language and religion on us., Scotland, Wales Ireland are breaking up from England and imposing their own original language and culture, Scotland is on the way after over 1000 years. This is what we should do in Lebanon and Syria. The problem with the Arabs is they don't learn from history. It is never late to revert to our origins

John marina, first of all, you are not lebanese, secondly of all, most arab christians in the levant hail from the yemenis who are arabs. Thirdly we speak arabic and have done that for 1300 years. If you want to return to ancient cultures then which should one choose? Greek? Canaanite? Roman? Egyptian? Assyrian? Or how about returning to beeing african as our ancestors? Your selfhate is pathetic. Just be proud of what you are. We are more arab than we are non-arab and if the entire world would think like you then everyone would be changing their language and identity based on who occupied their country 1000, 2000, 3000 years ago. Grow up, arent you an old man supposed to be smart?

Are they butchering people and eating their hearts raw? Are they raping women? Are they killing priests? Are they kidnapping bishops? Are they targeting people from other sects and religions and torturing them? Ah, OK.

I like it when military big wigs like yorgo want others to fight yorgo-style while they 3am yergho on Naharnet and other bloody battlefileds! Aren't Lebanese the most brilliant human beings and tacticians? I can recall one great strategist and tectician, Dr. Arreet 7akeh who is known to say: amn al moujtama3 al massi7i tole3 art 7akeh bi art 7akeh while he trampolined into the arms of the Syrians at the height of their occupation. Now this is what I call a superb strategy and a ruse ploy. You go, 7ak...awati.

"His information was based on reports from commanders of the rebel Free Syrian Army".

I've been vocal re. this, and this will be the future if Iran sustains its military power and influence in our region. Iran will have the following dogs: second one called Lebanon and Syria being the first. Will not succeed in Iraq. Once Iran positions itself to reap the benefits is has been seeking, there will be no more feeding time for its dogs and discard them like toilette tissue. Or you chose to be an ally of the West where there will be an opportunity to offer you more if you know how to put yourself in the receiving side.

Who cares. Chechyns, Saudis, Yemenis, Kuwaitis, qataris, Turks, Somalis, etc, etc, etc have joined in for the rebels. Let them kill Each other.

"I don't know that they are directly involved in the fighting, but I don't think the people that I'm talking to know that themselves," the official told reporters travelling with U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry.
Can it be more clearer than that?

mainly all arabian countries must turn into a democracy but slowly (phases)..the best is to start from school, this sudden change from one regime to another is very dramatic. most people wants freedom, but some extremists are taking adv. to take power as in egypt..i think arabian regimes to turn into democracy must start through learning..