جعجع يرفض "تعويم الستين" بالدعوة إلى جلسة حكومية: سيترك فوضى كبيرة

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رفض رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع تعويم قانون الستين عبر الدعوة إلى جلسة لمجلس الوزراء داعيا رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري إلى عقد جلسة للهيئة العامة لمجلس النواب والتصويت على قانون انتخابي جديد.

وقال جعجع في بيان صدر عن مكتبه الإعلامي الجمعة "أن عقد جلسة لمجلس الوزراء لتشكيل هيئة الاشراف على الانتخابات واتخاذ التدابير اللازمة لاجراء هذه الانتخابات على أساس قانون الستين هو عمل غير ميثاقي وبالتالي غير شرعي حتى ولو كان قانونياً".

وكان قد أجرى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري الجمعة اتصالا هاتفيا برئيس الحكومة المستقيل نجيب ميقاتي وتداول معه في ضرورة انعقاد جلسة لمجلس الوزراء منعا لأي التباس في عدم اجراء الانتخابات النيابية وتحمل مسؤولية أي فراغ قد يفسر. وأفاد المكتب الاعلامي لبري ان موقف الرئيس ميقاتي كان ايجابيا.

وشرح جعجع أن "أكثرية المكونات اللبنانية كانت قد عبّرت عن رفضها إجراء هذا الاستحقاق الانتخابي على أساس قانون الستين".

ورأى أنه "بدل اجتماع مجلس الوزراء وتعويم قانون الستين على مجلس النواب الانعقاد فوراً والتصويت على قانون انتخابي جديد ومن ثم الذهاب الى الاستحقاق، باعتبار أن إجراء الانتخابات وفق قانون الستين يضرب ميثاق العيش المشترك ويترك البلاد في فوضى أكبر من الفوضى التي تتخبط فيها في الوقت الحاضر".

وأشار جعجع الى "أن تقديم بعض المصالح الخاصة على ما كان قد اتُفق عليه طوال الأشهر الماضية خصوصاً في اجتماعات بكركي من عدم العودة البتة الى قانون الستين والعمل للوصول الى قانون جديد، هو أمر مرفوض قطعاً".

عليه تمنى جعجع على بري "الدعوة لانعقاد الهيئة العامة للمجلس النيابي والتصويت على قانون انتخابي جديد ومن ثم الذهاب للانتخابات".

وختم رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" قائلا "ان كل من يشارك في تحضير الانتخابات على أساس قانون الستين يُساهم في تكريس هذا القانون وقطع الطريق على أي قانون جديد يؤمن تمثيلاً حقيقياً لجميع المكونات اللبنانية".

التعليقات 10
Thumb mckinl 19:33 ,2013 أيار 24

Well this is what Geagea gets for boycotting Parliament for months on end. Now he is crying because the 1960 Election Law is not fair to Sami.

How long ago was it that M14 was demanding the elections be held on time? And now of course they want a postponement. So much for their upholding of the Constitution.

Now He, Jumblatt and FM come up with a law without consultations with the other parties and he expects to get a vote when the Orthodox Law didn't.

Geagea is nothing if not consistent ... consistently conniving on how to help Geagea and then complaining about how his schemes have fallen apart because of his treachery.

Missing abraham 19:41 ,2013 أيار 24

Hakim, where were you when the last election was done with the same law,
how come you didn't say anything then
what has changed now
you fraud

Thumb benzona 19:41 ,2013 أيار 24

Politics can be disgusting..... And now is the case more than ever. Only the populace is suffering.... Not the billionaires whom are fighting for a juicy mandate that'll grant them $19k/monthly for the MPs and even more for the ministerial portfolios. Privileges that Hellen and Roman gods wouldn't have dared to dream of. Yikis. Araf. Who cares about fair representation? I don't give a damn about it, I care that the country is managed properly and professionaly. This is all BS and the Christians back in 1960 and earlier understood this. Now that some of the Christians are sold to other regimes in order to stir chaos, they suddenly care about something that won't affect them in their daily lives. This applies to all sects, but the fuss in 2013 is about Christians .... And so on.

Thumb Lebanon4life 19:46 ,2013 أيار 24

All those politicans are useless !!!!!! I think the best solution for Lebanon would be dictator , somebody who shows no mercy and who strikes any tension with an iron fist and he has to be a secular person of course . And when stability is achieved we can think about democrazy in a viable political system without any of our old politicans.

Default-user-icon Dakar (ضيف) 21:45 ,2013 أيار 24

I can't believe that there are intelligent people who support M8 or M14. There are countless examples of politicians in both camps who flop back and forth based on personal gain. How many times have Aoun and Geagea done it? HB uses the "resistance" moniker to try to justify anything it does. It goes on and on. I don't blame the politicians because they're able to get away with it. I blame you people for allowing it to happen. What about a widespread boycott of the next election? Let the "winner" be decided with something like a 10% turnout in order to send a real message. Instead, each of you is starting to dust off your respective party flag so that you can wave it from the window of your car while you stick your head out like an idiot. This whole "my dad can beat up your dad" struggle needs to stop; you're all better than that (at least I hope you are).

Missing pitythenation 21:51 ,2013 أيار 24

The main reason why Lebanon's government is a major failure is due to the desire to hold on to politicians that took part in the Lebanese Civil War. Aoun, Geagea, Berri, Gemeyel...What are these people still doing 30 years after the civil war? Someone must ask for change.

Thumb benzona 23:12 ,2013 أيار 24


Missing pitythenation 21:52 ,2013 أيار 24

The main reason why Lebanon's government is a major failure is due to the desire to hold on to politicians that took part in the Lebanese Civil War. Aoun, Geagea, Berri, Gemeyel...What are these people still doing 30 years after the civil war? Someone must ask for change.

Default-user-icon Bitando Guerzon (ضيف) 23:11 ,2013 أيار 24

We all know that Dr. Arreet 7akeh is a man of his word. Right? There is no need to list proofs in this limited space. So when the doc says the 1960 law harms coexistence and leads to bigger chaos, we know for sure that he really, really, really... well... umm... duh... does not mean it and that he really, really, really... well... umm... duh... prefers this law and none other. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati m3a2ad.

Missing peace 17:19 ,2013 أيار 25

please littleman sweep in front of M8 doors concerning murderers and so on ... only geagea was a civil war mafia leader? tell us... no M8 murderers or ones that gave orders to kill currently in politics?
even if so, he is legally representing a political party... you have to make do with it. or, ask for all the warlords that participated in the civil warto be ban from politics....