صبرا يدعو الدولة اللبنانية الى احترام سيادة الدولة السورية وحرمة حدودها
Read this story in Englishتوجه رئيس الائتلاف السوري جورج صبرا الى اللبنانيين قائلا ان "النظام السوري وحزب الله ونظام الملالي في إيران يكذبون حين يقولون أنهم يدافعون عن إخوتنا الشيعة السوريين، وأن مقام السيدة زينب معرض للخطر، فهذا المقام موجود في سورية منذ أكثر من 1300 عام يرعاه السوريون، كل السوريين، بحدقات عيونهم".
واضاف "النظام والحزب وإيران يبيعونكم الوهم حين يقولون إن سقوط القصير يعني نهاية الثورة السورية.. فالثورة السورية لن تنتهي إلا بإسقاط نظام القهر والإستبداد وتحقيق السوريين لحريتهم كاملة".
واكد ان "إيران وأتباعها واستطالاتها الأمنية والسياسية" لن يستطيعوا "قتل الربيع العربي ومنع امتداده الى المحيط الأوسع".
ودعا الدولة اللبنانية الى "ان تعمل على احترام سيادة الدولة السورية وحرمة حدودها حتى يستمر السوريون باحترام سيادة لبنان وحرمة أراضيه".
ولا تملك الدولة اللبنانية اي قدرة على فرض قرارها على حزب الله. وتوجد في لبنان اليوم حكومة مستقيلة تصرف الاعمال، فيما لم يتمكن رئيس الحكومة المكلف المتحالف مع "قوى 14 آذار" المناهضة لحزب الله من تشكيل حكومة جديدة بعد شهرين من تعيينه بسبب الانقسام الحاد بين القوى السياسية اللبنانية على خلفية الوضع السوري.
ويملك حزب الله ترسانة ضخمة من السلاح. واعلن الامين العام للحزب حسن نصرالله اخيرا ان "اصدقاء" النظام السوري لن يسمحوا بسقوطه، واقر بمشاركة قواته في القتال الى جانب النظام في القصير ومقام السيدة زينب قرب دمشق.
وتستمر المعارك داخل مدينة القصير التي دخلت قوات النظام السوري الى اجزاء منها منذ الاحد الماضي.
وافيد عن مقتل اكثر من مئة شخص في المعارك في غضون ثلاثة ايام، معظمهم من المقاتلين من الجانبين.
ويقول المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان ان عدد المدنيين الموجودين في المدينة يقارب ال25 الفا.
Yes Oqab can supply the percussion blankets and the 50 caliber milk. Well at least he used to ... seems now he is cuddled in his blanket and his milk has curdled ...
Too late ... Hezbollah, Iranian and Syrian fighters have already surrounded Qusayr. The only question now is if they allow a corridor for a rebel retreat or do they kill every last man and take casualties.
Russia has already closed the door to a quick naval resupply with their anti ship missiles and made the skies deadly for Israeli air support. It is only a matter of time ...
Tell it to the Russian Pacific Fleet anchored in Cypress or the batteries of sa 300 rockets now deployed in Syria.
Again - fantasy land. The Russian fleet is a third rate force. As of the the syrian anti-air defenses, we saw how effective they were only few days ago.
@ rafehh
A few days ago there were no sa 300s in Syria ... As far as the Russian fleet there are subs that always tag along ... And the missiles both carry do the job very effectively ...
you should preach your crap to your M8 sheep ..here we just think you are another brainwashed idiot.
Nouvelles du Front de Qussayr:
"Dératisation complète en cours. L'Armée Syrienne appuyée par quelques combattants stagiaires du Hezbollah dératisent de fond en comble la ville de Qussayr. Elle sera complètement nettoyée dans les jours qui viennent et les habitants pourront de nouveau vaquer à leurs occupations. Plus de têtes et de mains coupées, plus de viols, plus de tribunaux salafistes..Les rats sont en train de se faire zigouiller par les stagiaires du Hezbollah...Les églises pourront réouvrir..." Al Nosra, finito...
ya sabra what's happening in qusair is the same in tripoli,the same in egypt,the same in iraq....the demarcation of religious ministates is being formed....
FT - whose thugs? The regime and its supporters are the one responsible for the overwhelming majority of the sectarian massacres. As for al-nusra and other jihadists (some committed crimes but to my knowledge no massacres as of yet), they are not in anyway under the influence of sabra or the syrian opposition. Please be honest with yourself.
Some idiots indeed said this after the massacres by the regime. HOWEVER this was a tiny group. The call for the syriam demonstrators which was met with deadly force by the regime "God, Syria and Freedom" and "syria wants freedom" and "syrians are one." So choose to lie to yourself and others to support the slaughter of the syrian people and to support the thuggish leadership of the Hizb. The Qusayr may fall and the revolt may fail but you are on the side of monsters.
I hope they do but m14 does not dare since we all know what will happen the next day: democracy a-la-Hizb style in the streets of Beirut.
You're confusing Lebanon for a country that can control its fake resistance movement, they do whatever they want including killing Lebanese politicians.
Let's face it. If the FSA's news about the scores of Hizbullah elite fighters betting killed is true, why should Abou Jreij ask the mighty Arabs and the mightier Lebanon to stop the influx? Shouldn't he encourage that this influx increases so that the mighty FSA from all corners of the globe and who speak in a million tongue can finish off the remaining Hizbullah fighters? Something is illogical here in Abou Jreij's calculations unless his humanitarian side is revealing itself.
What do you think the lebanese government can do? HA's scum is holding the whole country hostage.
And why shouldnt it be allowed to fight in syria? arent your scum takfiri milicias fighting in syria?
HA die fighting with dignity, while the FSA eat organs of the dead ! Are these the cannibals all you M14s supporters want to see in power ? Tfeh alaykoun , from KSA down to every single one of M14 supporters you are as bad as these animals , you are all Vultures' just like these so called rebels !!!!
M8ers of this site used to defend hezbis by saying they are ONLY defending shia lebanese villages in syria so they are legit... now it is clear it is no more about defending those villages but to back the syria army without the consent of the lebanese state dragging lebanon into the conflict after having agreed on the baabda declaration... as we have said long ago but M8ers used to insult us in saying so....
we are witnessing how HYPOCRIT M8ers are and how desperate they are in defending bashar even if it means bringing war into lebanon to achieve their goal... and they call themselves "patriots"? LOL...
oh! i am waiting for the childish "milk and blanket" thing! but it is in NO WAY comparable... as M14 has not sent fighters to syria nor officially declared so like the hezbis did! and M14 would be sooooo rich and wealthy to support a war? LOL.....
i advise you then to watch videos of the massacres the army and shabbiha of bashar do...then you may come back with a more objective comment :)